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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. STOIC;977247 wrote: hope it is his right birth date haha Mad_Mullah;977249 wrote: first of January! Isku xishooda inaar, don't reveal our emigrational secrets or you're gonna follow Mr Snowden's footsteps :mad:
  2. AUN saqiirka. PS: @Nin-Yaaban don't get me wrong as i don't know (you) or your motives of creating this thread. Anyhow, you didn't have to mention any racial names in the first place when you were posting this thread as it may create unnecessary racial controversies. @STOIC I got your point but there's no need to generalise an entire race using any experience you've had with individuals.
  3. I came across this video while surfing the web. Simply amazing :cool:
  4. @C&B Adigaa Mudan! @Nuune, Alpha has no point at all and what he's talking about is off-topic! @Alpha, as Juxa said waxaad waliba u baahantahay in laguugu garaaco dacaska uu Tuug Caga Weyne xerto. @Carafaat, Well said, isn't it a good idea to start Special News Program like the one that you're familiar with "HVNL"! @QansaxMeygaag Well said, Brands-ka cusub ee waqtigan jira waa fake!
  5. The specs are great (specially the first ever 64-bits processor - waay faster than the older ones ), i guess this gonna be the next hope/i-phone successor of Apple. Cant wait to check it out!
  6. Mad_Mullah;976885 wrote: Where have you been for the last twenty years? :D
  7. Also a helpful -> topic on the subject *: There seems we have not an online medical glossary/ies on the web.... time to create one i guess.....
  8. Hobolada weyn ee Hibo Maxamed Hudoon (Hibo Nuura), ayaa waxay maanta soo gaartay Magaalada Muqdisho, oo aysan cagta soo dhigin 22-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay. Hobolada ayaa waxay casuumaad ka heshay Gudoomiyaha Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Maxamuud Axmed Nuur (Tarsan). Hibo Nuura oo safar kaga timid dalka Mareykanka, ayaa si weyn waxaa maanta loogu soo dhaweeyay Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Sidoo kale Fanaanada oo shir jaraa’id ku qabatay Garoonka Aadan Cadde, ayaa waxay si diiran u soo dhaweysay dib ugu soo laabashadeeda Magaalada Muqdisho, muddo 22 sano kadib. Hibo Nuura ayaa waxay mahdisay isbedelka ku yimid Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo sidoo kalana sheegtay inay jooggi doonto toddobaadyada soo socda, balse maysan kala cadeyn inay bandhig faneed ku soo bandhigi doonto iyo in kale. Xigasho Muuqaalladii ugu dambeeyay : Youtube
  9. ^ Blue, i didn't quite get that. Are you saying that it's gonna take time or they've already added it to their list?
  10. Tallaabo;976831 wrote: We call it gardaadin and as Alpha said it is indeed an ancient Duriyada culture:D Ninkii igardaadiyay waxaa la igu yiri in uu ahaa m00ryaan, i'm thankful it didn't infect me otherwise i'd have joined the pirates .
  11. Mahadsanid Haatu, Btw, What is your area of expertise?
  12. Lambadina by Teddy Afro (Ethio-Amharic- song) Transliterated Lyrics Ayinoche ayayu, birhan yelachew Belijinete, diro atichachew Liben tesemaw, engida neger Mirkuz yije new, yemiyawkegn hager Alem tayechign, be’anchi wist hona Befikir kuraz, be’lambadina Ahun aye ayine, ahun aye ayine Ahun aye ayine, ahun aye ayine (Lamba-dina, lamba…) Meshito ayine be’lijinete Merikagn sitimot enatee Welell welel alelign Be’fikir bira endalechign Anchi lay wesida talechign (lambadina) Ye’emiye semiro timbitua Wedaj agegnehu ke’anjetua (welel welel aleligne) Kuraze lik ende’maye Anchi nesh lambadinaye (lambadina) Lambadina, lambadina Lambadina, lambadina lambadina honshilet le’ayine, le’ayine mebrat (Lamba-dina, lamba…) Endatikorabet ayinihin Fikir yalnekaw libihin (welel welel alelign) Bemayet silematibelitegn Na menetsiren lewitegn (Lambadina) Fikir yelelew ayinama Weitotal ena chelema (welel, welel aleligne) Sew wedo sew yalwededew Mikruzen meto yiwsedew (Lambadina) Lambadina, lambadina Lambadina, lambadina lambadina honshilet le’ayine, le’ayine mebrat ye’ayine mekresu badonew mayet lebichaw mindinew sayay yamene siteraw ey fikir meto siyaberaw Ahun aye ayine, ahun aye ayine Ahun aye ayine, ahun aye ayine
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;976526 wrote: Update = cusbooneysii/cusbooneyn Avatar = astaan Dismiss = kaladir (mid ka mid ah micnaha) Attach = raaci Post = qormo Settings = hmmm..... ____________________ By the way, sawirkaan hoos ka muuqdo erey ayaa ku cusub ee hore yaa u maqlay ereygaas. Mushkiladda Gulguwiga (Ku talax tagga Diinta) Red colored = is not original Somali but Arabic Talax tag = ku xadgudbid, actualy most of us would think it's taraxtag War iyo dhamaantii erayga cusub ee meesha ka muuqda waa Guluwi
  14. Haatu, Alpha is right but in this context it's better to mention the alternative for thread 'Topic' so that it doesn't confuse others Thread = Topic (english)= Mawduuc (Arabic) = Somali ( ? )
  15. YoniZ;976469 wrote: Shebab is ideology which blossom in chaos situations. The solution is not simple but doable in two methods: 1- Fight the ideology with ideology. 2- Solve the chaos with improved security and give youth hope. Good example of both points can be found in Egypt nineties and again the same country today. The groups that carried fanatic atrocities are defeated in taming them ideologically in the late nineties, and sadly today the same groups are reawakened because of the chaos in that country. walaalkis;976467 wrote: Lack of proper trained security personal. Lack of proper equipment to do sufficient work Lack of communication within the security personal Lack of trust in the government. Lack of knowledge and expertise in defense department Lack of experience and suitable personal to hold the goverment positions for the job. Lack of public support Alshabab can be easily beaten by only if public support was available and there was no snich within the goverment to assist alshabab to slaughter any witnesses or goverment supporters. Why can't there be controlled post in major streets in mogadishu or each major city in somalia. If there was control...full scale controlling system in place there wouldn't be such attacks. block major roads,do daily hourly every min checkup... how can a car go into it's destination when it's stopped far in the distance by security personal. ? all these attacks can be stopped if well trained police and army are in place... but heey you can't make moryaan police officer or army personal. He will do what he has to do assist alshabab make money and leave ... buttom line alshabab well be gone only if the right people for the job are hired.... culusow needs to step up his game otherwise he should resign and admit alshabab are out of his league +1 Al-Shabaab is not the only threat to Somalia but there're also some folks (another version of Al-shabaab) who care less of the future of Somalia and it's progress. The government needs to first understand these problems instead of solving 'em (with war), maybe consult with one of the experts in this field like Sheikh Sharif (our former president and mujaahid) :cool:
  16. @BiLaaL Horay baa halkan loo soo dhigay laakiin mahadsanid for sharing @Haatu, Dismiss is in this case = (to make something)disappear as we've already talked about it, so taas baa gacansayr qadka ka saartay.
  17. Marksman;976397 wrote: Anwar, what do you mean with ' love this '? Because it sounds very insensitive, especially with the attack in Mogadishu today that killed at least 18 people. I think he meant Mad_Mullah loves this
  18. Somalia;976359 wrote: Lets keep it real, they look kinda badass in that first picture, is this a movie? :eek: this one kind reminds me of Al risalah movie, the camera guy must have copycatted that one :rolleyes:
  19. Haatu;976219 wrote: Can anybody help us by translating the following words: update avatar dismiss attach post settings will add more as I come across them. Mahadsanidiin. Gacansayr (Fal) = dismiss ( verb) Diid (Fal) = reject ( verb)
  20. ^ i got it .. take the time to go through this article and also read the tips and warnings (or you may search similar article on the net) How to Criticize Constructively
  21. Habrahan dadka aan waxba aqoon beey lacagta ka dhacaan. Wariyaha: Dhaqaalahaan laqaado ee dhowrka kun ah iyo xoolahaan la qalay muxuu jinkaani ku leeyahay? Habar jini: Muxuu ku leeyahay iasgaaba u shaqeeysaa bee Wariyaha: Lacagta ma isagaa qaadanaya? Habar jini: Adiga soo uma shaqeeysid?, LACAGTII MEEL AY KA BAXDAY MA TAQAANIDBA :D:D
  22. ^ Coofle, that makes a sense, (in computing) an avatar can also be considered as a persona/ character= astaan This article also explains [it's about gaming]