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Posts posted by cadnaan1

  1. 3 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

    Way ka gundheertay awoowe. Reer Somalia murugo iyo ciil ayay u tahay guusha Somaliland. Laakin waxba kama qaban karaan. Inay maanta Ethiopia ka sugaan inay 'midnimo' u ilaaliso waa jar-iska-xoornimo tii ugu darnayd. :D  :D 

    Qofku kolka uu saaxib la noqdo khiyaali waa sidaa oo kale. 

    Waxaad moodaa you guys have been traumatized by aqoonsi la'aanta sodonka sano lasoo dhaafay 

    Cuqdad iyo buufis ayaa idiinka muuqda therapy ayaad u baahantihiin

  2. 11 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

    Awoowe, Somaliland website will report all news on Somaliland both negative and positive. 

    But when you see Reer Koonfur websites, they mostly report what they perceive as negative news on Somaliland. This also goes for the desperate clan based websites who are against Somaliland. 

    For example, the day Chinese ambassador met with Cheeseman in the Villa AMISom basement, they reported that news all over social media. Our beggar from Baydhabo was also quick to predict 'calamity of epic proportions'. 

    Soon when they realised how Somaliland is handling this and winning, they have all crawled back to their miserable places. 

    These news organisations and social media people seem to wank on what they percieve as negative news but quickly disappear when it comes to following up on the same story. 

    You are becoming like Trump when you see a news that speaks positive on somaliland you rush to report  here ( even from

    But when it's not good news for you it's fake news or they're just jealous of Somaliland.

  3. 4 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


    Saaxiib, waan arkaa in "tolka deyniile" iyo intii "lugaha dameeraha" oo kale lahayd ee halkaas kasoo jeeday ay u taalo "tacsi siyaasadeed" (i.e., they are in a political mourning).

    But, I can't let you sling off quietly to join in the rest of your kiths and kins, who are rending their garments in anguish and in despair whilst doing it privately, without asking you this pertinent question, which is:

    "Who is Looma-Ooyaan now?"

    Is it anyone from "Beesha Dhexe" and the "duriyadda" in Hargeisa who are fit enough to be described in this lowly way, both socially and politically?

    Or is it the very folks whose habitat is in the middle of Mogadishu, and who are seeing their politician, namely, Mr. Kheire, being traduced and being humiliated in this way? 

    After all, could you imagine a collection of alleged MPs, sitting in a parliament in Hargeisa, who are being bribed to do to in a PM from Beeshe Dhexe, what they have done to Mr. Kheire in Mogadishu, whilst such government is in existence in Hargeisa?

    The answer is no.

    For I can guarantee you, that, those alleged MPs in Hargeisa and the president who bribed them to do that, wouldn't have lasted another day in Hargeisa before the very folks of the city who really "own" their town chases away those MPs who did that to one of their own sons in the middle of his city.

    Especially, that would be the case, I assure you, if those MPs, supposedly sitting in Hargeisa, who may do such deeds (talking hypothetically in here), were to have been proven to have done it in an "illegal and in unconstitutionally" way. Like the manner those pseudo-parliamentarians in Mogadishu have done their dastardly deeds to Mr. Kheire. 

    Hence, see to it to know, at least from today onwards, as to who is the real "looma-Ooyaan" politically, in Mogadishu? 

    And how, no one, I mean no one, in Hargeisa, who is from Duriyadda (or Beeshe-Dhexe) is ever such a "lowly and discard-able political creature" there in the middle of Hargeisa, as the manner and as the way in which Mr. Kheire actually seemed to have turned up to be in the middle of Mogadishu, which is his own freaking town, by the way.

    Ina mucjiso sxb adiga qabyaalad iyo qurunka goormaad ka gudbaysaa,

    Xamar wey ka gudubtay fikirka qabyaalada farmaajo iyo kheyre shalayto ayaga ayaa Isla yimid hadana wey Kala dhaqaajiyeen after 3.5 years and they did excellent job together.

    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

  4. 2 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Don't give a little attention to the sewage-dwelling vermin who craves all attention since marfish laga xiray. This creature loves all attention all the time like a lost puppy.

    And unlike dadka is-huba oo guri edeb lagu soo barbaariyey, this boosaneero creature eey waxba ma dhaamo. In fact, I am insults eeyo to call this creature one. This creature will always be under cagteyda hoose.

    Magaca ina- mucjiso sida uu ku baxay markaad ogaatid that explains his behaviour aqlaaq xumida.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Muuse Muqayil waa tuug muqayil ah oo bilaa xishood ah. Maalin uu islaan dhul ka dhaco, mar uu agoomo dhul ka boobo, mar... A classic case of drug addict awood yar helay. Wuu ogyahay meesha la iskaga daba imaanaayo marka ka gaarsii waaye.

    Waa sheekadii ninkii la dhihi jiray xoosh ee ganacsiga xamar xaaraantanku heystay in the 80s oo wixiiba nuxur leh xoog ku qabsan jiray asaga oo awood dowladeed adeegsan jiray.

    Astaa TV wuxuu noqday TV bulsho badan sameystay oo awood saaray xaga fanka iyo dhaqanka suugaanta iyo sportska Somalida kama hadlaa siyaasada.