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Posts posted by miles-militis

  1. Lander, since you are the more logical one amongst many on the secessionist corner, who is we re: “we deserve better”? What is your definition of present day Somaliland? If you could answer that question for me, and be as definitive as you could possibly be, then we will have made a progress in the right path, and perhaps indulge you in approaching such worthy issues as “Incapable and incompetent leadership, establishing institutions, government agencies, defining border, sovereignty over borders, the issue concerning SS&H etc”.






    By Justine Lesage, Journalist, Special Collaboration


    In 1991, at the end of a bloody civil war, Somalia was shattered into three parts: Somalia in the south, Somaliland in the north-west and Puntland in the north-east. None of the three territories is recognized by the international community. However, even though Somalia is still in chaos, the other two territories are blessed with autonomous and stable governments.


    In Puntland a small group of Somali and Australian intellectuals set up Radio Galkayo in 1993. This initiative was born of the desire to reconstruct a country destroyed by civil war. With this medium, the instigators attempted to integrate all Somali communities in an effort of reconstruction. The group decided to set up in the town of Galkayo where there were several opposing clans, thus waging a frontal attack on its objectives: mobilizing the various communities, bringing the clans closer together, awareness and development.


    Considering the oral tradition of Somali society, radio seemed to be the most appropriate means of reaching the population and playing an essential role in reconciliation and peace-building. The various leaders of the conflicting factions were invited to discuss their plans for peace and hold debates, bringing with them messages of peace. Weekly programs called on experts to discuss questions such as governance, peace, education. Capsules, produced by UNICEF, UNESCO and other local and international agencies were broadcast daily.


    Radio Galkayo’s peace effort was a huge success in the area and even beyond. In fact, thanks to the help of its partners, Radio Galkayo broadcasts throughout the Horn of Africa, not to mention on its Internet site. According to Danielle Valiquette, head of the Oxfam-Quebec project: “Radio Galkayo is a catalyst. Other community radio stations have now emerged in the Horn of Africa. In Ethiopia we even support a small group which set up a primitive radio station, installing loud-speakers on the roofs of houses to broadcast music and community information a few hours a day.”


    (Illustration: “Radio Galkayo’s mission is to encourage establishment of a long and lasting peace in Somalia and develop education programs free of any political or religious interest.” – Declaration of official mission of Radio Galkayo)


    Today, even though reinforcement of the peace process is still the centre of Radio Galkayo’s concerns, it has enlarged its mission by introducing to its programming news of community and social interest. Items include health, education, the role of women, government and participation in decision-making.


    “The thing that struck me when I first encountered Radio Galkayo was the passion and perseverance of the young founders of this peace movement. They worked flat out for a number of years, with barely a minimum of resources to survive, and succeeded not only in maintaining Radio Galkayo but in imposing it as a medium of reconciliation and development. Oxfam has had no hesitation in granting its support to this initiative.” Danielle Valiquette.





    In partnership with Oxfam Canada, the support of Oxfam-Quebec for Radio Galkayo takes its place in a much broader project. Since 1997 the program to strengthen civil society has been supporting participation by the budding civil society of the Horn of Africa in promotion and protection of human rights and in democratic development of the area. Here, information and communication are the strategic tools of intervention in the face of elements which engender conflict (eg. lack of confidence among the various components of society, extreme material poverty and physical and information isolation).


    With the project, Oxfam-Quebec and Oxfam Canada support approximately 40 local partners such as Radio Galkayo and other community radio projects as well as the development of libraries, multimedia centers and other community information resources.



    By Aden Nur Mohamed

    Manager, Public Relations, Radio Galkayo


    During the civil war, while the whole world was being apart, a group of young people with some older ones and a few intellectuals from Galkayo joined forces. Together, they advanced the idea for creation of a radio for peace: Radio Galkayo.


    With the support of Oxfam, Radio Galkayo developed programs for peace which were heard throughout the country. With this initiative, we brought together communities at a time when no one even dared speak of peace and reconciliation. In partnership with other local groups and businesses we then developed other programs to continue our mission of peace. Without Oxfam, we would not be where we are today. This organization has done the most to establish stability for radio and consequently establish a more peaceful environment in Puntland. But the contribution to the peace and development effort also follows, for a large part, from our Diaspora. It is this effort of co-operation by all of us which will create a more peaceful world in which to live and prosper.


    After the civil war, Galkayo became home to businesses and non-government organizations (NGO) which were very successful. Radio Galkayo is proud of having contributed to establishing a peaceful environment for companies to put down roots in Galkayo, Puntland and the whole of Somalia. There are numerous signs of success: banks, construction companies, water purification companies, businesses, airlines, factories, telecommunications…


    There is no doubt that the most significant example is the Galkayo Education Centre for Peace and Development (GECPD). This organization operates to reinforce the ability of women to defend their fundamental rights. There is also the Y Foundation, a local NGO which contributes to conflict resolution programs, urban planning, health education and encourages community participation in the development of local projects.


    My dream is that Radio Galkayo will continue to be a community radio, always promoting ideas of peace, love, labour and development in the community. For my neighbourhood and my country, I pray for more understanding, for peace and for a stable and democratic system.


    Web site:

  3. Xisbiga JAMHUURIGA oo Shacabka reer Somaliland ugu baaqay halgan qadhaadh oo dib u xorrayn ah


    Xisbiga JAMHUURIGA Somaliland oo dhowaan abaabulkiisu ka bilowday gudaha iyo dibadda Somaliland ayaa ugu baaqay guud ahaan shacbiga reer Somaliland, gaar ahaanna inta aayaha iyo mustaqbalka ka damacsan jiritaanka qarankooda in ay u diyaar garoobaan halgan adag oo dib u xorayn ah, sidaa Xisbigu wuxu ku sheegay war saxaafadeed rasmi ah oo hoggaankiisa War faafintu soo saaray xalay, war saxaafadeedkaas oo koobnaana waa kan:


    Waxa aynu isku waafaq san nahay in Jiritaanka iyo xaqiijinta Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland aan loo soo marin waddo nabadeed, mid maxkamadeed iyo mid guurti toona sababta oo ah intuba waxay u adeegayeen rajiimkii nacaybka badan u qabay dadka ku nool geyiga Somaliland.


    Waxa kale oo aynu isku waafaq sanahay in Rajiimka cusub ee uu madaxda ka yahay Gacan Ku Dhiigle Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ay yihiin hadhaadigii taliskii F-aqashta, iyo kuwii aynu iska xoraynaysay muddada dheer, ee ka sii necbaa ummadan cadow walba.

    Waxa kale oo aynu isku waafaq sanahay in aanay meel na kaga jirin hababka dimuqraadiyadda, shareecada Islaamka, xeerarka caalamiga ah ee dunida iyo dhaqanka soomaalidaba in shakhsi loo haysto dembiyo dagaal, xasuuq, cidhib tir, isir nacayb, dulmi iyo cadaawad is biirsaday uu ku fekero in uu xukumo ummaddii uu intaas oo dembi ah ka galay.


    Sidaa darteed Xisbiga JAMHUURIGA oo ah bilowgii guusha, rajada iyo xaqu, wuxu ugu baaqayaa bulshada reer Somaliland ee xalaasha ah in ay u diyaar garoobaan halgan adag oo lala galo cadowgii aynu albaabka ka saaray oo daaqadda ka soo galay.


    Jaliilkaa Mahad leh,

    Jabna udub baa leh

    JAMHUURIGAA guul leh


    Hoggaanka Warfaafinta ee Xisbiga JAMHUURIGA

    kala soo xidhiidh:

  4. The trouble with debating the pro-secessionist camp is no matter how excruciatingly repellent the case for whilst overwhelmingly pragmatic and rationale the case against dismembering of the land of Somalis is being made, they almost always find a loophole, an angle to twist the discussion to what appears favourable only in their stupor by simply sidestepping to trivialise determining factors, thus decisive and critical issues, or so they attempt to reach out so desperately to nonsensical matters so impertinent that no relevance could be found as to the domain of the discussion, or worse yet at times revert to dim-witted, single liner defence mechanism only coherent in their elusive state of being including “we are better”, we had never been colonised”, “we have done this and that; have so, so and so”, and numerous gibberish drivel of one sort or another. They are clever bunch, majority of whom never set eyes on what life is like in the country they are so fervently devoted to promoting as though it were a thirsty-crunching multimillion brand name, that they never desires to develop an argument on any issue(s) for the futility of such debate in their minds is untenable, thus ought to be avoided at all cost; therefore trying to reason with them is somewhat hapless endeavour.


    One could, and this would make more sense to boxing fans, equate them to a novice pro with a jagged left hook, no punching power, a docile chin, but a quick pair of legs and a head the size of a peanut that even Ali at his pinnacle could land a jab.


    A suggestion if you will - In a gentle sort of fashion you would want to entertain their thoughts, receive them benevolently, make provisions for them, in other words (u seetadheeree) until reality hits them right in the forehead. How and when will that be you may ask? At their first experience. Their first trip to the said country by itself shall slap them with a dose of reality, a wind-chill (the Siberian type) if you will in late January, at the very airport as they set their feet on the dusty, god-forsaken arid ground. There the nubile one get mentally wounded, whereas sceptically inclined ones book a flight back home at once on the spot. And what do you reckon happens once they get back? They almost always start passionately campaigning under the “unified Somali territory” card, and sometime even go one step further by promoting a Pan-Africanism bandwagon. And until such day beckons irrespective of how one tries to reason with them, there is no discernible prognosis or accessible prescription at hand to offer.


    So long!

  5. Dear Cilmi & Angel-Dust - Assumption, innuendos, presumptions, insinuations, claims, counter-claims left and right – are we not losing the essence of the debate here. Do you wish to address the trade and economics perspective regarding a country called Somaliland as opposed to Somalia; or perhaps Puntland vs Somaliland; or do you rather we approach the concept of secessionism and separatist ideologies? And if the latter, then the viability, and a big “V” at that, and legitimacy of a country called Somaliland becomes the subject matter.


    By the way Cilmi, there is a enormous difference between what has been portrayed on the Internet (rosy, green fields) as opposed to the grave realities on the ground (poverty, decease, lack of resources, hence employment, high percentage of literacy, institutional crisis, basic rights and political infringement, alienation of good percentage of the society, segregationist policies etc). And I would tone down the application of such terms as “enslavement, hatred, savages, perfect”, or your argument will have lost any weight or meaning it would have carried in the opposing corner. You were born free of neck chains and ankle shackles, are presently free, and shall remain free forever unless you choose to subject yourself to a lifelong mental and psychological dependence.


    Dear Lander - I shall welcome a discussion of philosophy along with any of its doctrines perhaps after we have had resuscitated “the five star flag” from the comatose old chap. Now would not you agree that your punches are a tad bit below the beltline at this juncture by resorting to the good old analysis of the persona of the individual rather than the issues in lieu of reaching for the towel in grace mate? A good question “…why invest in Somaliland? aren't you contradicting yourself?” Why do you reckon that to be a contradiction mate? Why assume instead of enquiring old boy? Hargeysa is a Somali territory, is it not? Forget for a moment that I am a son of Hargeysa, consider myself a Puntlander, wish to retire in Kismayo, thus Somali (from Ras Casayr to Ras Hafun to Ras Camboni), do you reckon just because a few misguided persons adopt specious, perverse, Martian policies in declaring independence whilst hallucinating would encourage people to abandon their principals and rightful territories (Somalia of all). I think not.


    Let us all see what we agree upon on one side, as opposed to what we do not agree on another?

    Allow me to commence –


    I, a federalist proponent, prophesise autonomous, yet congruous regions/states within a federal system of government in the home territories at the will, and will being the operative term here, of the populace.


    I oppose emphatically and categorically all aspects of secessionism of any genre – my reasons:

    • Not viable due to lack of resources,

    • Not practical due to the geographical, political and societal structure inherent in all indigenous societies, and the nature of the conflict which stems from resource deprivation and scarcity, and neither tribal nor any other legacy,

    • Not grounds, legal or otherwise for it except colonial disintegration of the land of Somalis which had been challenged, and could have been proven.


    So long!

  6. Had my undergraduate degree had not been in accounting & finance, did not manage corporate accounts and businesses for a living, did not own partnership ventures in both Puntland and Somaliland, your presumption would have been of value to the matter, thus shall regard it along the lines of the what one great poet, the late Khlaif Sh. Mohamed said to a man who attempted to muddle issues of great concern by waddling in a blind fashion “…… Ninkii dabinka meegaartay, Oo geri malaynaayey, Sagaaradii majaha suratay baad maandhow ii tahay…..”. Come up with a better line of reasoning which could be passed on as logical if not practical in the matter than retorting to the ludicrous suggestion that rice consumed in Garowe has been imported from Berbera.


    Interdependence of economies, sure, we all favour that, but not in the isolationist context practiced in Hargeysa, and most definitely not in the nature with which you presume with everything that smells Somali.


    Interdependence of trade definitely, yes as that is the way forward, but not the home woven yarn that is being circulated in close circles old boy.

    So long!

  7. Dear Lander- Discussions of philosophical concepts aside though such concepts tend to strengthen, hence add substance to the debate for politics in itself is a branch or a discipline of philosophy that one could not approach the former whilst distancing oneself from the latter, for such would equate taking a dip in the Thames river yet not wanting to come into contact with water. The object of one’s yearning here is unattainable, yet I accept your desire. You see, the nucleus of the article which prompted the discussion posted by yours truly was to promote such issues as the supposed progress, theoretical sovereignty, projected viability economically or otherwise ushered in with recognition, and the forecasted economic and political sustainability of a country called Somaliland which has neither the resources, and this embodies the true challenge, thus is the operative term here, natural or otherwise, nor the institutions to blossom, hence its relevance is very much pertinent. Again, as you desire I shall let that too rest.


    For the unrelenting though tragically vanishing contention of SS&H that has remained an obsessive object of sort for the administration in Hargeysa, to which you seem to have reduced as a mere propaganda, a simple question would be which administration provides public services such as institution building (that of organising townships and rural terrain in self-governing mode), allocating resources for the maintenance of state establishment including banks (Laascaanod’s primary bank opened a couple of month ago since 1991), government residences such town halls, local offices etc., tax anthology though infant yet rapidly taking shape, police forces to sustain order, promotion of the private sector, grass roots public cohesion and endorsement of the system of government in place, and above all enumerating the overall desire of the public in the aforementioned regions – a federal system of government in Somalia? It is to the credit and political suaveness of the Puntland administration. The same administration that made it possible for the people in Burco and all Togdheer to utilise Bosaso, the business hub of that part of the region. What happened to Berbera you may ask?


    So far as Awdal, what do you reckon will happen when pro-SNM loyalists who seem to alienate any one other than their supporters, and that is the majority of the people from Hargeysa to Burco, lead by Silanyo, propped up by Raqiya Omar of African Rights on the international forums, and Jamhuuriya at the local level take a strong foothold in any part of the country? Couple that with the formation of a federal system of government in Somalia where regions will be encouraged to forge strategic alliances within autonomous States; where do you reckon their interests lie?


    Politics it has been said is a like a spring daffodil with plots and contenders all around it, the spills fall for the one who prunes first generally at the fall of the other. If you lose it, you have lost it, and there in no getting it back. And unfortunately, political leaders in Somaliland have foregone a number of crucial political opportunities upon which they could have capitalised, and have lost the plot direly.


    And by the way we, the pro-federalists are ushering in a government of this mode into Somalia, thus our efforts are concentrated upon its formation, and shall remain focused for the time being.


    Best of luck old chap,

    So long.

  8. An interview - Dean of the East Africa Univeristy


    Axmed Kismayo ayaa waraysi la yeeshay Gudoomiya Jaamacaddaas Dr: C/qaadir Max'ed C/llahi, waxana uu ugu horrayntii waydiyay inuu faah-faahin kooban ka bixiyo waxyaabaha horumarka aah ee la oran karayo jaamacaddu waa ay gaartay muddadii ay furnayd, waxana uu ku jawaabay:


    Dr:C/qaadir: hourmar badan ayaan gaarnay ALLAH mahaddiis, waxa ka mid ah inaan u soo guurnay xarunta jaamacadda waxana dhihi karaa waa jaamacadd kaliya ee Soomaliya ku taal ee deggan dhisme ay leedahay, waxa kaloo ka mid ah teeramkii shanaad ayaannu maraynaa oo hal sano iyo bar ayaa ardaydii ugu horaysay uga harsan qalinjabintii,laba kulliyadood oo kala ah kulliyada maamulka iyo kulliyadda shareecada iyo daraasaadka islaamka ayaa furan, waxannu diyaarinnay maktabad ay yaallaan in ka badan 20.000 oo buugaag ah.


    Waxa kaloo ka mid ah inaan ku dadaallay in macallimiintu ay noqdaan kuwo heerkooda aqoontu uu aad u sarreeyo oo hadda macallimiinteennu waxay u badan yihiin kuwo shahaadooyinka PHD,iyo MA wata ayay u badan yihiin, waxannu ku dadaallaa had iyo jeer in dadka aqoonta leh ee dibadda jira ay noo yimaadaan oo haddii ay noo soo go'i Karin oo halkan aysan soo degi Karin inay marmar noo yimaadaan.


    Haddan tusaale ahaan soo qaato Eng: Cali Cige oo network system jaamcadda u sameeyey iyo Prof: Muse Max'ud oo isagana Multi Media aplication tababar ka bixiyay waxana xusid mudan in labadaba ay si lacag la'aan ah hawshaas u qabteen.


    Axmed: C/qaadir Jaamacadda waxay furan tahay muddo ku dhow saddex sano ilaa haddana waxaad taagan tihiin laba kulliyadood kaliya, marka taas ma kuugu muuqataa inay tahay dib-u-dhac?


    Dr:C/qaadir: dib u dhac maahan waayo marka manta loo fiiriyo awoodda dhaqaale ma aannaan boodi Karin waxaannu haddana ku dadaalaynay tayada tacliinta iyo macallimiinta mar kastana waxanu rabnaa inay noqdaan kuwo taya leh manhajka jaamacaddana uu noqdo mid xoog leh,marka waxaasoo dhan markaad raadinaysid ma degdegi kartid.


    Axmed: manhajka Jaamacadda ay ku socoto ee aad sheegtay halkee ku sargo'an yahay mise idinka uunbaa wax isu keenay oo sidaas baad ku waddaan?


    Dr:C/qaadir: manhajkeennu waxa uu waafaqsan yahay kan jaamacadaha ama ha noqoto jaamacadda Somaliya ama jaamacadaha kale ee caalamka,iyo baahida ummadda soomaaliyeed ayaynu ku salaynay.


    Axmed: ilaa hadda ma leedihiin wax aqoonsi oo caalami ah ha noqoto Jaamacadaha caalamka ama hay'adaha waxbarashada adduunka intaba?


    Dr;C/qaadir: waa jiraan waxannu la leennahay xiriirro badan, Jaamacadaha aannu iskaashiga la leennahay waxa ka mid ah jaamacadda Latarop University ee Australia, Jaamacadda Kuwait, Jaamacadda Imaaraatka kuwo kalana waxa hadda noo socda xiriirkoodii sida Jaamacadaha Ururka Africa iyo kuwa dalalka Islaamka, meel fiican ayayna noo maraysaa.


    Axmed: Jaamacadaha aad xiriirka la samayseen suuragal ma tahay marka ardaydu ay ka qalin jabiyaan Jaamacaddiina inay tacliin sare siiyaan?


    Dr:C/qaadir: haa heshiika ayay ka mid ahayd tacliinta sare inay ardaydeenna siiyaan, sidoo kale in aannu qalab iyo macallimiinba isdhaafsanno, waxannu jecelnahay inaanu la yeelano dhinaca iskashiga cilmi baarista.


    Axmed: waxad ogtahay in marka la eego Puntland ay dugsiyada sare ay aad u bateen waxana la qiyaasayaa inay dhowaan soo bixi doonaan arday aad u tira badan marka maxaad u haysaan ardaydaas mustaqbalka dhow?


    Dr:C/qaadir: waxannu u haynaa labadii kuliyadood ee hore iyo kuwo kale oo aannu rabno inaanu September-ta soo socota furno oo ay ka mid yihiin Computer Saynis,waxanna isleennahay dugsiyada sare baahidooda way ka badan tahay.


    Axmed: ardayda Jaamacadda fasallada wax baan ka arkay markaan eegayna waxay iila ekaatay inay u badan yihiin dad waawayn marka maxay tahay cilladu?


    Dr/C/qaadir: cilladu waxa weeye muddo dhowr iyo toban sano ah ayaa Somaliya waxa ku dhacay kala go' waxbarasho,oo dadkii dugsiyada sare ka soo baxay ma aysan helin jaamacado,marka markii jaamacadda la furay waxa soo galay dadkii hore dugsiyadii cusbaa xooggoodii wali nama soo gaarin,hadda ayaannu sugaynaa diyaar banana u nahay.


    Axmed:marka la rabo in hawl jaamacadeed la socodsiiyo waxan filayaa inay u baahan tahay arrimo fara badan gaar ahaanna xagga dhaqaalaha oo culayskiisa gaarka ah iska leh,marka hawshaas inaad u bareertaan waxyaabaha dhaqaale ahaan idinku dhiirrigalinaya maxaa kaa mid ah?


    Dr:C/qaadir: waad ogtahay jaamacadaha miisaaniyaddoodu aad ayay u culus tahay, annagu waxannu isticmaalnaa ardayda lacag ayaannu ka qaadnaa,jaaliyadda dibadda ee Puntland iyo Somalidana dowr wayn ayay ka qaataan, dad badan oo dareen leh oo ka mid ah ganacsatada gobolka ayaa iyana kaalin ku leh, waxa kale oo iyana aad ugu mahadsan maamulka Puntland oo isna waxyaabo badan oo kaalmo ah jaamacadda u gaystay.



  9. Dear Lander – I shall set the issue concerning the author aside for the time being for the simple reason that his presence would have received a rather objective analysis of his work, and whilst you could perhaps agree, thus defend the theorem presented here, you could not possibly speak on his behalf of the author, hence for the sake of our sanity we shall not engage in a discussion evaluating the works of the third party.


    As for the line of philosophical analysis you took on, I must admit I quite like that approach as character and integrity of the presenter bears heavily on not only as to the value of the argument presented, but also validity of the argument along with the anticipated response. I trust you are familiar with Posterior Analytics, and the assumed knowledge on the part of the individual making the case, adverse or otherwise, thus hope you will understand that “trail of intention” though perhaps appears applicable here, slants the nature of the issues addressed skewing the viewpoints of both parties.


    Here I wish to quote a great philosopher who was quoted in the analysis of Sophistical Refutations to have said “ …. what appear to be refutations but are really fallacies instead. …..that some reasonings are genuine, while others seem to be so, but are not, is evident”.


    Of the four classes of arguments in dialogue form: [Didactic, Dialectical, Examination-arguments, and Contentious argument], I quite like to think that my original debate was along the lines of Didactic Argument (the type that reason from the principal that is appropriate to each subject, and not from the opinions held by the answerer – yours and the authors in this case), and analysis for such principles. Note the repetition of the term principle and its directives. The authors whose source of information could only be described one-sided fails to address fundamental issues intrinsic to the subject matter, intricate in nature, and innate to the natives of the region which he irrespective of his training could not possibly discern in culturally appropriate fashion. Therefore, his contribution to the subject shall always come second to the natives’, and shall fall short in many aspects.


    Moving along, reality on the ground dear Lander is a determining factor which influences one’s deductive summation of the presence of a condition that perhaps challenges the desire of the beholder of the existence of an idyllic state structure in Somaliland, yours in this case. This could not be dismissed for doing so would not only be disservice to the struggle, but denial of the people’s right to decide and determine their place geographically or politically in the sphere of things Somali. This ought to be extended to all groups in the region. If Hargeysa, Togdheer (excluding Buhodle which I understand is a region now – Hawd), and Awdal desire a state or republic of their own, so be it. This observes the true resistance and relentless aspiration on the part of the people in SS&H who identify economically, geographically, and politically more with Puntland State, thereby federal Somalia, and arguably Awdal which is in a bit of a limbo at the moment, but has remained a fierce proponent of a federal Somalia despite geographically limiting factors on one side whilst instability and uncertain future on the other hand plights their position at least for the time being.


    If you consider this hypocritical, I wonder what term you would reserve for the proponents of a country called Somaliland who base their entire argument on the grounds of atrocities, human rights violations, political and social marginalisation, above all the promotion of colonial legacy whilst rejecting pre-historic territorial integrity and land appropriation in order to benefit a single group whilst subjecting the same ills and untoward against other groups. When you find a befitting answer for that, do notify me for I surely shall receive it with immense interest.


    Perhaps we shall develop the argument a bit deeper another day,

    Until then so long!

  10. Madaxtooyada Somaliland oo Beenisay in ay Oggalaadeen Wada-hadal bilaa Shuruud ah in ay la Yeeshaan Xisbiga KULMIYE



    Hargeysa (Jam)-Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Md. Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin, ayaa beeniyey in madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale kaahin ogolaaday, wada hadal bilaa shuruud ah inuu la yeesho hoggaanka sare ee xisiga KULMIYE, si loo soo afjaro khilaafka ka dhashay natiijadii doorashada madaxtinimada ee ka dhex aloosmay labada xisbi ee KULMIYE, iyo UDUB.


    Madaxweyne ku xigeen Yaasiin oo daba joogay bayaan ururka suxufiyiinta Somaliland (SOLJA), ka soo saareen hawlo samadoonimo oo ay ku dhexdhexaadinayeen labada dhinac kaas oo ay ku sheegeen in madaxweyne Rayaale iyo guddoomiyaha xisbiga KULMIYE, Md. Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, ka ogolaadeen qodobo uu ka mid ahaa inay isku soo horfadhiistaan kulan aan shuruudi ku xidhnayn, si xal looga gaadho khilaafka ka dhex oogan labada xisbi, ayaa waxa madaxweyne ku xigeenku shir jaraa’id oo uu shalay ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada Somaliland ee Hargeysa ku sheegay in aanay waxba ka jirin hadalkaa SOLJA ku sheegay in labada hoggaamiye si bilaa shuruud ah isku soo horfadhiisan doonaan. “Mawqifka madaxweyne Rayaale sida aynu ka warqabno, waxa weeye inuu la kulmo cid walba oo danaynaysa qaranimada Somaliland”, ayuu yidhi madaxweyne ku xigeenku, waxaanu intaa raaciyey, “Hasayeeshee hoggaanka KULMIYE, baaqiisii u dambeeyey wuxuu ku duudsiyey hay’adihii sharciga oo dhan iyo jiritaankii Qaranimada Somaliland, sida Distoorka iyo maxkamadda sare. Sidaa darteed waxa xisbiga KULMIYE, madaxweynuhu la kulmi karaa marka uu aqoonsado sharciyada dalka iyo natiijadii kama dambaysta ahayd ee doorashadii madaxtooyada”. madaxweynu kuxigeenku waxa uu sheegay in isaga iyo madaxweyne Rayaale ay u yimaadeen ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland iyo qayb ka mid ah Salaadiinta Somaliland maalintii Arbacadii oo ay u sheegeen inay soo arkeen hoggaankii xisbiga KULMIYE, oo ay ku soo qanciyeen in ay wax ka bedelaan bayaankoodii hore oo uu madaxweyne ku xigeenku ku tilmaamay inuu ka soo horjeedo oo uu dafirsanaa jiritaanka sharciyadaha dawliga ah. “Markaa waxa ay nagu yidhaahdeen SOLJA iyo Suldaanaduba waxay wada hadaladu furmayaan marka uu soo baxo bayaanka uu KULMIYE, ku bedelo mawqifkiisii hore”.


    Markaa ka dib waxa uu sheegay Md. Yaasiin in SOLJA iyo Salaadiintiiba u wada tageen madaxweyne Rayaale. markaas oo ay u faahfaahiyeen qorshihii ay la socdeen labada qolaba isla markaana ay ka dalbadeen xukuumadda wixii daacayad iyo borobogaando ah ee warbaahinta la isaga gudbinayo la hakiyo, inta uu xisbiga KULMIYE, soo saarayo bayaanka uu wax kaga bedelayo mawqifkisii hore. “Markaa wixii ka dambeeyana wada hadal furmo” ayuu yidhi madaxweyne ku xigeenku. Hasayeeshee waxa uu sheegay madaxweyne ku xigeenku markii ay wargeyska Jamhuuriya ku arkeen in madaxweyne Rayaale uu ogolaaday in wada hadalo bilaa shuruud ah ay isku horfadhiistaan xisbiga KULMIYE, “Waxa aanu filaynay in aanu saaka[shalay] wargeysyada ku aragno bayaanadii KULMIYE, sidii ballanku ahaa ka dibna wada hadal furmo, laakiin tan Jamhuuriya ku soo baxday maanaan filayn, wada hadal bilaa shuruud ahina waxaanu u aragnaa inuu yahay waxba ma jiraan” ayuu yidhi madaxweyne ku xigeenku hadalkiisii, isaga oo sheegay in imikana mawqifka xukuumaddu yahay sidii ay hore u caddaysay in wada hadal furmaa ku xidhan yahay KULMIYE, oo wax ka bedela mawqifkii hore uu u baahiyey.

  11. A little feisty tigress, yet a bit on the sloping side of things. Which of the 101 issues you raised in one stride do you wish us to observe: the Udud, the Kulmiye, the Riyale, the public, the idealists, the anti-Somaliland camp, the emotions and wretchedness tone in your prose, the quoted history, the pro-Somali folks, the untoward rubbishing of others, I wonder. Pick one to approach objectively, and let us see where we could go from there on.

  12. Dear Lander- Allow me to dispel any notion of antagonism against Somaliland in advance on my part. While I concur your attestation of Dr Shin’s arguably extensive knowledge in matters relating to the land of Somalis, Somaliland in particular, I must admit that for a man of his stature and discipline, he comes across as somewhat lacking in many areas. Not only is he a republican regalist who promotes policies which resonate “good old school doctrine – the white elitist” legacy in every sense of the word, thus his dedication and relentless support of marketing Somaliland as a viable entity which ought to be recognised on the basis of colonial bequest. Though one would have thought a man of his training and experience would have exhibited strong grasp upon issues relating to the subject matter, his ignorance in matters social, political, and clan conflict in Somalia, southern Somalia in this case, is prevalent in all his articles including the referenced piece. The object of his desire, which many believe, and is widely held in many circles, stems from warm handshakes and handsome back-hander contributions between him and proponents of a republic called Somaliland, and his also being on the payroll of the administration in Hargeysa at a consultation capacity, and for PR purposes. His views on the matter, therefore are not objective, lax strong roots, and could only be regarded as such. Before you dismiss my assertion as mere rumours obtained through the grapevine, it would help to know that I am acquainted with the man at different levels, engaged in extensive discussion with him on the subject and other maters relating to the continent and the wider world, attended a number of his presentations, hence have some insight as to the nature of his fascination with the issue, and his desire to see a republic, thereby the rewards of his hardwork attained.


    If this article conjures up the feelings of the general public in Somaliland as you put it, God may spare their souls for while the message might appear inviting on the surface, the gist of it ought not to be overlooked for doing so only receives peril of highest order to the beholders’ expense.


    Good kick-off I thought when I first read it some months ago for a student researching for a paper in an undergradute level, and nothing more.


    I trust you and others on this view are in far, far better position than this regalist, old hawk of Machiavellian doctrine to illuminate the feelings of the people in regions of Hargeysa, parts of Togdheer, and arguably Awdal.


    So long!

  13. Should these people be deported, or should they be given a venue to escape from whatever caused their fleeing of their country of origin to begin with? By sending them back, could they not be subjected to torture, persecution, or death as happens to be the fate of many deportees? And since Somalis have been fleeing all over the world for decades at the mercy of the international community, some generous whilst others had shown no signs of humanity, should we be feeling the pain and suffering of these people, and instead of returning them should not they be assisted in other means, perhaps handing them over to the UN for humanitarian grounds if a case could be established for their circumstance and conditions?


    133 would-be illegal immigrants detained in Puntland

    NAIROBI, 29 May 2003 (IRIN) - The authorities in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland have detained a group of migrants who were waiting to be smuggled into western Europe, Puntland's deputy information minister told IRIN on Thursday.


    Abdishakur Mire Adan said 133 Sri Lankans had entered Puntland under "false pretences". The people who had brought them here from the United Arab Emirates a few months ago had obtained visas for them as "commercial fishermen", he said.


    Investigations by the authorities revealed that the Sri Lankans were to be smuggled into Europe. "We have established that the traffickers had charged them up to US $6,000 each to get them into western Europe by boat," Abdishakur told IRIN.


    He said the Sri Lankans had now been detained and were being kept in a guarded compound until they could be repatriated. "We have asked for assistance in repatriating them, but have so far had no positive response," he added.


    Abdishakur said Puntland would ensure that "no-one uses our territory as a transit point for human trafficking". He pointed out, however, that Puntland needed help in controlling problems of this kind. "We need assistance from the countries which are the potential destinations of the migrants to stop such trafficking."


    In this particular case, the Puntland police had identified the traffickers, and "appropriate legal action" would be taken against them. "We have already sacked two individuals from government service for involvement in this affair," Abdishakur said.

    Source: IRIN, May 29, 03

  14. Truly disturbing and worrying to say the least of the latest news coming from the good old land of Somalis – Somaliland this time round.

    One sees similar events unfolding and incidents taking place in Hargeysa that had taken place in Garowe, Puntland around the time when the opposition camp rejected the proposed extension of the office of presidency for the ruling team around this time in 2001. When are the Somalis going to learn respecting the rulings of supreme courts and decisions reached through consensus and parliamentary proceedings for the good of the majority? And when are going to learn the concept of conflict resolution ending in a win-win situation? Does it ever resonate with the nomads?



    Ciidan Boolis Ah oo Xoog ku Galy Guriga uu Dagan yahay Wasiiru-Dawlaha Maaliyadda.


    Hargeysa(Jam)-Ciidan Booliis ah oo watay saddex baabuur ayaa casarkii jimcihii ee doraad isku xeeray guriga wasiirul dawlaha wasaaradda maaliyadda Somaliland Md. Nuux Sh. Cumar Sh. Muuse oo ku yaalla xaafadda Gol-jano ee magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaas oo galay gurigaas isla markaana ka baadhay dhallinyaro booliisku raadinayay.


    Dhacdadan foosha xun ee wasiirka gurigiisa lagu baadhay oo bilaabay 3:00 socotayna illaa 3:30 galabnimo ma jirto cid lagu qabtay. Hasa yeeshee ka abuurmay buuq iyo sawaxan xoogan oo sababay inay guryahooda ka soo saaro dad tiro badan oo ay ka mid yihiin dadweynihii degenaa xaafadda kuwaas oo is hordhoobay guriga wasiir Nuux si ay wax uga ogaadaan sababata loo baadhayo, Amarka ciidankaasi ku hawl galay ayaa la sheegay inuu bixiyey wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md. Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan iyada oo toddobaadkii hore xabsiga loogu taxaabay toddoba xubnood oo dhallinyaro ah kuwaas oo lagu eedeeyey inay ku kaceen falal wax u dhimaya ammaanka magaalada Hargeysa.


    Wasiirul dawlaha maaliyadda Md. Nuux Sheekh oo Jamhuuriya shalay wax ka weydiisay arrintaas ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu wax tafaasiil ah ka bixiyo isaga oo sheegay in dacwadda arrintaas la xidhiidha u gudbiyey madaxweyne Rayaale.


    “Maanta (shalay) ka hadli mayo arrintaas oo madaxtooyada ayaan war ka sugayaa markaa ka bacdi ayaa jawaabta layga helayaa” ayuu yidhi Md. Nuux isaga oo la hadlaya weriyayaal ka tirsan Jamhuuriya iyo Telefiishanka Somaliland ee madaxa bannaan oo kula kulmay barxadda Hoteelka dawladda ee Hargeysa Club, si ay wax uga weydiiyaan arrintaas oo la sheegay inay khilaaf ka dhex abuurtay wasiirul dawlaha maaliyadda Md. Nuux iyo wasiirka daakhiliga Md. Ismaaciil Yare. Ilo xogogaal ah u dhuun daloola khilaafkaa labada wasiir ayaa tibaaxay in wasiirul dawluhu aad uga cadhooday dhacdadan Booliisku ku galalefeen gurigiisa oo ay xilligaas ku sugnaayeen odayaal iyo dhallinyaro tiro badan oo reer Hargeysa ah kuwaas oo u fadhiyey qayilaad, kuwaas oo la sheegay inuu qaarkood kala hadlaayey arrimo la xidhiidha dhinaca nabad gelyada hasa yeeshee iyada oo weli hadalku u socdo ayay si kedis ah uga dul degeen gurrigaas oo ay kala didiyeen dadkii, ilahaasi waxa ay sheegeen in ciidanka Booliiska ee hawlgalkaa fulinayey si fool xun ula dhaqmeen wasiirul dawlaha ayna ku gacan saydheen amarkiisii isla markaana ay gurigiisa xoog ku galeen oo baadheen.


    Sida ay sheegeen ilahaasi goob jooga ahaa intii aan booliisku gelin guriga waxa wasiirul dawluhu Telefoon kula xidhiidhay wasiirka daakhiliga isaga oo ka codsaday inuu dib uga celiyo askarta inta aanay gurigiisa gelin maadaama isagu amarka bixiyey. Hasa yeeshee waxa la caddeeyey in wasiirka daakhiligu uu taa ka diiday oo weliba askarta ku amray inay isaga qabtaan haddii uu iska hortaago askartu inay galaan gurigiisa. Markaa ka dib ayaa sida la sheegay waxa wasiirul dawluhu la hadlay madaxweyne ku xigeenka isaga oo ku wargelinaya in ciidan boolis ahi gurigiisa badhayaan ka dibna uu madaxweyne ku xigeenku amar ku siiyey Booliiska inay ka baxaan guriga wasiirul dawlaha.


    Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md. Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan oo aanu isna la xidhiidhnay si aanu arrintaa wax uga weydiino ayaanay noo suurto geli wayday.


    Hawlgalkaas oo ahaa mid u muuqday xaalad abuur nabadgelyada lagu khalkhal gelinayo waxa uu dad badan dib u xusuusiyey falalkii argagixisada ahaa ee taliskii Siyaad Barre dadweynaah reer Somaliland guryahooda kagala bixi jiray.

  15. Nicely put Dantay1 - “it is like giving the rapist a right over the raped”, but the question is does the raped realise that an act of rape has been committed? I do not think people of developing countries including Somalis, [and not Somalians], began to dissect so as to absorb the gravity of colonial dis-membranes, exploitation of resources, and manipulation of political orientation, and abuse of authority that rests solely with big wigs over their respective territories. What is ever worse is how oblivious present leaders of the target countries seem dedicated in not only pursuing the colonial legacy, but also implementing it feverishly to the letter as though abiding by the writings of the Holly Book, preaching the words of the Great One. So adamant at times that by questioning such legacies is considered treason in some corners.


    Tragedy in many folds I reckon lies with the young, supposedly acquainted with the culture of their respective host nations, educated in Western Europe and in North America whom one would have expected to have seen the light in the perfidious, double-crossing, treacherous nature of the colonial legacy. All one has to do is to observe the lifestyle of the African Americans and the Native Americans in the US, the Aborigines in Australia, the Gypsies in mainland Europe, and the West Indies in the UK.


    As for the issue concerning Puntland’s distant desire to break away from the rest of Somalia, one has to read State constitution so as to comprehend the political and strategic orientation of the leading elites and political heavy-weights of State: No desire of tucking tail when things get murkier than ever anticipated. Again one has to be privy to the history of the State, how it came about and whom its leaders are.


    Dare I continue - But I shall leave it there for the day.


    So long!

  16. Did you hear the latest from Dumsfeld - weapons may never be found. Surprise! There were never weapons of any sort other than what the then Iraq Gov'nt declared in the 12,000 pages declaration report submitted to the UN. A lesson in history – a legacy that shall haunt the world for centuries to come in general, the US in particular. I do not think we shall be lucky enough to live the day when a more powerful nation levels Washington DC to the ground on the basis of probable sometime in the future endangering the interest, security and political clout of the supposed country. No UN, nor international organisation shall have hope in hell to say otherwise for the argument shall be “ .. we regard the US as a possible threat sometime in the future to the peace and stability of the world, thus it must be disarmed in any way possible. Who is going to come to the rescue, as this is a taste for your own recipe.


    Anger as Rumsfeld admits weapons may never be found (Filed: 28/05/2003)


    Tony Blair is facing the threat of fresh unrest on Labour's backbenches after Donald Rumsfeld, the American defence secretary, said Iraq's weapons of mass destruction may never be found.


    Mr Blair has faced persistent questions from Labour MPs over what happened to the weapons that formed the primary justification for war.


    He has repeatedly said he is confident coalition troops will find the arsenal he once said could be ready for use in 45 minutes.


    But Mr Rumsfeld said: "It is also possible that they [the Iraqis] decided that they would destroy them [weapons of mass destruction] prior to a conflict.


    "We don't know what happened [to Iraq's banned weapons]."


    Glenda Jackson, the former Labour minister, said that the Government was now standing on "shaky ground" over its justification for the war.


    She raised concerns that the Mr Blair knew that Iraq had destroyed any weapons of mass destruction prior to the decision to send troops to fight in the conflict.


    Ms Jackson said: "This war was fought on illegal and immoral grounds and there were no reasons for it. The existence of weapons of mass destruction was just one scenario presented to justify the war by the Government.


    "If the creators of this war are now saying weapons of mass destruction were destroyed before the war began, then all the Government ministers who stood on the floor in the House of Commons adamantly speaking of the immediate threat posed by Iraq's weapons are now standing on shaky ground."


    She added that she never believed such weapons of mass destruction existed in the first place.


    In a speech in New York, Mr Rumsfeld said the search for hidden weapons was continuing and it would "take time" to investigate hundreds of suspected sites.


    It is thought Mr Rumsfeld's remarks were the closest the Bush administration has come to an admission that it may never find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

  17. It actually had been in use for a lot longer than that, but was only commissioned in the early 1900so as to break from the traditional oral methods of sharing information and passing on the rich heritage in its various formats. Lack of technical expertise and wherewithal were the main reasons for not having the Uthmania manuscript in place before that.


    And by the way in case you are interested very soon you will be able to actually type on your keyboard in Uthmania the same way that you do with Arabic. I understand the project is in its final stages, keyboards have been tested and approved, surviving authors of the manuscripts have been working with language and technical experts for a number of years now to have the first newsletter in Uthmania published in many years – I trust Horseed which used to be the newsletter in publication in the 60s and early seventies will remain the name of the new publication. So after all an indigenous manuscript of our own on the news stand!


    Would be interested to know what you find out. Best of luck with your research!


    So long!

  18. Amen old chap!

    For the debate to have some value could we for a moment push the clock back to prior to 1898 just before the scramble of the dark continent ensuing the arrival of the Europeans onto the land of the Somalis, and ask ourselves how and what was the shape of the Somali territories? How is it that the legacy of the vagabonds supersedes, thus overrides the regional one?