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Posts posted by CidanSultan

  1. ^^^


    After everything I stated as how your people are the original somalididds you haven't refuted anything I said.


    So you except your lot are the original somalididds history shows it. So I am a somalididds because i don't wanna be a part of Somalia hahaha...


    Saxib can you blame me imagine Sharing a country with people like you hahaha...



    You have a history of somalididd why would I want to share a country with a people who gave their women to colonialist like the British and in particular your very own las canod folk. Why would I want to share a country with people who will be used by Ethiopia, Kenya and even invade using Ethiopia to kill Somalis.


    I would rather not share a country with these somalididds aka defeated lot.


    Somaliland existed before Somalia even existed and because of that our will will always prevail. Ethier way somaliarising your finished Saxib las canod and all that kiss it goodbye.


    Enjoy refugee life.

  2. Somalia rising djiboti and somaliland share closer ties then anyone everyone know that's. Just because they send an army south doesn't mean they are closer to Somalia.


    And also somaliarising I'll give you another lesson in logic seeing there seems to be anti logic serum in the water of Bari and Lascanod.


    The somalididds are the ones who hijacked an elected government, lost us a war against Ethiopia because of stupidity, declared war on the somali people and the Had their teeth kicked in...


    Saxib your lot are the original somalididds. The only Somalis to have ever raised an Ethiopian flag on somali soil was you defeated lot, the only people who marched into mugdisho on the back of Ethiopian tanks was your defeated lot.


    The only Somalis in history to openly invite Kenya to invade Somalia was your lot even historically your lot gave your women to colonisers such as the British according to the British themselves.


    Saxib the defeated lot are the original somalididds.

  3. Somalia rising is harmless he just angry the SNM took away his people dignity, land, fake history, government, army leaving him homeless misakeenka.


    He wakes up like most siadists in pools of sweet screaming SNM ba so socata caraara..ahhhhh...




    Somaliland owns you understand. All the typing Alshabab nonsense is not going to change a single thing kaaapish...


    While you spend the next 50 years on an SNM boogy man. I just laugh and think of this


  4. Pirate tactics they can't fight, they can't enter somaliland so what next...


    Hadal the only skill they have mastered for 400 years...


    " somaliland is Alshabab"


    Which means according to the pirate dictionary...


    " please help me somaliland is bullying me"




    Don't take these people seriously...


    Yes somaliland supports Alshabab haha...


    Now what write a book about it why don't you.

  5. ^^^


    One day amisom will liberate all of Somalia from te clutches of those SNM people who are killing people....???


    Do you ever sit back and read what you write???


    Alshabab is a movement that is funded from the gulf primarily Qatar, its forces consist primarily of southerners. Some of its top leadership are landers and some are southerners.


    The link between Alshabab and somaliland does not exist, it's just siadist bull&@;'. To cry to world I.e " Somaliland is abusing me please help me".


    As for recognition of somaliland.


    Saxib as long as somaliland controls from loa ado to las canod and your siadists live in fear and under my boot I am content.


    Who needs recognition look at Somalia 22 years of recognition and what has it achieved.


    I have a state and you my friend have a desert fiefdom that lives in fear and instead of fighting you do what pirates do best...


    Somaliland is Alshabab please help meeeeee.....




    The world knows a peaceful country like somaliland that is a multiparty democracy and liberal state would never support Alshabab.

  6. Malister your confusing somali history and your contribution to it two different things.


    Adel was in somaliland, the dervishes were in somaliland, somaliweyn was started by somaliland. The fall of siad barre started in somaliland.


    What is your contribution to somali history other then 22 years of not being able to control a single street in mugdisho and being used as human bridges by the Italians.


    Nothing is immortal other then God everything else is temporary and even your messiah Hassan shieck who is escorted to the toilet by Burundian forces can not save you from yourselves.


    The somali people do not have the mental capacity to form a viable state. One man hides behind Kenyan tanks in kismayo the other Ugandan and the other Ethiopian Saxib nothing left but slow death.



  7. ^^^


    No insulting other nomads malister...haha...


    Copy and past won't brin Somalia back to life. Saxib its a dead corpse that is being artificially being kept alive via intensive care. I.e Burundi and Uganda.


    I know that, you know that and the whole world knows that.


    Alshabab is your greatest blessing if it wasn't for Alshabab the world would have let you die a lot earlier.


    Hassan shieck going to save Somalia?????


    Hahahah....Geta outa here.

  8. Galgala is not las Koorey or badhan. This is done game. Nothing left. Mugdisho is mugdisho and will be mugdisho for a long time to come this is a two race horse and one horse has broken both front legs.


    A road leading to the east, growth in erigavo and further enhancement of army regiments in East Sanag Along with development will close off the east permanently for somaliland.



  9. That's the spirit malister have faith that the impossible will become probable.


    Somaliland sits at both the crumbling gates of bosaso and garowe. The pirates are crying from there 2.5 region of desert wasteland and can't do anything and ...


    Somalia is dead with Burundians holding it up on life support...


    That is the reality of today love it or hate it.


    Recognition is all you have but after 22 yeas of not being able to control a sigle stret in mugdisho what good is recognition.



  10. The answer is starring you in the face. Te five pointed star represents Somalia, somaliland, djoubti, fifth region and NFd.


    Does the five pointed star represent puntland, jubaland, banadorland etc what the writer was referring to.


    That is a step one mistake and contributes to the false perception many have of the notion of justice.


    Secondly: somaliland came to Somalia prior to 1960 and preached the notion of somaliweyn the Italian Somalis having had there culture mafiased by the Italians were not really bothered an were perplexed by these people who were so Adament at wanting unity.


    After unity, he fifth region was lost, djoubti saw the state of somaliland after the union and decided going alone was better and NFd was lost.


    The dictatorship turned on the last union that with somaliland and the policies in place led to movements such as the SNM who in turn destroyed the central government.


    So the writer although writing a long article on nationalism doesn't actually have a clue.


    Somalis need to respect history. Somaliweyn was built to unit all somali speaking people's if three of the 5 are lost then I see no benefit of union with Somalia.




  11. Opening Pandora's box with regards to the south. I have to agree with the xaji these people do not share the same mindset, culture or vision. Colonialism under the Italians severely crippled the original culture and all you have left is mafia talk, fake nationalism to steal money and resources and a culture that is not conducive to nationhood or state building.


    It's better to observe from a distance and secure, strengthen and empower Somaliland.


    Federalism will never work in Somalia. Somaliland is no longer part of Somalia even without recognition everything is different in every sense. As for the rest, mugdisho will not support federalism because its contrary to its interests be it written in the constitution or otherwise.


    Mugdisho although unable to control a single block will put back any talk of federalism because they know somaliland does not care for Somalia. Federalism was a ploy to entice somaliland into union. Clearly we all understand that with or without recognition somaliland is gone.


    It takes with it sool and Sanag leaving puntland with Bari nugaal and half of Galkacyo which can be a federal region of Somalia but a weak one at best. The port has dried up and no farming or oil or minerals. The south I forsee very little chance of stability anytime soon.

  12. They don't have a fighting bone in their body these people. History doesn't lie, All the hadal and bonbonis amounted to nothing in the end.


    We will see tomorrow if cabdi Cawar will set foot in las Koorey, badhan or anywhere else in Sanag for that matter.


    Haday is walaan in the future or we find a pretext to invade past Somalilands borders.


    All we have to do is place an army in the middle of the garowe bosaso road. Take garowe and shell the small bosaso port and it will be game over permanently.


    Not to mention arming hag in Galkacyo.


    They know the clock is ticking and they can't do nothing about it.