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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. shout out to Tightrope; the Democratic Republic of Puntland :cool:
  2. Osman get in here and add your two cents!!!!!!!!
  3. New Delhi, May 15 (IANS) Against the backdrop of Somali pirates currently holding over 60 Indian sailors as hostage, the African country’s Puntland state backs military operations to rescue them and to fight piracy, even as its President Abdirahman Mohammed Mohamud Farole is in India to work out a naval capacity building agreement. “I always support the military operations to fight piracy,” Farole told reporters on the sidelines of an event he addressed at the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) at Sapru House here. He was responding to queries if the Puntland government will support Indian military action to rescue its sailors held hostage by Somali pirates all along Somalia’s 3,300-km coast. Puntland is a semi-autonomous state in north-eastern Somalia. However, Farole had a word of caution on the fight against piracy. “If you don’t stop the option of ransom payment, you won’t stop piracy. That (ransom) encourages new recruits and that (piracy) never ends,” he said. The other option to deter the pirates, according to the Puntland president, was to fight indirectly through other means such as denying access to the seas for the pirates and ensuring economic growth in the Somali coast that offers youth alternative employment opportunities. Though there were no ships held hostage in Puntland as of now, Abdirahman admitted that pirates did escape into their territory “sometimes” from neighbouring areas when the government forces fight them on land. “We are fighting them on the land, but we do not have support from the sea. We do not have the means to reach them in the sea. International forces off the shore do not want to hurt them because they are afraid the hostage may be hurt and that doesn’t work (in the anti-piracy fight),” he said. Farole, who is scheduled to meet Indian political leadership including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday, said he will discuss a military agreement with India, particularly in capacity building of its forces to fight piracy both on land and sea. “Yes, definitely. Training… mainly to support training,” he said when asked if a military agreement would be discussed with the Indian leaders. However, he said his government does not allow any foreign military base in Puntland.
  4. Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo socdaal shaqo ku jooga dalka India ayaa la kulmay golaha arimaha dibadda dalkaas u qaabilsan. Madaxweynaha oo safarkiisa ay ku weheliyaan xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada Puntland ayaa khudbad dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabanaysa ka jeediyey kulankii uu la qaatay golaha arimaha dibadda ee dalka India. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ugu horeyn si kooban uga sheekeeyey taariikhda Puntland, tirada dadka ku nool iyo Juqraafi ahaan meesha ay Soomaaliya kaga taal, isagoo intaas raaciyey in Puntland dadka ku dhaqani ay u badan yihiin dad xiligii burburka kasoo qaxay gobolada koonfureed ee dalka. Dr. Faroole waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay Dastuurka qabyo qoraalka ah ee Soomaaliya ee ansixintiisa lagu howlan yahay, marxaladda kala guurka iyo qorshaha Road Map-ka isagoo dhinaca kale tilmaan ka bixiyey sida uu xiligan ammaanka Puntland yahay. Khudbadda madaxweynaha oo ah mid dheer waxyaabihii uu kusoo qaaday waxaa kamid ahaa Burcad-badeed isagoo sheegay in Puntland ay dadaal badan ku bixisay sidii ay deegaanadeeda uga sifeyn lahayd islamarkaana ay si weyn ugu guuleysatey arintaas. Qoysaska dadka u dhashay dalka India iyo eheladooda ayuu madaxweynuhu uga tacsiyeeyey afduubka loo haysto badmaaxiinta Indianka ah inkasta oo uu sheegay in lagu haysto meelo ka baxsan xeebaha deegaanada Puntland. Ugu danbeyntii wuxuu madaxweynaha Puntalnd Dr. Faroole uu sheegay in Puntland ay u baahan tahay in lagu taageero sidii ay uga faa’iideysan lahayd khayraadka ceegaaga badeheeda islamarkaana ay uga hortegi lahayd kaluumaysiga sharci darada ah iyo Burcad-badeeda. Safarka madaxweynaha Puntland oo ah kii ugu horeeyey ee uu madaxweyne Puntland ka tirsani ku tago dalka India wuxuu yimid kadib markii uu dhowr beri kahor magaalada Adis-ababa kulan kula yeeshay madaxda dalka Itoobiya.
  5. Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr. cabdiraxmaan Sh. Maxamed Faroole ayaa Magaalada New delhi ee wadanka Hindiya wuxuu khudbad dheer ka jeediyay shir caalami ah oo ay soo agaasimeen Golaha Arimaha Dibada ee Dowlada Hindiya, kulanka uu Madaxwene Faroole ka jeediyey khudbada ayaa waxaa goob joog ahaa in ka badan 40 wadan safiiradooda jooga Hindiya. Madaxweyne Faroole wuxuu warbixin guud ka siiyey Martidii kulanka Xaalada guud ee Soomaaliya iyo halka uu marayo Qorshaha geedi socodka Nabada, wuxuu kaloo Madaxweynuhu ka hadlay arimo ay kamid yihiin Xaalada amaan ee Soomaaliya, la dagaalanka Argagixisada iyo Burcad badeedka, wuxuu kaloo madaxwenuhu taataabtay halka ay marayaan guud aaan xaalada soomaaliya. Kulamo kale oo Madaxweyne Faroole iyo wafdiga la socda ay si gaara ula qaateen Masuuliyiinta Hindiya ayaa laga wada hadlay Arimo dhowra. Madaxwyne Faroole wuxuu kaloo sigaara ula kulmay safiirada wadamada Democratic Republic of Congo, Turkey, UAE, Algeria, Yemen, Ethiopia, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Benin, iyo Masar. Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha dowlada Puntland Mudane Cabdullahi Axmed Jamac oo isna kamid ah wafdiga aya kulamo gaara la qaatay Masuuliyiin Dowlada Hindiya u qaabilsan arimaha dibada. Dhowaan ayaa Wafdiga Madaxweynuhu ka soo kici timi doonaan Dalka Hindiya, inkastoo aan wali la shaacin meesha ay u kicitimayaan, waxaase laga yabaa iney si toosa ugu soo laabtaan garowe iyagoo Soo maraya Dalka Itoobiya. Warar kale oo waxaa jira sheegaya inay kusoo wajahan yihiin Dalka Kenya halkasoo laga yaabo inay kula kulmaan Qaybaha kale ee hogaanka soomaaliya iyo Qaramada Mdoobay waxaana laga yabaa in laga wadahadlo ama Dowlada KMG ay warbixin ku siiso halka uu marayo Qorshaha Geedi socodka nabada (Barnaamijka Road map-ka).
  6. Wow. Somalia is bless to have a President like Mudane Madaxweyne Faroole. :cool:
  7. Showqi;830652 wrote: What war are you talking about Kingofkings ? We are merely discussing an issue here. By the way didn't I tell you to get rid of this fake warrior avatar of yours long time ago!
  8. Haatu;830633 wrote: ^ I've just been wasting my time. I thought you could reason like a rational person. Illeen you're just a clan zealot. it's funny how clan zealots always manage to argue with one another.
  9. Haatu;830624 wrote: King, now were're on the same page And of course it'll be ahead of most places. Others are just being liberated. no. i'm afraid we're still not on the same page. PL will have the advantage to dictate to somalia as it sees fit. :cool: God Bless Somalia's President Faroole. :cool:
  10. Haatu;830598 wrote: Mr Faarax, I'm under no illusion that the current administration is ineffective. That's why I told Showqi not to worry as this 'issue' will end in 3 months time. even if it ends in 3 months, PL will still be ahead of everyone. :cool: