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  1. LOL! There's no oil, this is yet another attempt at those foolish companies like Range Resources, Red Emperor, etc... to get people to buy a whole lot of stocks, what an economic bubble they have created.
  2. Nuune, this meher thing is very archaic, I stand to make alot of money, but now I'm a college student ready to drop college for business in Somalia (there are many opportunities, if you can't find them, you aren't a business man), all that I desire is loyalty, a woman (especially a somali one) only wants your money and nothing else. This is the same for most women who grew up in the west, don't forget most of them aren't even virgins, why should I pay the meher? I'm not paying a penny even if I were rich. It is what it is.
  3. I'm not paying for meher (getting married soon), I find it to be like if a man is paying a hooker for companionship, it makes no sense. I will give my wife roses, or sweet words, whatever works, without any costs upfront.
  4. The problem is really simple, this western filthy *******s are putting salt on the wounds of Somalia, we have been insulted horribly by these westerns, here me out Somalia ought to be one, because we are now divided and we aren't strong as divided factions and regions. It is all total rubbish, these western pigs know how to play the game.
  5. LOL! Look at the fate that has befallen great Libya! Look at them right now, divided and ruled by agents allied with the west! Alas, the novle hero Gaddafi has perished killed by dogs under the command of the west. It is already happening to Somalia!
  6. You ignorant somali curs, how can we accept this travesty? A prize to a woman?! How dare that feminist whore get into somali business. We shouldn't take this lying down, I know what these americans/westerners are about, no noble peace prize (a western invention, why can't we make out own?) should come in between our land and the west. Let us protect Somalia from these jackals who prey upon ****** like Hawa Abdi, there are many Somali doctors (most of them male), have they been awarded a prize? This is so called doctor is a liar and a cheat, she is doing it for the spotlight, since when are we humans suppose to get awards for being humane? Wtf?! Just another poo attempt to distract somalis from the actual agenda.
  7. My father married at the young age of 16, but I will not marry, no, but I will have concubines. Marriage isn't for me, but I like most males need someone to **** with until I get bored and discard her as she gets old. A concubine is replaceable.
  8. What a brilliant man! Mugabe is a proud African Leader, he is much like Gaddafi who met his demise late last year. Yes, we need an African army to defend Africa, we need Africa to unite like North America, we Africa to have a single African currency, and we need to kick these self-hating uncle toms of of Africa, especially Ethiopia and Kenya, who'd invade Somalia and Eritrea, for the deaths of White Europeans. What a shame that Ethiopia and Kenya brings onto to Africa!
  9. How much money is it exactly? My parents have properties all over Somalia, yet, I want to buy my own property -so that I may brag about it- how much would it cost me?
  10. LOL! Tell me how much would an operation like this cost me? I've saved a load of money, have 15 thousand secured (from a friend), and have 5,000 that I've saved up for myself. I'm 20. I am going to Somalia this summer for another business plan.
  11. Hey, by golly Oday! You have impressed me with your business mind, you and I; we are alike because we are forward thinking and do not let the present conditions of Somalia get us down. I've come up with a business plan and will implement it this summer.
  12. BOB;804223 wrote: ^^^Imagine the hell he must have put the poor woman through that she felt suicide was the only way out! He must have abused her both physically (including sexually) and mentally that she felt only death offered solution to her ordeal. Most stories that you hear from these sexually oppressed arabs is that they rape their domestic workers especially the foreigners whom they know are vulnerable and can’t go to the authorities and seek justice against them. He should taste his own medicine and get the same punishment that he handed out to the deceased and then force him to pay her blood money and support her family like she used to for the rest of his worthless life. Peace, Love & Unity. Why do you assume he has sexually abused her? Someone with her looks, what man would dare touch her? I'm not defending arabs presay, but men in general.