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Everything posted by GaraadMon

  1. Khadafi;891432 wrote: So the conflict has a religious dimension. As a muslim somali I do care about them, if godless communists today join the demonstrations for Palestine why should I not as somali muslim? From a humanistic and secular view point. Whats happening in Palestine is today a nation being occupied. So why should we not support the struggle for freedom? Hatred for some bigoted ignorant arabs should not blind our quest for justice and siding with the oppressed in their deepest hour. It's good to see some honesty on this issue.
  2. Wadani;891408 wrote: ^ Are they? lol. Only to Someone who actually buys into the myth of multiculturalism. Racism pervades every society in the world, more so than others ofcourse, but it's always there nontheless. You'll never find true and and unconditional acceptance except in Somalia, where your actually from. The faster you understand that, the less horrified you'll be of bigotry. Agreed. Bigotry is found in even the most homogenous of countries, it's part of basic human reasoning. People will divide each other up so they can gain larger shares of resources. Had non-Europeans never migrated to North America, the Italians and Irish would still be discriminated against in Canada, which was mild in comparison to the lynchings they faced in the United States along with African- Americans. Unfortunately for us, we're the last ones through the doors.
  3. oba hiloowlow;891404 wrote: what is this about? is it the tutsi hutu game or something else? I am not well versed in this conflict Congo is basically the dumping ground for much of Africa's conflicts. They have refugees from conflicts in Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda etc. They have their own issues which are made worse by armed groups from every bordering country hiding in their massive forests.
  4. Maarodi;891395 wrote: Darn it! We have way too many criminals as is. The last line is a kicker, "It's not hard to come back — I'm talking about illegally," he said, adding where else would he go?" Really? This LCD needs to be put to good work in Somalia. Put his behind in a labor camp by day, and school by night. Ideally, that's what I would've done. The president will need a human shield or two, sounds like a great unemployment oppurtunity for those in our community who are adept at standing around and getting shot.
  5. Jacpher;891332 wrote: ^Right. Israel with American made high tech F16 bombers are saving Palestinians civilians as opposesd to Hamas. Huh? I think the usage of F-16 fighters in a densely populated area shows reckless disregards and plays right in to hands of Hamas. Do you really think Hamas is delusional enough to think killing a few Israelis will result in victory? This response from the Israelis is exactly what they wanted. Unlike you I'm willing to look at the faults of both sides as I'm not carrying religious baggage in to the discussion. You picked sides in this conflict the minute our ancestors converted to Islam, so I don't expect you to see reason.
  6. Hamas is now executing and dragging it's own citizens down the streets chained to motorcycles. Their marketing director is likely furious and will take decisive action. Expect a flurry of dead Palestinian children and devilish looking IDF soldiers to flood your Facebook feeds in the coming hours.
  7. Somalia had lush grazing lands less the 7000 years ago, we've been drying up along with the Sahara ever since. Lack of water management policies and charcoal exports aren't helping matters.
  8. Malika;890735 wrote: ^Your point being what? Elaborate. Translation: Best of luck finding peace on earth for a war waged in a cosmic realm.
  9. oba hiloowlow;890710 wrote: What i mean is Hamas shooting rockets into israel aint such a wise thing to do unless they want the demise of the people in Gaza. That's exactly what they want. Considering the high population density of Palestinian territories, there will be more than enough innocent civilians killed for Hamas to continue to gain the approval of its constituents.
  10. *Ibtisam;890698 wrote: Rwanda was not a Muslim issue- nor was Sudan conflict . Oh I see, it's not a Muslim issue so long as it's Muslims doing the killing? That would explain the silence on the Kurdish issue.
  11. The Keffiyeh is worn by many as a show of support in this conflict. I think I'll open up a stall at school and start selling Macawis with LIVESTRONG written on the back, the granola-munching hippies will love it!
  12. By the way, I'm not condoning what's going on in the region, nor am I telling others not to have opinion on the matter. I just find the main motivations behind why this issues always creeps to the forefront to be interesting. The amount of passions that can be found on both sides of the issue here in the west is frightening.
  13. Jacpher;890651 wrote: You want to distract the readers from Palestine by altering my quote Nice try but that's now what I said. This is what I wrote: You see it wrote Palestine , not holly site. The holy mosque is in PALESTINE . That was my intention, which is why I used the phrase 'fixed that for you'. Urban dictionary definition of 'fixed that for you': Used on message boards when you quote someone but change what they said to make it funny or true.
  14. Jacpher;890644 wrote: ^The third holiest city in Islam is a Muslim concern. Regardless of your little opinion, the third holiest city in Islam is in the hearts of billions of Muslims around the world. . Fixed that for you. Why not say what's really on your mind? If you're main concern was the human impact of this conflict, you would be far too busy weeping for the people of the countries I mentioned before.
  15. Really? Explain why the Gaza conflict, which is tame in comparison to what's happening in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Kurdistan etc. is getting the lions share of publicity.
  16. Palestine is the breast cancer of issues in the Muslim world. It is hardly the worst of the issues, but through excellent marketing, all attention is diverted towards it.
  17. Lol at the Turks. They've killed tens of thousands of Kurds over the past few decades and have been using air strikes on civilians for the past few years. They should stay quiet on issues such as these.
  18. It's pure hypocrisy at it's best. Muslims aren't marching for Palestinians, they're marching for Jerusalem. Where's the outcry over the decades long slaughter of Kurds?
  19. Savage acts were committed during the Somali civil war as well. I sense ethnocentrism is playing a role in this thread...
  20. Oz;890206 wrote: Sad indeed Allaha u naxaristo. Alhamdulilah that generation that use to beat up there kids are slowly varnishing. Hopefully with ALLAH's will this will change in the coming generation. trully sad. I don't think Somali parents are overly rough with their childre. There's a big difference between a spanking and a beating. This wasn't even a beating, it was torture.
  21. I honestly think we deserve this. We may have suffered a great deal in blood as country, but it's scenarios like these which should serve as a reminder of what happens when we engage in petty bickering. Other countries are creating national strategies and using their collective clout to influence regional politics while we continue to further divide ourselves up in to dysfunctional sub-regions.
  22. Aaliyyah;889851 wrote: Blackflash don't troll on my thread. I'll cease all trolling activities, you have my word on that. Let's shake on it.
  23. [troll]What if you're a lesbian?[/troll]