Shinbir Majabe

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Everything posted by Shinbir Majabe

  1. Wish the team luck, we just need positive draw (1-1 or 2-2), if 0-0 there will be extra time and penalties.
  2. A British gentleman who worked for the UNHCR’s office in Nairobi once told me that the Somalis living in the diaspora have an opportunity to rebuild their homeland. “There are only two kinds of people you will find almost everywhere you travel to in this world --a Jew and a Somali. You and many Somalis around the world today have an opportunity to better your lives and the lives of your people,” he said. At the time, I did not really pay much attention to the gentleman but his words stuck with me a year or so down the road, when I eventually moved to the United States. Today, Somalia is facing the worst humanitarian crisis due to a famine that has already taken the lives of tens of thousands of people mostly children. Thousands of others are dying due to the unending civil war, which has ravaged the coastal capital city and many other cities into rubles. On Oct. 4th, Al-Shabab carried out the single deadliest attack to ever occur in Mogadishu and in Somalia in the form of suicide bombing, killing more than eighty innocent people, mostly students waiting to hear whether they won a scholarship to Turkey. Despite all of these and numerous other obstacles and challenges, I am convinced that Somalia has better days ahead of her. Days when Somali children will not have to die of starvation. Days when the Somali government will be led by competent individuals and leaders who put the interest and the prestige of the country before clan and individual interests. Days when the cool coastal breeze of the Indian Ocean will fill the air of a peaceful Friday night in Mogadishu. And, days when I will not have to endure a lecture from a protected American kid on how my homeland is a ‘no place’. I am not one of those who write poems and articles based on a ‘dream’ they had of a peaceful and a prosperous Somalia, because in the eyes of political analysts and international journalists, Somalia is considered a failed state to them. In the eyes of many in the international community, Somalia is a lawless country with a slight chance of hope. In the eyes of some of my friends and people I am surrounded with daily, Somalia is a pirate infested country. All of these maybe true. But to me, and many other Somali students studying in almost every prestigious university around the globe, Somalia is a candle in a dark room that is in need of a light source. That light source today are the Somali youths scattered all over the globe. The youths who decided to walk hundreds of Kilometers in Canada to raise money and awareness for their brothers and sister dying of starvation in Somalia. The youths who mobilized themselves here in the United States and in the U.K together to provide a relief program for the displaced in Mogadishu, without the help of any NGOs during the month of Ramadan, and in the process crossed the imaginary clan boundaries that forever divided us. The youths who did all of these and much more, even though most of them have never been to Somalia. These youths are scattered and live in every corner of this world and they speak almost every language that can be spoken. They have studied almost every subject that can be studied; they are doctors, lawyers, politicians, astronauts and engineers. They are students and alumni’s of many prestigious universities in their respective countries. They are citizens of almost every country that is in existence today. And in addition to that, most of them if not all have reserved a special part of their heart for their homeland—Somalia. This is an investment that is accruing an interest at a higher rate, and the people and the government of Somalia should take advantage of it. What is remarkable is that most of them have never seen a peaceful Somalia. They have lived most of their lives reading and hearing bad news coming out of their homeland. Some of them even grew up as refugees in refugee camps. They know what war can do; they know the feeling of not having a peaceful country feels like. They yearn to see a country that is progressive and that can take care of its citizens. They yearn to see normalcy coming back in the villages, towns and cities of Somalia. With these individuals, educated, in position to make decisions and influence the government—no civil war will ever occur in Somalia. With these individuals running the hospitals and clinics across the country—no Somali child will die of treatable diseases. With these individuals managing the defense forces, the coast guards and the navy of Somalia—no foreign military ships will be needed to safeguard one of the busiest trade routes in the Indian Ocean. The Somali elders, although some of them are full of wisdom need to understand that their time is limited. They have been running, and some dragging this country for years— it is time for new young faces to represent the Somali people. It is time to give a chance to those who are willing to leave the comforts of the Western world, and use the education they have acquired to rebuild their homeland. It is time for those who have lived peaceful with people of other cultures and religions—forget about other clans, to run the institution needed in rebuilding Somalia. The Western world and the United Nations also need to understand that installing another government full of uneducated and opportunistic individuals in all the three branches of the government will never bring peace to Somalia—all they will see is disagreements after disagreements, new Prime Minister after another. With that said, the Somali youths in the diaspora and those who reside inside the country need to step up. They need to understand that Somalia needs them. Not when it becomes peaceful, but now. Because without them, the state of peace will never be achieved in Somalia. By Yasin Ali ______________________________________ Yasin Ali is a student at Wake Forest University majoring in Political Science.
  3. When Al Jazeera English first reported from Mogadishu in November 2006, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) was in control of the capital and most parts of southern Somalia. A month later, Ethiopian troops backed by the US invaded the country, removing the ICU, and replacing it with the Transitional Federal Government. In 2009, the al-Shabaab armed group rose from the ashes of the ICU to eventually control much of the capital and other parts of the country. In August, al-Shabab said it was withdrawing its fighters from Mogadishu, in what it described as a tactical move. Nazanine Moshiri revisited Mogadishu five years after Al Jazeera’s launch and found that the situation in the famine-ridden country is little changed.
  4. Dhagax-Tuur;758325 wrote: US drones? could be or guided cruise missile from warships stationed off the coast.
  5. Geerida Xasan Dahir iyo Axmed Godane ayaa lagu muransan yahay, duqeymihi xalay ayaa ahaa 3 meel oo kala ah Afgooye, laanta buuro iyo meel Marka u dhow... Alshabaab websites and Radio Alfurqaan ayaa sheegaya ineysan jirin wax duqeyn ah, taasoo ku tusineysa in dhibaato weyn ka soo gaartay duqeymihi xalay ayadoo dadka deegaanka ay kuu xaqiijinayaan iney maqleen qaraxa madaafiicda sida mid ka mid ah uu wareysi siiyay laanta VOA Somali.
  6. War goor dhaw kusoo dhacay Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada ayaa kuwarama in goordhaw Gantaal culus uu ku dhacay Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose. Gantaalkan oo ahaa mid culus ayaa ku dhacay xero ay leedahay Jimciyada Thadaamun Islaami ay kujireen caruur agoon ah kuna dhaw Saldhig ee Shabaab ku leeyihiin Degmada Afgooye. Dad goob joogayaal ah oo kusugan Degmada Afgooye ayaa ku waramay in gantaalkan uu goordhaw kusoo dhacay Degmadaasi uuna ahaa mid dhawaqiisa meelo badan laga maqlay. Lama oaga Qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay Gantaalkaasi goordhaw kusoo dhacay Degmada Afgooye balse dadku waxa ay ku warameen in uu qasaarooyin ka dhasheen. Goobta uu gantaalka kusoo dhacay ayaa waxaa soo buux dhaafiyay ciidamo badan oo katirsan Al-Shabaab kuwaa oo durba xayiray isku socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka. lama oga halka uu gantaalkan culus ee ku dhacay afgooye uu kayimid ,waxa ayna dadku ku warameen in aysan arag wax diyaardao ah oo marayay hawada afgooye ayna la yaaban yihiin halka uu gantaalu kasoo dhacay. Waxaana caawa Xaalad qal qal jahwareer iyo cabsi ay kajirtaa Degmadaasi iyaga oo dadku ay wadnaga farta kuwada hayaan ayna ka cabsanayaan gantaalo kale oo kusoo dhaca Degmadaasi. xigasho
  7. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. Toloow see u dhadhantaa?! who knows iney macdahay iyo iney dhanaantahay.. dadka cabaayo bilaash uma cabin, there is something special about it..
  9. Minhaaj goormee Soomaali la bixi jirtay. Waala wareeray. Magacyada muddooyinkaan danbe loo bixinayay ilmaha ma ahan magacyadi la yaqiin, wey adag tahay inaad hesho Faarah, Samatar, Warsame, Guuleed, Xaawo, Makko, Canbaro, Timiro oo da' yar.
  10. LOOOOOOL :D.. kaalay qanjirka lalabada maa laga gooyay kuwaas! Kuwo caanaha dameerka cabaayo oo xiiqdheer (cudur) ku daaweynaayo aan arkay laakiin kaadi ayadaaba cudur ah, mindhicrkooda ma jarjarmaayo miyaa?!
  11. Sadex bilood ka hor ayey aheyd Marki lagu faafiyey Calamka sawirkaan Naxdiinta Xambaarsaan kaas oo ka turjumayey Macluusha ka jirta Dalalka Geeska afrika. Arrinta masiibadda ah ayaa waxaa uu soo gurmadeey Calaamka iyo Qurbo joogta Soomaaliyeed ee Dibadda ku nool, Dadaal dheer iyo gurmaadkii alle waxaay sahashay in caruur badaan oo uu geeriyoon laheyd Macluul in Ay badbaadan, Minhaj Gedi Farah ayaa lagu soo bandhigaay Bandhig Qaaran lagu aruurinayey Dalka soomaaliya Magaladda NeW York Dalka Mareykanka, Sawirkiisa ayaa waxaa isticmaalay Dhamman saxafadda Calaamka oo dhan kaas oo Astanta Qaaran Arruurinta Geeska afrika Noqdey, dhanka kale Hayada Qaramadda Midoobay ayaa wali ka deyrineysaa in dhibatadda ay ka jirto Geska Afrika loona bahan yahay in Gargaarka lalabo jibaaro Si baytirii loo Badbaadiyo Caruurta wali la lidaata Macluusha ee ku sugaan melaha Fogfog ee aysan tagi kareyn Hayadaha Gaargaarka. Wilkan aya Sidaa sawirka ka Muqata waxaa uu ahaa Misaankiisa 3 bilood ka Hor 3.1 kilograms, isaagoo Hadda ah 8Kg, Qaramadda MIdobey ayaa Qaraan Gaaraaya Dalbateey 1 Bilyaan oo dolaar sii ay wax uga qabato Macluusha ka jirta Dalka soomaaliya Balse waxaay ilaa hadda ay heleen waxaa $779 milyaan oo dOllar. xigasho:
  12. Some Soomaalida oo Muslim ah drink kaadida geelka too for health reasons. kuwaas halkey ku nool yihiin... kaadi maa caafimaad loo cabaa!
  13. is there any highlight about this game? please post it.
  14. Alderman;757516 wrote: Hi, can anyone explain what 4.5 system is? + + + + = 4.5
  15. .aside from labada cunug ee ugu danbeeya..inta kale waa mayac they have been interviewed live by Jimmy Kimmel.. the older one seems older than his age..
  16. 2+2=5 Hahaha that kid is very funny. ... and he is pointing 4 fingers! :D
  17. it's their culture (Hindu) which means millions of women have more than one husband!
  18. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Xaawooyinka sidee u aragtaan sidaan?! can we consider this as Polygamy?
  19. :D:D:D @you sneaky MUM! Ar ciyaalaa!
  20. 4.5 ma aha cadaalad, mana aha Xal.. laakiin xilliga la joogo waxaan jirin wax kale oo lagu heshiin karo si dawlad wadaag ah loo samaysto.. waxaana ay dhamaan doontaa marki la helo nidaam Axsaab ah oo codeyn lagu tartamo taasoo wax badan ka dhiman yihiin..
  21. Saturday marks the beginning of Somalia's 2014 World Cup adventure! Hope so..
  22. Salax, do you think Gacmuur and his likes care about who commied crimes? they care? First my name is not Gacmuur, Secondly, what makes you think i don't care?! i just said being (officer) in Siyad Barre's regime doesn't make anyone criminal!