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  1. Sinnaantaan la magac ahay Sanku-neefle ma oggoli Inuu iga sarrayn karo Anna garasho sogordahan Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo SOOMAALI BAAN AHAY
  2. mirifle can't claim lower shabele because back in 1996 when RRA and their ethiopian Allie defeated the SNA aka HG, they had the upper hand and if they wanted they could have came all the way to Afgoye but they never did! knowing that their supposedly cousins were under Gen indhacade's oppression. some people say that indhacade and his HG clan forced the locals to pay money to get water from the shabelle river. until some of the local communities specially the Garre founded a movement similar to the RRA named DSA (digil salvation army) to fight against the people from guriceel.
  3. one of the best quran app for iphone and ipad
  4. Unofficial first Flag of the Confederate States of America. 1861
  5. Who do you think cursed the flag!?
  6. I thought maay maay was a language! you may say Digil and Mirifle or Raxweyn I guess!
  7. Generally Gabayga waxa uu weerar ku aha dowladii kacaanka, gaar ahaan Siyaad Barre.
  8. If, God forbid, any thing like that happens, we Somalis will be minorities in our own country, if only 10 million Ethiopians flee to Somalia and easily settle between the two rivers, that is it. few years later its gonna be "habashstan" state.
  9. xadiithka ugu horeeya ee uu sheekha soo daliilsaday, waxaa lagu xusey silsiladaha axaadiista daciifka ah ee sheekh albani, sheekha weyn ee ibnu teymiyahna wuu daciifiyay.
  10. Geel soddon qaday, saddex cisho kuma dari waayo, I would say do some istikhra and wait...Insha allah its gonna be alright.