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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. I highly doubt France will help them France recently abandoned far more lucrative deals in Africa, why would they entangled themselves with broke Ethiopia, that is falling apart This is nothing but poor spin from Ethiopian misinformation.
  2. To defeat this, HSM must forgot , unukaa Leh, friends n family, and focus who can help the nation . Abdi, unlike his traitor brother did well n is Somali asset
  3. Xaaji, Please, you are smart, this is nothing to do with using ports, they want their own territory, wake up!
  4. very interesting, I think Some of hardcore secessionist, this is their final destination, to join OROMIA Lafta Nagaa is for real
  5. Not sure about Biihi , or if he really understood what he signed, but Abby is dead.serious and is sending forces
  6. MMA, I am concerned about South West, how much they rely on Ethiopia muscle?
  7. UAE His Excellency Khalifa Shaheen Almarar Heads UAE Delegation to Extraordinary Meeting of Arab League Ministerial Council WWW.MOFA.GOV.AE His Excellency Khalifa Shaheen Almarar, Minister of State, headed the UAE delegation to the extraordinary meeting of the Arab League...
  8. I think he will hold elections, else all hell will break loose. possibly try to steal? yes The reasons the poor opposition are quiet , they are waiting to take over, and don't want to rock the boat too much
  9. agree, Isse and Awdal Clan are doing a lot of ground work, mobilising, recruiting, getting ready. I doubt toothless Biihi can attack very strong local army