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Everything posted by QansaxMeygaag

  1. Haatu;915264 wrote: Qansax, just what on earth do you do for a living? Just the other day you said you did some travelling as part of work. I'm intrigued. You are still trying to crack me? Have I become a Mexican soap opera? lol
  2. Here is Casha Cabdow singing sawaaxil taarab music
  3. Haatu;915265 wrote: Xuux! Kkk. Oh, there you are! Karibu as they say in your neck of the woods :cool: I love this Sawaaxil song; what are they saying Haatu? I am sure Jowhar being a coastal city should have some barawa and baajun and sawaaxil speakers no? Wasn't Casha Cabdow Saalim a sawaaxil speaker, I understand when she crossed over to Utange, she became a hit of taarab music over there...
  4. Apophis;915233 wrote: This is my favourite "regional" song, it's somewhat depressing than the above offerings though. So why do want to depress us? Upload something uplifting Apo...
  5. oba hiloowlow;915242 wrote: the grave peeps i referred them as reer buulo burdo. Kkkk. I see we have very different shorthands...some of their ladies are really xaax! Where is Haatu to say xuux?
  6. How is Somalia supposed to build a credible national army as a deterrent on nefarious neighbors and internal enemies with an arms embargo in place? Arm newly minted and trained army with toothpicks, machetes and clubs so they can bludgeon their enemies with these crude tools?
  7. Apophis;915129 wrote: The only way to be openly communist these days. Huh? Are you high on Siberian khat, if at all it grows there?
  8. Alpha Blondy;915112 wrote: Qansax, glad to hear you're avoiding the cheshire cat. the weekend will provide you with much needed rest. LOL check this classic from Ryan Leslie. its all about maximising your Sundays evenings to best effect. i usually play it Saturday evenings before the dreaded back to work routine. p.s fiska's pun leaden song is funny walahi. dhag dhag dhag indeed. Ryan - really cool, nodding ma head like crazy. Cheshire cat - Oh Lord, few hours left before that smile...but have a plan, thanks to the weekend relaxation. I will draft my own JD and surprise the cat with what I'd like to do and how...drop that mouse for the cat to chase for the next one week... Fiska - pun intended :cool: I like her dimple, cute cute cute.
  9. oba hiloowlow;915122 wrote: Well the city consist of four districts, Horseed,Buulo sheikh,Hanti wadaag and Kulmis. There is 4 different clan's living in Jowhar such as Unuka,Bantu,Camel lovers and Reer buulo burde(hiiraan). The jowharians are known to be hardworking people and the city is famous for its ''beero'', business and livestock. the situation is very good since the government took over it a lot of houses are being built, new hotels are being built, the business is thriving. A great friend of mine described the people of jowhar as '' dad mudo hurdaayay oo hurdada kaso toosay'' There are no grave-peeps a.k.a. xa(ax)wadle?
  10. I much prefer unifying songs like this one...They bring out the best in us me thinks.
  11. Guys, Regional songs seem to be the in thing. Is this our idea of federalism? Though I must say the musicians seem to be in it for fun, they sing for any and every group...
  12. Alpha Blondy;915096 wrote: yes! Qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaansax, sxb, baal iska waraan maanta? xalaadu so dhagmaha? LOOOL hows the Cheshire cat? Ryan Leslie is the coolest out there. you should check out some of his work. one word: classy. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Alphaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Walaahi maanta xalaadu waa dhag dhag dhag. I spent the whole of last week avoiding the Cheshire Cat like the plague; I have feeling I will be cornered tomorrow or by Tuesday latest... Never heard of Ryan Leslie, sounds like a former member of a boy-band gone broke/burst...
  13. Hmm...a hyena and a bacaac forming a joint forum...need to be a referee somewhere in the middle...
  14. Alpha Blondy;915076 wrote: first in again Sunday 3rd Feburary 2013. just another day so far.its misty outside and i'm listening to ryan leslie. Greeting Alfu-lela-ulela! Ryan Leslie - ninka magac xumaa dee...
  15. Haatu;914941 wrote: Yeah it was that book. In this part he wasn't talking about our preference of light skinned women, he was talking about how we don't worship the white man like other Africans. He seemed to like the MaayMaay people Kkk. What is it with white men and Somali mistresses? There was also a Somali mistress in Karen Blixen's Out of Africa, both book and movie, for one of the main male characters. Looks like we have overtaken Alpha's thread with all this talk of white men and their Somali mistresses...
  16. I seriously think this is the year dem shiites are given a good hiding. Obama has a second term and has zero to loose....
  17. Haatu;914929 wrote: The Kenyans love everything English, just as Angolans love everything Portuguese. Africans seem to suffer from inferiority complex. I remember reading that Warriors book written by the British soldier about his experiences in Somaliweyn after WW2. At the time he said that Bantu Africa (as he put it) have an inferiority complex and worship the white man, whereas the Somalis show disdain and open contempt to them. It seems that as a result of the war we've become part of the cadaan caabud world. You are talking about Gerald Hanley's book (Warriors: life and death among the Somalis). He had a Somali mistress, a stunning creature as he put it, and he was alluding to preference for white colour....does that mean even the Somalis of that era had inferiority complex? Also he had stereotypes of the various Somalis working with him, he had some rather nasty things to say about the Garreh for instance as stubborn.
  18. Alpha Blondy;914926 wrote: do puns exist in the somali language horta? i went out to buy some stuff at a new supermarket. i always like to try out new shops and see what they're offering. good customer service, adeeg hufan and value for money are the things i usually look for. i went to this shop called barqawo-maal or something. i inquired about whether they had soap and other international standard toiletries. on the soap - this tent-cladded assistant came forth with new soaps. himayala herbels and vatika were the brands. i asked to see all four colours on display and properly in stock. yellow - was nourishing LOL blue - was moisturising LOL red - was cleansing LOL green - was soothing LOL i scrutinised the box and read the directions for use. luckily it was in english. LOL i then asked for the usual brands i buy - lifebuoy and dettol. she didnt have them in store. she genuinely was sorry. LOL then she said take the yellow one as it comes highly recommended. really? i thought.....she then proceeded to explain how she uses this type of soap and how its done wonders for her skin..... she said: ''its soapy and really creamy and i just love to rub it all over my body....'' . how inappropriate, i thought, laughing within. LOOOOOOOOOOOL i bought all four colours and paid $1.5 for each. i got a discount of $1 after haggling. LOCALS 0-1 ALPHA! RESULT! Kkkk. Hilarious. I think she has a crush on you... Now the truth about soaps - they are all made of two simple ingredients, listen up. Sodium hydroxide and some fat/oil e.g. glycerin, vegetable oil, coconut oil etc. That's the basic science. Nourishing, moiturising, makes your hair sparkle===BSx100
  19. ^ Also, I shortly resumed my bad habit of tweeting my cantarbaqash, but missed you guys and came back to the fold of SOL.
  20. Alpha Blondy;914883 wrote: Hi Qansax, i guess you've been busy but as per our agreement you haven't posted on this thread recently. is everything okay? your absence has been noticed and your presence sorely missed? can you give example of where you've seen this? Al. Yes bro, everything is OK. Spent most of my time keeping my head down and avoiding the Cheshire Cat. Am keeping him guessing... I think as per our agreement, I have only been missing in action for not more than 2 days, no? In Francophone West Africa, where I have done a few rounds, anything French is wahwah - and local things looked down upon. Same in East Africa, Kenyans are notorious for having a penchant for imported things, including fake English accents even when they do a strop-over of 8 hrs in Heathrow. I think Haatu will bear me out regarding the latter observation. In my short stays in Senegal, Cameroun, Morocco etc, there was a distinct link between the definition of goodness and Metropolitan France/Paris and a clear association between badness/poor quality and things bought at home...
  21. Alpha this is common throughout Africa, the attraction to things foreign, the name dropping, etc I don't think it is peculiar to SL only.
  22. Viva. Have to visit my relatives over there one day IA. The Grave-peeps, the Sheikhs and the Camel-Lovers...I hope they have opened the buundo since Xadraawi's peace caravan and not fighting each other?
  23. Apophis;914710 wrote: Bit of overkill ain't it? You had us at (M)ichael (J)ackson. Who is "us" in this case?
  24. oba hiloowlow;914702 wrote: God bless hablaha OG-deeniya And their M(ichael) J(ackson) sisters in PL...