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Posts posted by cadnaan1

  1. suaashan facebookisa kusoo weriye Hamza Mohamed u shaqeeya aljazeera.



    Hundreds of Al Shabaab fighters on boats have been attacking and seizing villages in northeastern Somalia since Monday.

    Thanks to piracy the Somali coast is one of the most guarded in the world.

    The international community spends billions of dollars to make sure these waters are pirates-free.

    Somali fishermen often complain of harassment by foreign navies.

    How can hundreds of armed al-Qaeda / ISIL fighters wander freely in the Somali waters right under the noses of international navies?

  2. galbeedi there is also another theory which explained why alshabaab only stayed there for 3 days and left without fight.


    waxa la leeyahay qoloda shabaabka waxay u baahnaayen dekeda marka oo ay wax kala soo dagayeen marka heshiis ayaa jiray oo ayaga iyo amisom /so called somali army.



  3. gaalkacayo shacabki oo dhan way wada hubaysanyihiin laakiin waa amaan


    muqdishu shacabka hub ma hubaysno laakiin way ka amaan xuntahay galkacayo , labadaasi wax israacaayo ma ahan


    aniga muqdishu 2014 iyo 2015 waan tagay amisom waxay qaabilsantahay oo kaliya amaanka outside of the airportka qofka raba ino soo galo airportka waa inuu tusiyaa passport iyo valid ticket.laakiin gudaha airortka shaqaalaha waa wada somali.



    galbeedi sxb my advice to u is instead of hearing things from others why not go there and see it urself xaalak siduu yahay wadanka.

  4. Mr Gaas oo sheekada ku xuntahay



    Garowe(pp) Wararka uu helayo caawa Puntland Post ayaa sheegaya wasaradda warfaafinta ku amartay mamulka Telefishinka Dowladda inaan laga sii dayn karin soo dhawayntii balaarnayd ee Garowe loogu sameeyay madaxwaynihii hore Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Farole oo mudo sanad iyo dheeraad dalka ka maqnaa.


    Warka ayaa sheegaya amarkan inuu bixiyay wasiirka warfaafinta Maxamuud Xassan Soocade, amarkaasi oo u muuqda inuu markii hore kasoo baxay madaxtooyadda.




    Arrintan ayaa laga hadal hayaa magalada Garowe iyo baraha bulshada. Taasoo dadka qaar ku tilmaamay inay wax laga xumaado tahay madaxwayne Pl soo maray laga diido in warkaasi laga siidaayo Telefishinkii shacabka Puntland.


    Madaxwayne Cabdiwali Cali Gaas oo xilligii uu murashaxa ahaa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay Garowe ayaa ka mid ahaa dadkii Puntland Tv laga siidaayay, iyadoo waqtigaasi aysan jirin wax sharuud ah oo lagu xiray.


    Dadka soo dhaweeyay Farole waxaa ka mid ahaa Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland Siciid Xassan Shire.wasiiradda Deegaanka, Caafimaadka iyo Amniga iyo saaxiibadiisii hore.


    Farole oo dadkii soo dhaweeyay baraxada kula hadlay ayaa sheegay inuusan cidna culays ku ahayn haddaan isiga culuys loo arag.






  5. Ethiopia foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom told the Somali leaders to solve their own problems without external involvement.


    The minister was speaking during meeting with Jubbaland administrator, Ahmed Mohamed Islam in Addis Ababa.


    Delegate from Jubbaland are in Addis Ababa on a mission to resolve differences with the South West regional administration.


    Dr, Tedros excuded confidence that the two administration will solve their differences in peacefull manner in short possible time.


    Jubbaland are also at a cross road with the central government after Somalia federal parliament passed no confidence motion against recently established Jubbaland assembly


    Whenever dispute a rises within the Somali leaders , many opt to go to Ethiopia to settle their dispute and differences , triggering heavy critism from the Somali nationals.


    Ethiopia has mediated several differences within the Somali leaders in the past years.



  6. Yusuf-and-Gabre.jpg





    May 14, 2015

    By Hassan M. Abukar


    At an international conference in Europe three years ago, I met General Gabre Heard, former supreme leader of the Ethiopian military forces in Somalia. A friend, then a cabinet minister, introduced me to the general, and I was caught off guard. We stood in a big halI for a few minutes where dignitaries from many countries had convened to discuss the situation in Somalia.


    Yusuf and Gabre

    President Yusuf (left) and Gabre (right).

    The first thing that came to my mind was not the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia “to fight terror” but an incident in 2007 that involved Gabre and Abdullahi Yusuf, Somalia’s president at the time. Yusuf had invited Ethiopia to enter Somalia and root out the regime of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU). Gabre had become angry when Yusuf repeatedly complained about his indiscriminate pounding of civilians in Mogadishu.


    Gabre slapped Yusuf four times until the president fell to the ground. Then, Gabre placed his pistol against Yusuf’s head and threatened to kill him. Yusuf’s bodyguards were left disarmed and Yusuf had to seek protection from the African troops in Mogadishu (AMISOM). The next day, Yusuf’s spokesman denied the whole incident.


    Gabre told a Somali delegate at the European conference how Somali politicians and intellectuals continued to beg him for government jobs.


    “They ask me if I can help them get appointed as ministers or ambassadors,” said Gabre. “I do not have such power.”


    When I first heard of that infamous slap, I was neither disgusted nor surprised. I simply saw it as another manifestation of how Somalia had degenerated.


    In 1978, Abdullahi Yusuf became the first Somali politician to seek refuge in Ethiopia, when he aligned himself and his opposition group, the Somali Salvation Front, with Addis Ababa. The tradition of seeking support from there has continued for 20 years among the Somali leadership.


    Halane and Gabre

    The illustration shows Gabre recommending an official to the current president.

    President Abdullahi Yusuf’s road to public and political humiliation began when he was selected head of the transitional government. He was unable to go to Mogadishu, the center of administration and governance, because it was in the hands of the Mogadishu warlords. Yusuf was hosted in Jowhar, a town 100 kilometers north of Mogadishu, by a warlord named Mohamed Omar Habeb, better known as “Mohamed Dheere.” Surprisingly, the warlord held Yusuf hostage in a government house with no windows until the president’s advisors were able to raise tens of thousands of dollars to whisk him out of town.


    “When I saw President Yusuf in Jowhar,” a former advisor of the president said, “his body was all bitten by mosquitos.”


    Mohamed Dheere was furious when he found out about Yusuf’s departure.




    Yusuf remained ambitious and desperately wanted to rule Somalia, but he made a poor move when he invited Ethiopia to invade his country.


    Gabre shelled the presidential compound because he wanted Yusuf to defer to him to the point of fawning.


    “It was frightening,” said the advisor. “I thought Gabre [would] kill us all.”


    Gabre was eventually recalled—not because he had humiliated the Somali president but because of his failure to maintain order in Mogadishu and for being involved in a slew of financial scandals.


    Yusuf’s humiliation represents a larger trend among Somali politicians, whose paths to political power are often strewn with indignities and a predominance of self-interest over concern for their nation.


    At a social gathering in Nairobi attended by former Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Ghedi, among others, Gabre was reported to have criticized an IGAD meeting in Djibouti. He said only Ethiopia cared about Somalia and wanted to help. A former Somali defense minister immediately seconded that statement.


    “Unfortunately,” Gabre added, “many Somalis do not see it that way.”


    Hassan M. Abukar




    Mr. Abukar is a regular contributor of Wardheernews. He writes about politics, social issues, and Islamic groups. Abukar is also the author of Mogadishu Memoir, soon to be published.