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Everything posted by miles-militis

  1. Waaryee Xiin - what is the strategic plan to defeat opposing Islamic groups --- unfortunately the article does not spell it out? And btw, where is the peace craven these days?
  2. Mind you I did not say easy, mate --- simple, I reckon it is, tho'. But, before I agree or disagree, may I enquire as to how you wish to implement that? "Erigavo is divded into two parts? Erigavo wont and can't stay that way (in the hands of both) something has to give. Do you at least agree with this?" Mind you, your logic herein could be applicable to the case of Somaliland, no? Simple rationale, no?
  3. Puntland never claimed the whole region of Sanaag, the same way it never claimed the whole region of Mudug. There are districts in both regions which fall beyond the control of Puntland, for its inhabitants are aligned with other groups elsewhere, in Somaliland in the case of the former, hence their will to be part of Somaliland. Elsewhere in the region, the will of the populace is to be part of Somalia. Could you grasp that rationale? Let us debate this another day, shall we? "2. You can't possibily claim Erigavo can you? That city has been under SL since 91'. Had a mayor from the major SL clan since that time period as well." Simple rationale, no?
  4. El-Afwayen + Gar'adag – these 2 districts are populated by people who are supportive of Somaliland, ergo register them at will, for so they desire. Erigavo - is a city with mixed population, ergo register only those whose desire is so. As for the rest of the region, their will is to be left alone, ergo leave the people in peace, for so they desire. *** btw, I am not 'claiming', for claim depicts that which was rightfully mine, but temporarily changed hands, and is currently being possessed by persons other than its rightful owner. Simple rationale, no?
  5. The Caqil and the rest of the Issims are spot on. Unless of course these kids are still rationing 'jad' on a regular basis, or worse yet feasting upon ‘coolay’? One of the basic tenets of democracy is: “For the people to choose their desired form of government, thereby determining their destiny” If the people of Sanaag, excluding El-Afweyn, Gar’adag and parts of Erigabo districts, do not wish to partake, why keep knocking on their door, unless of course there is disillusionment of sort at work. Simple rationale, no?
  6. So BuQland (BuQda Hargeysa) now wants to pick a fight with Puntland?
  7. Indeed, that is a valid question – where is Cadde? None the wiser! Little bird whispers into my ear he is in Adis Ababa. This picture was taken yesterday. More to the story
  8. Tacshiirad xooggan oo caawa abaaro 11:00 fiidnimo oo 10 daqiiqo dhiman, isla markaana joogsatey abaaro 12:00 habeenimo waxa ay ka dambeysey markii koox dabley ahi ay weerar ku qaadday Saldhigga dhexe ee magaalada Burco, halkaas oo la sheegay inay doonayeen inay kala baxaan laba nin oo ay isku beel yihiin oo lagu xidhay galabta Saldhiggaas. Dableydaasi waxa la sheegay inay qabsadeen saldhigga, balse ay u suuroobi weydey inay la baxaan labada nin ee xidhan.
  9. I hear he is in Las Anod tonight, no? read it here
  10. Splendid melody indeed... All seem troubled by the plight of the Somalis, care about and for the Somalis except Somalis themselves --- how ironic! Anyone knows the lyrics of the song?
  11. Waaryaadha, waar kan yaree reer Dubmuluq, SheekhaJacaylka nag nag badanaa... waar ma faraxal baad cabtay? Waar dadkii dhulka lahaa ayaa ku le nadaa, oo na dhaaf, adna waad daba xiiqsan tahay uun. Waar na dhig! Waar ku ekow canjiidda Burco & Hargeysa. Waar na dhig!
  12. Audio from the BBC Somali - Laascaanood, Oct 03 - "Magaalada Laascaanood waxaa si buuxda gacanta ugu haya maamul goboleedka Puntland...xarumaha dawladda waxaa wada jooga ciidamo ka socda Puntland, oo isugu jira booliska & Daraawiishta" Weriyaha BBC-da, Laanta Af-Somaliga... Audio Audio from the VOA Somali Audio
  13. Gentlemen, As already put forth by a good chap, congratulate and wish Makhir State and its populace the best of luck. Question, by all means the rationale around which it is being founded, and the viability of its sustaining state apparatus henceforth, however adopt abstention from throwing the old doggy clan card as the old newt, fuusta-madhan-riix of Oodweyne has so spuriously done. I fear the euphoria shall die down, actuality on the ground shall kick in, and the newly reformed, erstwhile secessionist Col. Jibril shall conceal his chips under his heavily soiled armpits hurrying to a finely linseed table elsewhere only to bargain with his newly minted gems all in the sake of securing his constituency’s share of the pie, albeit all the while advancing own odds at the gentlemen’s workbench. Supporters of Maakhir are primarily, as I understand thus far, in the Diaspora with desires of furthering regional means of self-efficiency and determination, to which all right-thinking persons shall remain receptive at least on the outset, even if uncertain as to the proceedings by and servings ala Col. Jibril et al. Much shall hinge upon to which direction the wind shall blow the humpty dumpty colonel which I trust shall make one all the wiser, thusly my not revving up on to top gear predictors lest prematurely hitting hard surface. Should his erstwhile ego gets the better of him landing him, as I suspect he shall, at Hargeisa or Garowe, he shall have squandered debentures secured from the Diaspora with his future days being no different from those of Shaatigaduud, and Makhir’s days being no different from those of Southwest state. Lingering on in Sanag longer than necessary, shall serve poison pill for the veteran parliamentarian accelerating his ennui with his grand scheme. If however he were to find himself in one of his Fayanbiiro treks in the nation’s capital as prophesied hitherto, then coming days might be ruddy gleaning with budding daffodils. Nonetheless, best of luck to Makhir’s future endeavours. Tata…
  14. JB – dear laddi, you did not just make this statement, did you? “It is a norman process ...... those politicians should learn and obey the constitution or this is the punishment. They've been warned right ?????. BUUQ SIYAASADEED LOOMA BAAHNA XILLIGAN ,,,,,,, Somaliland can hardly hadle with 3 parties and they want to bring more ??” What are you, a bloody parrot, or a wretched “subaalad” anyone digs at will? Damn, when are you people gonna stir from the drunken stupor?
  15. Bashow - Allow me to briefly summarise in a passage. - It is the best hope for the destitute lads and lasses on the ground (I know ney-sayers overlook this small factor). - It shall serve a death warrant for the already fading opposition should they insist on boycotting the conference thereby remaining in the periphery [note the clause in here]. - It is "nirig hal xaaran ahi, nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho" for the ney-sayers in the Diaspora --- check Xiin and Co will have nothing to disassemble, no one to vilify, no idol to worship, no nubiles to beguile, no Gustavo to gut, no more Islamism in the horizon [‘geeri & geeri go’an iga dheh’ for them] – a non-starter! - It is a new lease of life for the TFG and its proponents. It legitimises TFG's position as the nation's government. Adigu feeno lafta inteeda kale!. Staging the NRC in Mogadishu, state capital though teething with security challenges, has underpinning political significance, one which could not be underscored. Tata…
  16. Xiinow - Nor have I, my dear chap. I know of the place by way of reading of it albeit have a soft spot for it equally as all Somali populated terrains in the god-forsaken Horn. Easier I reckon it is to align oneself with the good professor for constructive criticism, observations of shadowy business dealings and colossal state system desertion, and reflections of such goings are forever taken with vigour. Drooling for more, I find myself reciting an old favourite ‘bayd’ –-- Duulkii madaxdu ka xumaato waa marin habaabaane, kuwa maqaddimada looga dhigay waa manfacadoone, war maxaa intaa keliya uu u yahay mar ku faanaoye (along those line). However, aspired I remain by the man who desires to skilfully inject institutional conversion and personnel conscription whilst seeking permissive state machinery and conditions ahead of insulating shock elements into the heartbeat of existing mechanism with gentle wriggling from within whilst distancing oneself from the darting elements of daily occurrences. Now, there is a man, if there ever was one. Will he, or will he not come off in doing so shall forever remain the prime query. Mind you both are of scarce commodity in the beloved motherland --- aplenty are controversial do-gooders of no substance forever barking from the tree tops walloping the green branches when not soiling the scenery. You see my predicament here old boy? Baashi - do not let our comrades hear you say that of the hurly, burly bursting king-- unless of course you are itching for a public flogging? Got to dash…
  17. Xiinow – laguu waran. Both are men of high calibre competent enough in the discipline of stick and carrot to fall face down in one trap or the other. And whilst Said Farah is also a veteran journalist with remarkably desirable track record in the operations of state institutions and governance, Prof A/Wali is a sitting economist with vast perspicacity in poor nation’s infrastructure, economic development, thusly I find myself torn in between. On one hand, my mind irks me towards the good professor with his remarkable foresight in blowing the whistle on the self-styled, naked king of Puntland whose private wares are being auctioned in far away stock markets in his absence more so than not, whilst on the other hand, my instinct desires to waddle the tongue in the dolly, narrative sound bites of the journalist for whom I have the greatest respect. Too close to the odious, I suspect the journalist is to the bonfire to take stock with the scrapes whilst the good professor is distant enough only too well to reel in flaccid filings, hence receiving an aroma of the king’s custom-designed fragrance ala Armani. Here, you shall find me brewing lukewarm ‘bun’ with the good professor burning midnight sessions by the banks of the Potomac. However, I trust one shall find the answer somewhere in between --- that is being determined by discerning factors of one’s propensity in nation state tenets. Which one, so I hear you ask? I know not, I rejoin lest perceived foolhardy in close quarters, should you read my drift. What say you? Tata…
  18. Here Lord Paddy Ashdown hands out a good governance certificate for 2007. G3 recognises Puntland for good governance And here Prof. A/Wali lambasts the administration for corruption, lack of leadership and negligence amongst other things. Corruption in Puntland and Adde Muse’s Noble-Sounding Nonsense Makes one wonder, does not it?
  19. Geel_jire, How else could one explicate your perpetual “docosho” then if not for that very reason?