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Posts posted by Khayr

  1. Salaamz,

    I know some of you experience this in your workplace, but don't these low life, live for Work and make their work their life, type folks have anything better to do then scope another employee out to see what time they came in or how long their lunch was.

    They never mention that you come in early or stay in late, but they sure do remember when you come in 10min. late.


    I have these people at my workplace whom I don't think I can compete with, when it comes to putting in time at work. They come in early to work and sometimes stay late. I wondered why? Are they better workers then me, Is this a negative reflection of me? My response that at the end of the day, these nonmuslims who LOVE THEIR CAREERS more than ANYTHING, have sacrificed everything for their Dunya and you just can't beat them at it. I don't have the type of lifestyle that permits me to come in early in the morning to work and leave late. I have a life outside of Work. What I know though, is that inshallah, I'll try my best to offer the best quality work while I am their for my req'd hours.

    So if some chump co-worker gets jealous and wants to say that I have being coming in late 5 or 10min., then that shows what they are.


    Gaalo are something else. They really are LOSERS!!! They don't have a life outside of their JOBS.

    Allahu Akbar!!!!!


    Do the nomads in here agree/disagree?

  2. Salaamz,

    What is considered MAKRUH (Disliked) is totaliy different then what is Haram.

    Anyhow, if inshallah the deen is Flexible and the Ulema never agreed on the details of every aspect of Fiqh, they differed greatly.

    So like I have said Many Times inshallah, you the choice of sticking to a particular Alim's ruling.

    And for those who might say 'That the Deen shouldn't be judged on some Alim's Word/Opinion'

    well why did the rasul (salallahu calihe waslima) say: Who ever respects the Ulama, has respect me'

    and in another hadith 'The Ulama are the Inheriters of the Prophets'.

    In anycase, I think that some of you would answer Very Differently, if you where Married!!!

  3. Salaamz,

    You know at the Heart of the Matter really and truly is not Oral Sex and whether its Halal/Haram for most of the people on this thread.

    It is about what they like or don't like and this is wheN personal Sentiments cloud your judgements.


    Did you know that Female Cirmcusion is part of the Sunnah?

    Did you think that it was Haram? Why-B/C it looks gruesome and 'barbaric'?

    Where your feeling towared 'female cirmcumsion' negative?


    Oh by the Way, 'Mobb Deep' if you are gonna name yourself in here after some Hip Hop group that Drinks, Engages in Drug Use and many other Haram Things, WHO ARE YOU TO SPEAK ABOUT HYPOCRISY!

    Maybe you'll understand this-WARYAA, DON'T GET IT TWISTED!!! I]

  4. Salaamz,

    The Usmaniya writing was only started in the 20th century to combat Arabic and the qadriyya tariqa.

    Before the 20th century, what alphabets did we use?

    I am trying to find about this information b/c I believe that it is important to know your history.


    Let me know, inshallah!

    Thanks for the response

  5. Salaamz,

    I'm curious, how long have somalians been using 'ENGLISH' letters for their writings.

    I would assume that this is a new phenomena due to Colonialism.

    Does anyone know?

    I know that before the Fall of the Ottomon Empire, Turkish people used to writing in arabic. But it was changed to Latin by Kamal At-Turk.


    This is very interesting and really is something to reflect on. How self defeatist a nation can become intrying to imitate its conquerers and modenity!!!

  6. Salaamz,

    Anyone know how to cook King Fish.


    I have the following ingredients/spices/xawaash:








    -Yellow Hot peppers


    (Do you use bread crumbs or Soya Sauce for the King Fish?)


    Need help cause I have never cooked it before.

    Do you mariante (with what?) and how long?


    Fi Amanallah

  7. Salaamz,

    Clearity on something very Important here!

    Pleassssse don't ever, ever, ever confuse the Deen and what is Halal/Haram with your own PERSONAL FEELINGS towards a subject/topic


    Many nomads do this and infact most people tend to judge Religion based on what they like and don't like.

    Allah says in the Quran when the order to fight came to the muslims, that You hate that which is good for you and Allah knows what is good for you. Sura Al-Baqra


    Subhanallah, what a statement! If Allah has said this in the Quran, then why should any one of us hate that which Allah has made permissable to us.


    Those of you who that Oral Sex is Haram, its b/c you yourself don't see it as something good. But there is good in doing something that ALLAH has made made permissable to you.


    If the deen is flexible and not rigid and Allah knows that his creations are different and not of the same level, then why should anyone of us trying to have a narrow view of the deen or what is reality.


    In anycase, you don't engage in Oral Sex with your spouse but I can guarantee this, that Sexual relations will get pretty dull btwn you and your spouse pretty soon and that it will effect your MARRIAGE! ;)

  8. Salaamz,

    'Oh you who believe perserve in Patience and help one another in such perserverance. Strengthen each other and fear God that you might prosper'

    Sura Al-Imran: v. 200


    Rasul (salallhu calihye waslim) said : 'And don't become Despondent' i.e. in seeking that which benefits your soul.


    Why is it that people who seek Truth, rightousness and Spirituality at times fall into despair or prolonged periods od despondance?


    It is b/c they lack the sufficient desire, for all those who seek and strive, shall find and shall be given guidance.


    The Will is driven by Desire and Desire is given direction by what is in the Mind.


    For as a person Senses , they shall Imagine , and as they Imagine , they shall form Opinions and as they form Opinions , they shall Think , and as they Think , they shall Desire , and as they Desire , they shall Do , and as they Act , they shall Become and they become, so to will be the quality of their life in this world and the next.


    When a Soul hits a snag in it's spiritual evolution towards Allah , it is usually b/c of conflict of interest in the Nafs. For the Heart, the Seat of the Emotions is unstable, subject to contradictory desire and so the Will becomes fragmented. i.e. Should I go and Watch the Matrix and go to the Halqaa next week.

    For the soul to make progress, what is in the Mind should be on par with what is in the Heart . Meaning you can't say I love ALLAH and pray your salat in 2min., just to go rush over to your friends house or attend a function. Your Mind is with the Salat, but your Heart isn't, so you pray a 'quickie' Asr etc.


    The above is noted from the Ulama.

  9. Salaamz,

    You the Salafis and the ahl-al-taswuf are always trying to pound each other with arguments and one group is trying to tell the other that they are wrong, mean while their societies become over run by the mushrikeen.


    Arguing on every point and detail is futile. You have to look at the greater picture, inshallah.

    There is Unity through Diversity and that is how Allah works through his creatures. Look at your own body, all you body parts are different but yet they all have to work together to keep you fully functioning, subhanallah! This is the Hikmah of Allah, Al-Khaliq (The Creator).


    We can spend all day arguing about this point and calling another this and that.


    If you don't agree, will the Bas! Follow that school of thinking. But remember, that when you say 'it's not an Alim's opinion brother' that you yourself are following a particular opinion (and as you have quoted, they do come from some Ulama!).


    I can accept that we can disagree inshallah.

    But I don't think that some of you can do that. So if you are rigid, then Imagine if Allah was rigid with you, why Allah would have struck you down on your first sin or the first time you wake up for Fajr!!!

  10. Salaamz

    isn't imitating the conducts and traits of the prophet considered in the same category as the Milad an Nabi?

    Look, if something takes you away from Allah and makes you forget him, then you should stay away from it.

    Does remembering the rasul (salallahu calihye wasilm) during his Milad make people forget Allah?

    Isn't the way to Allah through the Rasul (salallahu calihye wasilm ) and his Sunnah?


    Anyhow, as to the question of why it wasn't celeberated when the rasul (salallahu calihye wasilm ) was alive, well his personality was their in the living flesh with the Sahabah everyday. He was being celeberated everyday through the Sahabah interacting with him.

    We don't have him anymore in flesh and body anymore. So his spirit is remembered through celeberating the Milad and the Isra-Miraj and other events in the Islamic Calendar that occured during the Seerah.


    The deen is flexible and not rigid. So follow an Alim's ruling and stict to him.

  11. Salaamz,

    One more thing,

    A little side story, I have a friend who married in 2001. When he first got married, he used to tell me that his wife out prays him, reads more quran then him and that he is feeling the heat. This was good for him b/c it inshallah has helped him to step up his ibadah.

    Point of the Story: Spouses should help to make each other grow. If you are comfortable with the way you are as a Husband/Wife, then there is something wrong with you b/c Allah has kept you alive, meaning that you haven't done it ALL YET!

  12. Salaamz,

    I think that was a 'LEFT,RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT' combination punch (Matrix Speed) by Tamina !


    However, a little reality check for these 'Qurba Super Halimo's'

    I see a lot of sisters who are aging and passing their prime yrs, b/c they have been so busy calculating what 'man' they should marry.

    If this keeps up, those sisters will lose out and become '2nd wives' b/c they have become too old to settle down and have children.


    Scream and cuss at the screen all you want to, but if I where a Halimo in the Qurbo lands, I would worry!


    If you make the road to what Allah has made Halal to you, very difficult for yourself, then Allah will make the road for you to travel 'Harsher' and you might this time, fall into 'Many Harams' b/c you were so rigid about what Allah had made Halal for you in the first place. Never take forgrant Allah's Kirema!!!


    Fi Amanallah

  13. Salaamz,

    I was reading Sahih Bukhari and Ihya uloom adeen by Imam Ghazzali and Oral Sex is Halal.


    There is a hadith in which the rasul (salallahu aliyhe wasilm) talked about that there is barakah in all that Allah has made Lawful for you.


    I think inshallah, that its the Wisdom of Allah that he made it Halal for the Believers b/c had he prohibited and made sexual relations with spouses so strict (only anal sex and sex during a women's period are HARAM btwn spouses!), then many spouses would be tempted to commit Adultery.


    You know, one day some brothers asked a shiekh about Oral Sex and whether it is permitted in Islam, I really didn't want to hear the response to this for fear that it might be Negative. Alhamdulillah, the Shiekh replied that it was Halal and that you should wash your mouth after Oral Sex.


    Allah says in some ayats in the Quran that you shouldn't prohibit what Allah has made lawful to you.

    So, I don't know about you, but inshallah me and my spouse will be very happy!!! ;)

  14. Salaamz,

    One group of Ulamma are of the ijtihad (ruling/opinion) on it (which they are in the minority!!!) and it is not to celeberate the Milad-an-nabi.


    The majority of the Ulama however don't consider it to be Harm b/c you are celeberating the personality of the Habibu Allah (salallahu aliyhe wasilm).

    In Islam the Shahadah is of two components:

    1) La ilallah illa allah

    -This part is INTELLECTUAL.

    2) Muhmadun rasulallah (salallahu aliyhe wasilm)

    -and this part of the Shahadah is what connects us to the first, for without the rasul (salallahu aliyhe wasilm) we would not be able to understand the first shahadah. Our connection to the rasul (salallahu aliyhe wasilm) is the EMOTIONAL part of the Shahadah.


    Its the Wisdom of the Ulama that they have allowed the Milad An Nabi celeberations b/c it is used to remember his truely great personality and who better of a guide and personality to celeberate that reminds us of ALLAH than the rasul (salallahu aliyhe wasilm). Through remembering the rasul (salallahu aliyhe wasilm) and reciting various taslims/salwats on him and his family, you gain much barakah and inshallah begin to follow his sunnahs.


    In the muslim world, the milad an-nabi is a joyous occassion and helps to unite the Muslims no matter what their thinking/aqeedah.


    If you want to do some research on the net, just go to GOOGLE.COM and type in milad an-nabi to get various opinions from the Ulama.


    Fi Amanallah

  15. Salaamz,








  16. Salaamz'

    A few books that I have recently come into contact"

    1. 'In search of the Miraculous' by P.D.Ospensky

    -This book is a series of discourses between the Russian Occultist Ospensky and his teacher Gurdijef. There are some interesting parts in the booking.


    2. The life of Muhamed (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) by Haykal . This is an egyptian modernist scholar who is from the school of "rationality". Subhanallah, he calls the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) Muhamed through out the book and not as Prophet Muhamed (salallahu caliyhe wasalim). The Seerah (life) of the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) is always amazing to read and explains how Allah works and his creation. The rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) had it the toughest out of anyone in history (He (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) had 3 sons that passed away as infants!)


    3. The Companions of the Prophet (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) -This book is written in the form of short stories about the Sahaba and it just shows how human they were. A lot of the Sahaba received the worst types of punishments from their families (Uncles, Fathers, Cousins, etc.)


    Some Books that I have started to read a while back and hope to inshallah some time soon to do so:

    1. The prophets camel bell (salallahu caliyhe wasalim) by Margaret Bell. This book is written by an English women who's travels through Somali with somalis.


    2. Biography of THE REICHMANS-Real Estate Tycoons

    -The book is very thick but I'm sure that there are some interesting lessons that I can learn from them.

  17. Salaamz,

    There is a universal caste system that exists in people.


    1. The Visionaries

    2. The Scholars

    3. The Warriors

    4. The Artisians

    5. The Labourers




    The lower are in the majority and the higher have always been in the minority.

  18. DISCLAIMER: This is a story that I received from a friend of min. I'm not the person talking in the story. For a minute there, I think that some of the nomads in here where mistaking me for Ned Flanders! This story however reminds me of my days in junior high.

    Anyhow, glad you enjoyed it!

    Fi amanallah

  19. Salaamz,


    Shujui, I'll make sure that I put that on my bachelor resume-Cheese on Toast and Medium baked beans!

    By the way,did you attend the infamous B.A.S. school of cooking (those who have will know what B.A.S. means)? :D


    Hibo, keep those recepies coming.

  20. Salamz,

    When I saw 'SWOT' Analysis, I suddenly remembered many sleepless nights when I went away for University.


    Jamaal 11 has shed some positive points and Shujui like always.

    I haven't to actually encounter a proper response to my question from the female perpesective. I don't think that its male priority to just 'marry cheaply' and find women that are 'submissive' as stated by some.

    I think that the mentality and set of values of those sisters in Somalia and the Gulf is totally different from those in the West (in most cases!).

    The gender roles are so blurred here in the West , that often men question there manhood and turn the other way, subhanallah!


    Any how, keep the comments coming!

    They are much appreciated.

    Jazaka Allah Khayurn.

  21. One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was

    walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying

    all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his

    books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd."


    I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends

    tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.


    As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him,

    knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the

    dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten

    feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.


    My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around

    looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his

    glasses, I said,

    "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives." He looked at me and

    said, "Hey thanks!" There was a big smile on his face.

    It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.


    I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned

    out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He

    said he had gone to private school before now.


    I would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all

    the way home, and I carried some of his books. He turned out to be a pretty

    cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my

    friends. He said yes. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know

    Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.


    Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.

    I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are gonna really build some serious


    with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and handed me half the



    Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were

    seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I

    was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles

    would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for


    on a football scholarship.


    Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a

    nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation.


    I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak. Graduation day!

    , I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found

    himself during high

    school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates

    than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous.


    Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his

    speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be

    great!" He looked at me

    with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he



    As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a

    time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your


    your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am

    here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you

    can give them. I am going to tell you a story."


    I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he! told the story of the first

    day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of

    how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later

    and was carrying his stuff home.

    He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.


    "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."


    I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us

    all about his weakest moment.

    I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.

    Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.


    Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you

    can change a person's life. For better or for worse.


    God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way.

    Look for God in others.