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Everything posted by The-freeman

  1. ElPunto;847629 wrote: ^let's just say farah22 is crazy and hasn't contributed one sane reasonable post to SOL in 518 posts so far. I love the reason crew - they display theirs so frequently when Islam is the topic of discussion . Like shooting fish in a's fun!
  2. ailamos;847622 wrote: You're entering dangerous territory. Yeah, it's called Reason
  3. N.O.R.F;847613 wrote: What I'm asking is, are they (those that destroyed the tombs) wrong considering those tombs are being used by people to pray to God through the dead 'saints'? This spreads ignorance when people copy eachother and pass on the practice to others. Who is responsible? Who should be held accountable? They are wrong full stop. These people pray differently to the destroyers and they have every right to do so; there is nothing ignorant about it. Many Muslims often say "Islam does not compel", I hope you agree.
  4. N.O.R.F;847597 wrote: Huh? What Islamic heritage is being destroyed? Are any mosques being destroyed? Any of the ancient school buildings? The report says tombs are being destroyed. I'm no expert but are some revered sheikhs' tombs important for some sects of Sufi Islam? I'm sure these people were maintaining these tombs for a reason and not because it's a fun thing to do on the weekend.
  5. ElPunto;847573 wrote: You don't give a rat's azz if monuments and shrines are what makes the news regarding this place rather than the people their hardships and their poverty. It;s a judgement call buddy. I have not played any Islamaphobia card - I simply question their motives for publishing this story. I simply don't believe their motives have anything to do with the destruction of historical sites. Whether Muslims are the guilty party or not is upto their respective communities - not someone 5000 km away. Though these monuments have nothing to do with me I do care and understand that it is cherished by those who have maintained them throughout their existence. The Telegraph have done nothing but highlight the cultural oppression brought upon these simple people. PS:
  6. ElPunto;847550 wrote: Not at all. I just love all these folks who couldn't give a rat's azz previously about Timbuktu and its shrines or the Buddhas in Afghanistan going into fits when some angry Moslemz go on the rampage. You can't help but suspect it's just another bat to bash Muslims and Islam. How do you know no one gave a "rat's azz" about these things? people visit Timbuktu from all around the world because of its culture.And though you're quick to play the Islamaphobia card you'll notice it's Muslim people who have destroyed these shrines. They are the guilty party. Don't blame the victims for telling the world their story.
  7. People who whistle- I feel like choking them :mad: Somali guys who think they can sing - more choking!
  8. I don't think YouTube videos or blogs are good indicators of the state Somalis are in- I think the unseen,unheard majority are hard-working people raising their families and sending billions back to Somalia.I think things are fine.
  9. Garnaqsi;846827 wrote: Does it has to be just one scene? Ah, well, then probably just the following from Inherit The Wind (1960): Great film! time for a re watch
  10. Carafaat;847080 wrote: freeway, how is their humanity denied? The article you posted has some clues.
  11. These woman should reject such hollow tokens and refuse to participate. It's like allowing Rosa Parks to sit in the front bus seats while denying her humanity in every other way.
  12. Is Azaania being eliminated or integrated?
  13. Garnaqsi has offered a reply which is better than I would have stated so I won't repeat it too much. The way I see it is this: culture should evolve and borrow from other cultures attributes which are progressive. Though Western culture has its ugly aspects we should integrate the positives, which, in my opinion are many. The Arab culture, though progressive in past centuries, has now stagnated and as such we should not be emulating it. And to bring the discussion back to the original posting-two humans who appear to like each other and who express that like by sharing a kiss should not be something of concern unless one is fuelled by absolute dogma.
  14. Showqi;846788 wrote: Freeman, as we all know Somalia has been with out a government for the past 21 years, but if you do remember in the 80s and the begin of the 90s Mogadishu had a church where Christians attended every Sundays, and where they use to have weddings during the weekdays. The Hindus and Sikhs had their spacial graveyard in the district of Hawlwadaag where they use to bury their people . We alwas respected the foreigners and left them alone with their religions and their beliefs. We never bothered them and they were allowed to do as they please, as long as they did not bothered the Islam religion, and did not tried to convert Somali people. Its only now that we see so many Somalis converted to Christianity and Atheist. Soomaalidu waligeed diintooda iyo dhaqankooda way ku adkeyd intii ka horeysay 1991kii. Iminka markii jinsiyadaha kale la qaatay ayaa diintii iyo dhaqankii laga tagay. Caku iyo dowlad la aan nimo. Waxaas oo dhan waxaa u sabab ah dowladeenii burburtay aawadeed. The socialist regime separated religion from politics (something it must be commended for), that is why all those people you mention were respected. I doubt we will witness such a separation in the future.
  15. wyre;846758 wrote: Another One In The List Oh boy, I hope the prize is good, I'm pretty broke!!
  16. Aaliyyah;846749 wrote: ^ First your argument was about culture, but now it is about religion? so you want people in Somalia to have the right to practice whatever they want? isn't there non-muslims in somalia as we speak like members of some kind of humanitarian organizations and does anyone force islam on them? there is no compulsion in islam, you know that right.. Inshallah we will talk some more tomorrow, it is getting rather late at my end. salaam That was just an example of Western cultural attribute, I was not starting a new debate. Culture is defined as "the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group" : And the fact that NGO workers are not forced into Islam is not the same as allowing Mosques,churches,temples etc, being allowed to exist freely. As a Muslim, you must surely be happy that Muslims are allowed to build mosques and practice their religion freely in Western countries? if yes then do you accept the establishment of temples,churches etc, in places like Somalia or, dare I say it, Saudi Arabia?
  17. Aaliyyah;846747 wrote: ^ our culture has not weakened in the last 20 years walaal. But, somalis become more educated about islam, and of course for that reason they might have discarded whatever that was in our culture that opposed islamic teachings. For instance, you will find both back home and abroad ladies wearing jalbaab or abaya that mr Freeman is not taking arab culture but practicing islam. As for the western culture being superior to our culture? I guess my question still stands in what way is the western culture superior? My favourite is freedom of religion- I like the fact that people are allowed to practice and build temples for their insane believes (case in point, Scientology).
  18. Aaliyyah;846744 wrote: ^ they are married and they have the right to do whatever they want. And, no one should be judging them. However, it would have been more decent for them to not kiss front of people in public - diinti iyo dhaqankaba waa kasoo horjeeda waxay wadaan. I wouldn't say it is haraam but most likely "makruuh" With that been said, those who are wasting their time insulting people they dont even know are probably collecting danbi themselves. I need to ask,how you came to this conclusion about Somalis being westernized means they are reaching progress? that part just ticked me off. Do elaborate..and when I hear the word "westernized" it means to me copying the culture of the westerners. How is leaving your culture for another progress? siiba culture that contradicts many of our islamic values? although I am sure not everything that is westernized is against islam many or mostly are. bal ii sharax waxaad uga jeedid. In reply to your second paragraph- it is true that our culture has already been weakened in the last twenty years. To me, Somali culture has been systematically replaced by Arabian culture under the guise of Islam. So my point is this, since it appears, as Somalis, we're willing to discard our culture so easily, we might as well trade it for a culture which is, in some senses, superior to ours.
  19. I'd rather Somalis are Westernised than Arabised- one leads to progress the other to nothingness. These two people look like they are being normal.
  20. Del boy for those in London :cool:
  21. Don King Kong - only in America
  22. GaroweGal;846189 wrote: ^Is this guy Okay? Let him decide are you serious? There is nothing to decide about its part of the Sunnah. Soon breastfeeding will be banned because it causes sore nipples, Go Figure! Of course I'm abnormal for suggesting lets not cut and mutilate a healthy helpless human baby while you're perfectly sane for suggesting the opposite!
  23. Blackflash;846156 wrote: I'm a bit torn on this decision, part of me thinks it's strange that the law allows you to make a cosmetic changes to a child's body, but it's a simple enough procedure that it won't be much of a problem. I wonder if you're allowed to perform liposuction or rhinoplasty on infants? Would that be considered harmful? This is in Europe though, the only western countries where circumcisions are prevalent are Canada, the U.S and Australia. It would be harmful and probably illegal to perform such surgeries unless it is medically necessary. For circumcision, wait until the child turns 18 and let him decide.
  24. Good news! Religious freedom does not mean the right to injure an innocent child who cannot give consent.