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Posts posted by galbeedi



    These people in Hargeisa forgot that the main reasons Somalis including the SNM went to war was tribal reasons. Each tribe wanted to be free from centralized state control. It wasn't about communism, democracy or god governance. It was tribal, pure and simple. As I stated in this page , some even went to war for tribal pride and hegemony. The southern Somalis, regardless of their problems understood that devolution of power and tribal federalism is the only way to stop centralized power and the theft of recourses by the ruling tribe of the day.



    When I was in university in the middle of eighties, I felt home in Mogadishu. It was the nations capital were millions of Somalis from five regions of the country congregated for opportunity and life. The ugly head of tribal hegemony was visible , yet it never crossed in my mind that Mogadishu belonged to any tribe or group. " Cid Baa Xamar kaa Xigta ama Dad Gaar Ah baa Leh Weligay isma Odhan". The dictatorship problems were never associated with existence of the people or the tribal ownership of certain places. Yes, the system was breaking down , yet the people were struggling as Somalis in their own land collectively for the worldly life. Five years latter in 1991, millions of Somalis were expelled and made refugees. They were caught unprepared, they thought the land , the people and the government were different things. The leadership was evil, but, they thought , the land was theirs. Most were unable to return their homes as we speak.


    No one in their right mind will rush to build house in Mogadishu unless the character and the mind set of the people and Somalis in general change. In Hargeisa let alone outsiders, even the SNM Habroos, live distinctively different neighborhoods. It is the reality of today's Somalia. In the light of past history, you can't leave yourself at the mercy of any tribal groups masquerading as a government. Peace isn't the absence of war, but a genuine peace of mind based on justice and rule of law. We are all aware Somalis every where refuse to abide by the rules. There are no guaranties that tribal homelands will lead to prosperity and progress, but , at least , you live with ease and live another day.



    No one in their right mind, will deny that despite the tribal hegemony and dictatorship, the biggest calamity that hastened the demise of the Somali State was, the concentration of power, wealth and resources in the hands of very few tribally connected people and their friends. Somalis, some how had always the fear of poverty and the desire to gain an earned material and wealth ( Bililiqo). Don't go far to find these causes. If you carefully investigate the current President Hassan, you will confuse the difference between Benadir regional government and the federal government. Nepotism is rampant. The consolation is people in JUbba, Puntland, Bay and other regions are working hard to manage their affaires without the power hungry centralized Somali state of yester years.



    Mogadishu may be the capital of Somalia, but it shouldn't be more than the seat of where Somalis interact with international institutions and the outside world. The days of the small group of thieves accumulating power and privilege in one place are over.




    Fast forward to the main topic of the sick man of the horn.


    In 1987, Then President Siyaad Barre had a series head on collision. The accident was so series, he was airlifted to Saudi Arabia for more advanced medical facilities. He stayed their more than four months. In a communist dictatorship, there are no written rules that govern if the head of the state misses his duties months or even years. The acting President supposed to be General Mohamed Ali Samater who was the prime minister. For the first time the close family members of Siyaad Barre have noticed the dilemma and life without the President. Rather than follow the rules and delegate the management of the state to General Samater, they decided to make the issue a family affair. HIs wife Khadiijo, Son Maslah and other immediate family circles and their in-laws became in charge of the Somali State.



    Siyaad Barre came back and started his usual business, but most people who follow Somali politics will tell you that he was never the same person after that accident. The introduction of close family members to the decision making of the state , hastened the demise of the government system. Open tribalism, looting and abuse of power followed. Few years latter the Somali state collapsed.



    History repeats it self. 24 years after the collapse of the Somali State another sick man, running an enclave appears in the scene with identical, albeit smaller and insignificant power in one of Somali regions. Siilaanyo who is almost eighty years old had a mild stroke in Sanaag region around July 2010. Since there wasn't any meaningful hospital that can preform any heart related issues, he was airlifted to Nairobi, Kenya.



    It wasn't series, but due to his old age and the late arrival in Nairobi, it has left him with Dementia. Dementia after stroke is a common. Approximately 29% of patients with cerebrovascular disease meet operationalized criteria for Dementia 3. Even greater number have cognitive impairment. Those diagnosed with these disease have the symptoms of Alzheimer's. That means they will have inability to remember things or even read. Siilaanyo could walk or preform some normal physical activities, but he can't remember things or analyze critical issues. He would visit 20 places and will tell them the same thing he told the first one. He can't conduct question and answer interview.




    If you want to know the difference, check Siilaanyo's speeches before and after stroke. You may ask , how many people do know his situation?. well, almost all the main political leaders and business members of the Hargeisa know this. Even vice President Zaylici in one of his skirmishes with Siilaanyo said " Waar Odaygu Dalka Ma maaulee, Xirsi Ayaa Taliya". Even the whole " Beesha", know his conditions, but all agreed to keep under the rags for the moment in order to keep the embarrassing situation private.




    Just like 28 years ago in Somalia, you have incapacitated leader who had involuntarily delegated the business of government to his immediate family. We have Hooyo Khadiijo, who is more vindictive and power hunger in the Name of Amina, we have Hirsi Gaab acting as the presidents son, and finally we have son in -law by the name of Morgan - I am not making this - arresting members of the media who write unpleasant things about Siilaanyo.




    A man from Hargeisa community called me the other day and he said " Waar Odaygani Wuu tagayaa, Waxanina way isla Dumayaane, Nimankiinan Reer Awdal maad iska Sugtaan, yaanu Magac Idin Raacine". roughly he says " that this old man and his corrupt minions are going down and the system is going to collapse, so Awdalites, just wait for a moment ". I told him that, he exactly described the situation perfectly, but unlike 1991, this time we won't be waiting the collapse without preparing ( Maanta Nagu kor dumi maysee Waan Ka Diyaargaroobaynaa).






    Who would have thought after 25 years, a group of Somalis with fanfare and tribal noise couldn't build any meaningful institution based on rule of law, or build 10 km of road after all this years. The Somali state from 1960 to 1980, achieved so many milestones for just 20 years. Free health care and education, security, cultural pride and literacy for all from Kismaayo to Zaylac. . In 2011, as I was traveling from Djibouti to Hargeisa, in one of those old Russian built airplanes. I saw the pilot who happened to be a white Russian, with sandals, holding some kind of a jag putting fuel or some lubricant at one of engines. As soon as you enter, you could feel the smell of urine and notice the water bottles and other garbage on the floor. I said to my self " after 23 years of war and destruction, mayhem, millions of refugees and calamities, is this the legacy that replaced?." Waar Ma Taas Ayaa lagu bedeshay QArankii la dumiyey". If you destroy something , why not replace it with some thing better.



    Ma Daraato Raad Kaan Dhigaan Dib Ugu Soo Laabaty...


    They refused the rule of satay tuned.



  2. It is not true. A useless vice minister who failed a month ago to convince the people about Suldaan Wabar, brought few ( Dheemaal) money for theses elders to denounce Suldaan Wabar. . usually you buy these kind of statements. The largest members of the "Jabhada Awdal are from Qulijeed area.


    Denouncing won't deter Suldaan Wabar.


  3. Che, Tribal federalism is the way. Tribal identity is bigger than ethnic identity. In ethnic communities, people embrace and acknowledge their differences and try to find the middle ground.


    Halkan tuug ayaa kuugu soo dhumanaya magaca reerkiisa oo ku xadaya. In the real world Hirsi, Samaale and Cakuuse will not be a minister in any legitimate government.


    Traditionally, tribes are independent confederates.




  4. Hey Kid, stop hijacking the Awdal struggle. WE are not Mujahidiin or those useless monikers extremists use to slaughter innocent blood.


    Unlike your kin the Chinese are civilized people. A mere letter to their embassy will do the job. Why these young Somali kids keep talking about killing. We all know this is a culture violence and anarchy, but we will deal our issues in our own way rather headless goons as you desire. If our Friends are like you, we do not need enemies. I fear for your own well b


    Last week in Calgary Alberta, Canada two Somalis were killed by other young Somalis. Unlike your deluded culture manhood doesn't mean causing mayhem. Hey, take a pill to cool down kid. I do fear for your own well being at this moment.


    Finally stay away from our case........

  5. He was caught red handed. This company was operating for two years without the knowledge of the people. The first contract was signed by the family in June 2013. They explored the area the previous two years.


    That original contract was signed by Mirsi Gaab, the Palace minister, this minister in the video and the governor of Awdal, three cousins from Burco. After the environmental impacts and other issues was publicized, the minister has drown a new contract two weeks ago to misleads the people. How can any company could bring heavy equipment worth millions of dollars without explicit contract.


    These are some of the most incompetent , corrupt groups I have ever seen. Hello, it is 2015, you can't fool people in this day and age.

  6. Che, truly speaking we do not have that much influence in Mogadishu. Some of our MP pushed the envelope a little. The foreign minister might have got some pressure too. No more illegal companies in our region. The Chinese and others got the message.


    Believe me you , if the so called government keeps closing their ears from Awdal, unlike the SNM community, we will be out of Somalia for real.

  7. Xaaji, you probably didn't see it in the news in 2010, but it was widely reported. A Dahabshiil accounts were preached at the time. Among the big news that were discovered was the $ 630,000 was sent from the central bank of Djibouti to the leader of the Wadani party, Mr. Cirro


    The money was sent by Jamac Hayd, the late governor of the Djibouti central Bank. AS SOON AS Mr. Abdrirahman Cirro, received the money he bought all the regional chairs of Ucid party, and some members of parliament from UCID. He tried a coup to unseat Faysal Waraabe. He didn't succeed , but latter he formed the Wadani Party.


    Everybody knows Qaybdiid was financed by Somaliland. The losers will be the people of central state by electing unrepentant warlord.

  8. If these people are anointing in 2015 a warlord as a leader, they are doomed. This shows the central region people are not series about moving forward. Next door Puntland is led by a Harvard educated modern leader.


    If you look carefully, he is acting exactly like twenty years ago. Rather than look to the future, they regressed back to the old ways. Last time, Somaliland sent him $690,000 through Dahabshill to buy the elders.


    All these " Fitna" that Siilaanyo sowing in Somalia will bite him sooner or latter.

  9. Barwaaqo, I just want to be a good neighbor minding his own business and deciding his future destiny. The sooner you all realize this the better for everyone.


    Tillamook and others, is this a death wish ?. wax qarxiya, wax dila and all this talk about killing is not the mission of the Awdal Army. unlike many of the Somali groups, we don't kill people for the sake of killing. This is going to be a moral and ethical liberation army. We will be save guarding and following what we call a just war measures. We value human life for our people and their opponents.


    As I said before, we wont be boasting, or chest pumping for the sake of hubris. We are in the early stages of training the army. this will not be stone throwing or rioting. It will be a liberation army. Xaajiyow iska yara sug.


    Waar nimanku deg deg badanaa.

  10. Holac, this project was masterminded by Hirsi Gaab, Wasiirka Madaxtooyada, Ducaale, the minister of mineral and energy and the governor of Awdal. Three cousins from Burco have all cashed.


    No one in Awdal knows the extent of the contract or the arrangements made by this group. in the first stage, they filled the rocks with containers and shipped to China directly. Suddenly things changed quickly and the mining pit was built. The Mayor was given some money and he told the local people about the new development. We all noticed about the project when 300 goats in the area drunk the water that washed up from the project and died of contamination. They are using thousands of gallons of water and chemicals to clean Beryllium and other toxic elements.


    We warn the Chinese and others to get out of these unregulated projects approved without the knowledge of the people and health experts. The Awdal Liberation front will not accept or allow these kind of projects without their consent.

  11. Here are my predictions in 2015.


    1-Al-shabaab will be eliminated from southern Somalia.

    2-Uhuru Kenyatta will loose power.

    3-There won't be any elections in Somalilnd for 2015 or 2016.

    4- Awdal Libration Front will capture at least three towns.

    5-Russia will be a mess.

    6-Oil will stay $50 dollars for a long time.

    7-Puntland will capture Laascaanood.

    8-Prime minister Trudeau will form a coalition government with the NDP.

    9-Syria will be a mess, but ISIS will loose ground to Iraq.

    10-Qaybdiid will go to war with Puntland.

  12. Che, we didn't called for war. The Suldaan said " Dadka waxaan U Sheegaynaa In Aan Somaalilnd Ka Baxnay". Then they brought thousands of Soldiers the streets of Boorama. If these occupation of the SNM militia continues , as stated by the elders and others, we have to defend ourselves.


    Do you think a tribal militia can occupy a hostile residents by force in 2104. Plus, traditionally, we don't bluff or boast for the sake of propaganda. We call IGAD, Ethiopia and others to separate these communities peacefully.

  13. Xaaji, unlike SNM, I will not be travelling to Dire-Dawa or Harrar. do you know AW-Barre, one of the largest districts of Zone five , which the Ethiopian government census showed to be 120,000 is five kilometre from Goroyo Cawl. I will have my super there and cross to the interior, take over the towns and go cross back to my village and sleep in my bed.


    The latest news is that millions of dollars were taken to Zone five to bribe people. I can assure you, there won't be a militia changing allegiances and going back and forth after they have been bought by Somaliland. We have seen how that mischief has destroyed the Khaatumo people in the east.

  14. Xaaji, the disputes you are refining in nineties were among yourself, the SNM and other Habros. Juffa Idinka mida Ma nihin. We are a different political entity that made peaceful and political arrangements with SNM, in order to live in peace and build government institutions. That idea is no longer viable. You refused to abide by the rules. Your folks said " Sharcigu Waa Waxaan Ka Soo Dagaalanay". As Mooge said " We have moved". People like Tallaabo and tiny minority understands the decease that is going to finish off Somaliland.


    You can't fool people anymore. We all know this system is going to crush, if we just said " NO" let alone take weapons. There is a difference between state and tribe. INa warran Cadde ayaa yidhi" Aniga iyo Taliyihii Ciidamada ayaa Ethiopia Tagnay, Aniga iyo taliyihii nabad sugida iyo wasiirkii arrimaha Dibeda ayaa Nairobi Safaardaha U tagnay", Wasiirkii Maaliyada yaa miisaaniyadii Ku Dhawaaqay, Gudoomiyihii Bangiga ayaa lacag cusub Keenay, Gudoomiyihii Guurtida yaa hawsha galay, Gudoomiyihii Baarlmaanka ayaa Hadlay, Wasiirkii Macdanta ayaa Ciidan Ilaaliya Batroolka Samaynaya, Kii Airporka ayaa Yidhi " looma baahna Airporka Boorama, Taliyihii Ciidamada ayaa la bedelay, ina Adeerkii ayaa lagu bedelay, Kii Poliska ayaa La bedelay isla reerkii ayaa lagu bedelay. Xirsi iyo Wasiir hebel ayaa Stnbuul tagay. Is this a government or a tribe masquarding as a government. Waar Aaaway dadkii kale.


    Every AWdal official was replaced by another Habros member. I think Somaliland is very fragile. If a few members of Parliament from Awdal crossed to the border, this project will not last 2015. For twenty five years we never discussed openly about Awdal liberation or self rule. Now the time has came. You are our neighbors, we have nothing against you. We can co-exit peacefully. Xaaji , forget about Awdal, we no logger willing to be the Arbitrators of the warring Habroos, We have moved. We have 680,000 Awdalites in Zone Five. We have another 150,000 in Djibouti and about 450,000 in Awdal and other regions. That is about 1.2 million people. We collectively decided to build a viable self sustaining Awdal admiration free from Somalilnd. Awdal is not something new like Jubba, Bay or Somaliland. It is an old civilization that want to reclaim it's roots.


    Xaaji do not be fooled by the propaganda of Somaliland. The Time for tribal nationalism and self rule is here. It did cross Somalilnd in the late eighties. It passed through Jubba, Bay, Galmudug and now Awdal. You can't reverse the clock. When a woman reaches the child bearing moment , no one can delay. You can no longer bribe the old Suldaans. Four or five Suldaans bank rolled by Somaliland can't stop this uprising. This elders were making excuses for over four years. Just like you did yesterday , we will call them " SNM collaborators or worse " Faqash" who chose few dollars, rather than the freedom of their people.


    Xaaji, I know it is hard, to let it go something that you took for granted for so may years. " Dayn KUgu Raagaty, WAx Aad Leedahay Ayaa La Moodaa". THe sooner you understood this the better for all of us. WE want our own place under the sun.