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Everything posted by XOG-ogaal

  1. Sheekh Shariif :Bilo Gudahood Soomaaliya waa Xuroobaysaa Sheekh Shariif oo kalsooni badan ka muuqatay ayaa yiri "Soomaaliya waxaa uu ku xuroobayaa mudo bilo gudahood ah Muqaawamada Wadaniga ah ayaana gacanta sare leh Ciidanka Itoobiyaankana waxaa loo diiday iney usoo qaadaan qeybaha ay ka taliso Muqaawamada Wadanigaa" Sheeqa ayaa intaa ku diray " Xumuumad ku sheegu wax ay gacanta ku hayso ma jiraan waana u dhamaatay , Saraakiisha Itoobiya ayaana ka taliyo Dhowr meelood oo ay ka mid tahay Villa Somalia, waxayna isaga baxeen maalintii sabtiga Villa Baydhaba cabsi ay ka qabaan Muqawamada darteed" Maleeshiyo beeleed ka soo jeeda Beesha ********* ayaa gebi ahaanba kala wareegey magaallada Kismaayo ee Xarunta Gobolka Jubada Hoose Miliishiya Reer Puntland ee Halkaasi tagey kal hore.
  2. abti is back bare is back in business .........yeah i can fight for my uncle too .
  3. Warar xog ogaal ah oo ku dhow xoogaga muqaawamada ayaa soomaalinews u xaqiijiyey in cutubyo ka tirsan xoogaga muqaawamada ay gaareen welina ku sugan yihiin Suuqa Jamhuuriya oo ku dhow Hotelka Lafweyn oo ay joogaan ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa ka tirsan DFKM. Horumarkan ay sameeyeen xoogaga muqaawamadu wuxuu ka dambeeyey weerar ay soo qaadeen ciidamada Itoobiya oo ay xoogaga muqaawamadu ku guuleyteen in ay dib u jabiyaan. Dad Goob joog ah ayaa sheegay in aagii dagaalku ka dhacay ay daadsan yihiin meydad Itoobiyaan ah oo aan tiradooda la sheegin. Duqeyn xoogan oo ay ciidamada Itoobiya ku wadaan degmooyinka Huriwaa iyo Yaaqshiid ayaan weli joogsanin inta la ogyahay waxaa ilaa iyo hada ku dhintay 3 qof oo rayid ah waxaana ku dhaawacmay ugu yaraan 15 kale. Weeraradan duqeynta ah ee soo cusboonaaday waxay sababeen in qaxu sii baaho, sida ay sheegeen Hay'adaha Qaramada Midoobay waxaa ilaa iyo hadda Muqdisho ka qaxay dad gaaraya 228000 oo u badan caruur iyo haween kuwaas oo daadsan laga soo bilaabo xadka Kenya ilaa iyo goboladda dhexe iyada oo ay jiraan dad kale oo u qaxay Somaliland iyo Puntland Kacdoon.com+soomaalinews.com Halkaan ka iibso waxii aad u bahan tahay oo
  4. Let me take a guess(sidii loo dhagaysanyey? Bingo
  5. Che-G waa suufi wax cad ayuu jecelyahay in uu arko sheeka miic miicda ma jecala lol
  6. Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 20/04/07 Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye (Shaaweeye) oo ahaa kuxigeenka Duqa magaalada Muqdisho ee arrimaha nabadgalyada ayaa dhaawac dartiis ugu geeriyooday dalka Kenya Magaalo madaxda Nairobi, isagoo shalay lugtiisa ku tagay Cisbitaal ku yaala dalkaasi. Dhaawaca soo gaaray Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye (Shaaweeye) ayaa ahaa mid fudud oo jab ahaa isagoo kasoo baxay dhaqtarkii la geeyey, shalay ayaa la sheegay inuu dhaqtarkiisa ku laabtay si looga saaro biro ku jiray lugtiisa, balse waxay wararku sheegayaan in maanta xiligii salaada Jimcaha laga qabtay Caloosha oo uu ku sheegay inay calooshu fadhido dadkii la joogay ayuu u diray in Caano geel la siiyo si caloosha usocoto, markii loo keenay caanahii oo dadkii ay kala aadeen Salaada Jimcaha oo ay dib ugu soo laabteen ayaa la arkay isagoo aad u xanuunsanaya. Dadkii la joogay ayaa ula cararay Cisbitaalka balse ma aysan usuura galin in ay geeyaan isagoo naf ku jirto Marxuum Shaaweeye wuxuuna ku qurbaxay Ilinka laga galo Cisbitaalka, waxaana wararka aynu ka helayno ilo xog ogaal ah ay ii xaqiijiyeen in maalinta beri ah loo soo duulin doono magaalada Muqdisho laguna aasi doono. Marxuum Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye (Shaaweeye) ayaa geeridii ku timi waxa tacsi u diraya dhamaan Madaxda Dowlada federaalka kmg iyo Duqa magaalada Muqdisho Maxamuud Xasan Cali (Cade Gaabow) waxayna u rajeeyeen inuu janadii fardoowso Allah ka waraabiyo qoyskii iyo eheladii uu ka geeriyoodayna Samir iyo Iimaan ka siiyo Amiin Inaa Lillaahi wa inaa Ilaahi Raajicuun.
  7. Allah u naxariisto Ninka Wuxuu ahaa nin dowlada kusheega ushaqeenayey oo sidaasi darteed loo raadsaday
  8. GENEVA (Soomaalinews) - Xiriiriyaha Jamciyadda Qurumaha ka dhaxaysa u qaabilsan gargaarka Somalia Dr. Eric Laroche, ayaa ku eedeeyey Dowladda KMG in ay u diiday Hay'adaha samafalka Q.M. in ay Shixnado kaalmo ah gaarsiiyaan Kumanaanka qoys ee ka barakacay Dagaalada lagu hoobtay ee ka oogan Caasimadda Somalia ee Muqdisho. "Shixnado gargaar oo u socda kumanyaal dad bara kacay ah ayaa waxaa hor taagan ciidammada Dowladda KMG oo diiddan in ay gaarto dadka tabaaleysan" ayuu yiri Dr. Eric Laroche. Eric Laroche, waxa uu sheegay in Dayaarad ay leedahay Qaramada midoobay la rasaaseeyey "Meydku wuxuu daadsan yahay Wadooyinka caasimadda, daacuun ama shuban-biyoodna waa uu dillaacay, waxaana la filayaa daad dhowaan ku dhufta" ayuu sii raaciyey. Xiriiriyaha Jamciyadda Qurumaha ka dhaxaysa u qaabilsan gargaarka Somalia Dr. Eric Laroche, waxaa uu sheegay in maalinta Isniinta ay magaalada Baydhabo kula kulmayaan masuuliyiin ka tirsan Dowladda, si looga hadlo arrintan xanibaada gar-gaarka ah. Hase ahaatee waxa uu tilmaamay in aysan jirin ilaa iyo hadda wax isku day ah oo ay Dowladda KMG-ka ku taageerayso dadaalka aadminnimo ee QM ay ka wado Somalia. Eric Laroche waxaa uu sheegay in ciidammada Dowladdu ay joojiyeen ilaa 40 Gaari xamuul ah oo cunto kaalmo ah u siday 14 kun oo qof oo ku sugan meel u dhow Magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku barakaceen, isagoona qiray in Ciidamadu ay gaadiidkaasi u diideen in ay raashinka gar-gaarka ah u qeybiyaan qoysaska qaxay. Shaqaalaha Qaramada midoobay ee Soomaalida ah, oo kaalin weyn ku leh hawsha QM ee Soomaaliya, Eric Larooche, wuxuu sheegay in xarig iyo meel ka dhac lagula dhaqmo meelaha jidgooyiinka ay yaalaan, islamarkaana la baarto. "ilaa Saddex gantaal ayaa lagu riday dayaaraddii ugu dambeysay ee gargaar qaadda xilli ay maraysay mareysa meel u dhow Muqdisho" ayuu yiri Eric Laroche oo intaasi sii raaciyey " inkasta oo aan in badan isku daynay in aan la xiriirno mas'uuliyiinta Ethiopia, marnaba wax jawaab ah kama helin". Sidoo kale Xiriirayaha QM waxa uu ka hadlay cududka daacuun oo ka dillaacay Somalia, waxaana uu sheegay in In ka badan laba iyo 10,000 oo ruux ay la il daran yihiin Shuban calooceedkaasi ilaa 414- qof ayaa sida uu sheegay ilaa iyo hadda la xaqiijinayaa in ay u geeriyoodeen Cudurka Daacuunka, isagoona walaac daran ka muujiyey dawo la'aanta haysata dadka qaba Cudurka iyo Shaqaalaha QM oo aan gaari karin maadaama loo diiday. Xafiiska Wararka Soomaalinews
  9. Allamagan when are you talking over kismayo ? i'm hearing Rumar of rise up.
  10. lol Me can you give us a specific date. As you can see our got their *** one hand the other on cellphone
  11. socod badane here is the article Introduction The European Union (EU) and the United States have “urged” Somalia’s weak and illegitimate Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to negotiate with ‘moderate’ elements of the Islamic Courts and other stakeholders in order to form a broad-based and inclusive transitional authority which can advance reconciliation and secure peace. Such a push by the USA and EU is a tacit recognition that the TFG is illegitimate. The EU, unlike the United States which has supported Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia and which has endorsed the TFG, informed the latter that it was not prepared to release funds to help the country unless the latter committed itself to the creation of an inclusive government. In response to the EU’s demand several TFG ministers traveled to Brussels and reported to the EU that the regime was ready to organize the reconciliation conference in Mogadishu. Although all the details are not known it is clear from the regime’s proposal that it will invite 3000 delegates and manage the convention. The EU appears to have accepted the proposal and the ministers returned to Nairobi/Baidoa in a cheery mood. Since then, the TFG leader has declared that the invitees will be solely clan elders and representatives, and a sprinkling of others. These developments have generated some excitement among the TFG and donors, however, if the reconciliation project proceeds along the lines imagined by the TFG and the funders it is highly unlikely that the affair will bear fruitful peace and garner legitimacy for the regime. This dim prospect for reconciliation has further been destroyed by the indiscriminate mass murder of Somalis by the Ethiopian forces in and around Mogadishu. The Ethiopian offensive has completely shattered any possibility for the TFG gaining any acceptance from the Somali people. In other words, the TFG is dead but Somalis must still move forward and work towards genuine reconciliation. Sterile Reconciliation Such grim prognosis is now vindicated by the brutality visited on Mogadishu by Ethiopian troops with the consent of the West. Thoughtful observers who were familiar with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)-led Kenya-based Somali peace process in 2002/4 will recognize the un-mistakable congruence between the proposed congress, the formula put forward for selecting delegates, the attitude of the donors, and the modalities of the previous convention which produced the TFG. The original argument for holding the Kenya conference in the first place was the assumption that the Arta caucus, 1999-2000, that established the former Transitional National Government (TNG) was not inclusive as the warlords who were invited chose not to participate. IGAD and its international partners claimed then that the 2002/4 conference was inclusive since all the merchants of violence were present. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, the donors refused to heed the warning that they were courting disaster by endorsing a fraudulent process that excluded genuine representatives of the major stakeholders, such as civic groups and religious leaders. The IGAD-led convention lasted slightly over two years and had a price tag of millions of dollars. Despite its cost in time, money, and the misery of people waiting for peace the conference produced neither peace nor reconciliation among Somalis. Instead, it sanctioned the warlords to concoct a deeply contradictory transitional charter which the international community endorsed as Somalia’s transitional constitution. A second consequence of the affair was the selection of the overwhelming majority of parliamentarians by warlords, who then chose a president and cabinet beholden to Ethiopia. The Kenyan host, IGAD, and the so-called international partners who managed and funded the conference hailed these developments as a major breakthrough. Unfortunately, before the ink dried on the documents of the agreement the warlords rekindled their conflicts and broke into two camps: those Ethiopia supported, led my Abdillahi Yusuf and Ali Geedi, moved to Jowhar, and their opponents returned to their Mogadishu base. Divisiveness among warlords and the incompetence of the key TFG leaders disabled the new regime from making any progress towards restoring peace and re-establishing public order. Consequently, Nairobi and Addis Ababa remain to be the hub of Somali politics as the former was the preferred destination of the TFG leaders as well as the headquarters of those elements of the international community involved in Somalia, while the latter city was transformed from the supplier of ammunition to some of the warlords to the virtual capital of the TFG . The stalemate between the two warlord factions was foreseen by honest observers of the conference but IGAD managers and their international supporters refused to come to terms with the odious establishment they have fostered. Their contempt for the Somali people was so deep that they thought even the worst of dispensations – a warlord authority that is a lackey- was good enough for Somalis. Paradoxically, they were eager to get credit for “restoring peace” to Somalia although they were disinclined to do the heavy lifting necessary to ensure that the people’s wishes were respected. The creation of a dysfunctional regime incapable of doing anything right was due to not only mismanagement of the conference in which the mediators, Kenya and Ethiopia, were blatantly partisan, but also because the entire design of the gathering was anchored on a deeply flawed assumption. Key IGAD states such as Kenya accepted the scenario that clans are the natural political building blocs in Somalia, although Kenya has always shied away from politically Balkanizing its population into tribes. In contrast, Ethiopia, whose political structure has been constitutionally entrenched in tribal ethos since 1991, did everything possible to deepen the tribalization of Somali politics as that dovetailed with its own agenda. Further experts who advised the EU funders confounded the consequence of Somalia’s dictatorial rule with the causes of social fragmentation. That is, they felt that mismanagement of public affairs and the ruthless regime aided by corrupt elite competition was not the cause of recent social fragmentation but the neglect of genealogy as the principal base of governance. This understanding of Somalia’s political problem is identical to that of the warlords. Hence, the funders missed to appreciate that political genealogy is a product of dictatorship rather than Somali tradition and therefore they were unable to distinguish between the appearances of genealogy from its instrumentalist use by the elite who were eager to raid public resources and monopolize power. Funders have not been keen to know other feasible explanation of Somalia’s catastrophe and they have been most skeptical about any Somali civic project. In essence, they do not want to be bothered with more complex analysis of the problem despite the fact that they have spent significant amount of money and energy on the matter. The author came across the prevailing attitude of the funders and their advisors. In one instance a group of European and American staff gathered for dinner in a fancy club in Eldoret and laid out what they considered to be the road map for the conference as well as the key items to be negotiated. The most critical decision of the funders was the conviction that the conference will produce a clan-based federal system. Two Somali scholars present were not even asked what they thought about the idea as the hosts assumed general agreement. Such a belief in federalism logically followed an earlier decision they made which dealt with the identity of the delegates invited to the conference. Although IGAD and the funders agreed that clan identity was the principal yardstick used to select delegates, this instrument was adjusted to reflect political loyalty to the dominant warlords. Consequently, delegates were ultimately selected by the warlords and the TNG from loyalists who ostensibly represented their clansmen. This meant that warlords and other members of the political elite used clan identity as a Trojan horse in selecting their supporters by creating the illusion of representational inclusivity of clans. Unfortunately, the so-called international democrats who funded the operation failed to recognize this contradiction and its social implications. Most Somalis who watched the process realized the farcical show the operation was, but hoped those entrusted with national responsibility will somehow miraculously give up their sectarian agenda and metamorphosize into conscientious leaders. This wishful thinking soon withered away and the reconciliation hoax fell apart. In the midst of this stalemate, an unexpected Somali force came to the fore and changed the political landscape of the country for a while. The Union of Islamic Courts took control of most parts of Southern Somalia in 2006 until they were defeated by the American sanctioned invading Ethiopian forces in December. Despite their setback, the Courts left behind a legacy of legitimacy that is in sharp contrast to the illegitimacy of the Ethiopian backed TFG. Those members of the international community who either endorsed the Ethiopian invasion or supported the TFG have been scrambling to find a way to fabricate legitimacy for the regime and continue to down-play the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. The United States and the European Union, despite their differential stances on the Ethiopian intervention, share the idea that a government of national unity can be an instrument for reconciliation and legitimacy for the TFG. Neither the EU nor the USA has articulated how a genuine reconciliation process could be possible in the presence of the Ethiopian occupation force and sectarian TFG militias and the carnage in Mogadishu. The idea of reconciliation and a coalition government sounds appealing on its face value but a closer examination of the proposed process almost guarantees that it will replicate the enterprise that created the TFG which lacked popular support. First, the TFG reconciliation proposal is an ill-drafted document that is at best vague on many of the key issues. Second, the selection of delegates to the reconciliation conference will be done by the leadership of the TFG. Such a scheme will be a mirror image of what transpired in the Kenya-based conference where the warlords selected their clients to create the TFG. It also appears doubtful, just as was the case in Kenya, that any of the major donors is prepared to demand that non-TFG stakeholders freely choose their representatives to the reconciliation conference. Third, the TFG leader announced that delegates to the conference will number 3000 individuals. This unwieldy congregation is inspired by the TFG and donor idea that the Somali conflict is clan based and therefore the widest representation of all genealogical groups is necessary. Fourth, the TFG’s reconciliation document does not directly state what the nature of the Somali conflict is and who exactly the combatants are that need to be reconciled. It fleetingly refers to its military victory without specifying who it defeated and who might need to be brought into the reconciliation process. It also completely avoids the fact that the TFG needs to be reconciled with the majority of the Somali people who have consistently rejected it. Fifth, the TFG’s tribalist reconciliation strategy contradicts its claim that important lessons can be learned from reconciliation processes in Rwanda and South Africa. Ironically, Rwanda and South Africa have rejected the ethnic explanation of their conflict and the TFG does not seem to understand this. Finally, in addition to all of the above problems, the horrors on the population by the Ethiopian forces in the last few weeks have turned the entire proposition into a grotesque parody. It is no longer a viable option. Genuine Route to Reconciliation The only alternative that had the potential of bringing desperately needed legitimacy to the TFG institutions and peace to the country was the expulsion of Ethiopia’s illegal occupation of the country, and by bringing onboard genuine representative of the country’s most legitimate stakeholders: the Islamic courts and their followers, and members of civil society groups. Mogadishu’s “killing fields” has blown asunder the chances that the TFG will gain legitimacy through reconciliation. Ethiopia’s heinous assault on the Somali capital has literally killed the TFG. Despite the demise of the TFG Somalis must come together and reconcile to restore their dignity and independence. Such a gathering must be held soon and should involve 30 delegates whose integrity and love for the Somali people are beyond the shadow of doubt. These individuals must produce a national charter based on the 1960 constitution and nominate a small cabinet that will be a caretaker government for two years. The delegates who nominate the caretaker cabinet will not be able to appoint themselves nor will the cabinet be able to extend its mandate or be eligible for the first post-caretaker dispensation. The only way this will succeed is if the Somali people who have moved by the horrors visited on them by the Ethiopian regime and their Somali supplicants enthusiastically support this effort. Members of the international community who have been implicated in the events of the past four years, particularly those of the last eight months, and who have been shamelessly silent about Ethiopian atrocities must drop their disingenuous practice and earnestly support genuine reconciliation via this new departure. The principal task of the caretaker administration is to organize a genuine political reconciliation focused on the creation of just system and responsible government. Second, they will organize an independent constitutional commission that will produce a genuine Somali charter to be voted on by the people before the two years term is over. For this strategy to work and to secure the peace and common citizenship, a program of institution building should commence immediately. This will require an honest international community serious about democracy taking the lead in re-building the administrative institutions of the government. The international community which is bound to pay for a significant amount of the cost of building this establishment could do the following in tandem with the Somali driven political reconciliation process. Given that an effective public service is essential for good governance and justice, a select group of old retired but skilled Somalis and relatively younger professionals who are employed in international institutions, overseas universities, and local institutions can be paired with a small number of expatriate technicians to work on this project. None of the Somalis deployed in this manner will be eligible for political office in the period immediately after the transition. The purpose of this constraint on the professionals is to ensure that they do not use this responsibility as a political platform for their own ends. Establishing a functioning public management system that will be handed over to the post-caretaker government must operate with a high degree of professional autonomy as that is an essential prerequisite for accountable government. Without such a development, the reconciliation process is unlikely to be sustainable beyond this period. Will members of the international community who have sanctioned the warlords, the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia and the carnage in Mogadishu have the moral courage to undertake this effort? All the signals point in the wrong direction! Therefore, Somali patriots with skills and means must put their resources together to jumpstart this venture. In a nut-shell, Abdullahi Yusuf has shown his true colors with his tribalist ranting and the TFG has died with the carnage in Mogadishu. It is now or never for Somali patriots to stand-up.
  12. i agree with che-G its sad to see those who were in support of TFG cry. Wheather we like or not we did it to ourselfs.
  13. I don't understand why most people in this site are crying when icu where in power most of you were against it. some of you avotars were sheek aweys looting shabelle hoose
  14. Xubno isugu jira wasiiro & xildhibaano ka tirsan dowladda federaalka ayaa si weyn u cambaareeyey ra'isul wasaaraha xukuumada federaalka Cali Max'ed Geeddi xil-ka qaadistii uu ku sameeyey wasiirkii arrimaha dibedda Ismaaciil Max'uud Hurre (Buubaa), waxeyna xubnahani sheegeen in ay tahay qalad weyn oo aan diblumaasiyada meelna kaga jirin in wasiirkii arrimaha dibedda oo ka mid ahaa halbowlayaasha dowladda in xilkiisii uu ku waayo sideed ula hadashay Max'ed Cali (Ameerika) dartiis, taasina waxey muujineysaa bey yiraahdeen xubnahaasi biseylka siyaasadeed ee Geeddi, waxeyna sheegeen in talaabada Geeddi uu qaaday ay noqon doonto mid soo dedejisa ridistiisa. " Dadka kale ee lagu gal-gashay ee xilalkii laga qaaday looma socon ee ujeedadu waxey aheyd Buubaa, Geeddina hadduu sidaa u yaqaan dowladnimada oo qofkii inankaa yaree uu meesha keensaday la hadlaba uu leeyahay xilkaan ka qaadayaa waanu eegi halka ay ku danbeyso, waxeyna soo dedejin doontaa in uu mooshin degdeg ah laga keeno baarlamaanka" ayuu lagu yiri baaq cambaareyn ahaa oo ay soo saareen xubno isugu jira wasiiro & xildhibaano. "Waanu la soconaa in C/llaahi Yuusuf aanu raali ka aheyn waxaa uu sameeyey Geeddi ee uu doonayo in ay is arkaan Geeddi & baarlamaanka & xukuumadiisa, kadibna Geeddi la rido" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah xildhibaanada ka gadoodsan talaabada Geeddi, wuxuuna intaasi raaciyey in Geeddi aanu dooneyn dowlad-nimo ee uu doonayo dhaqaale uu uruursado oo keliya.
  15. (Beerdhiga ) Intii u dhexeysay 3:00-3:30 galabnimo ayaa Camaliyad Istish haadi ah oo uu fuliyey naftii hure aan magaciisa la sheegin lala beegsaday xaruntii hore ee ciidamada Asluubta oo fariisin u aheyd ciidamada Itoobiya xiligaasna laga soo ridayey madaafiic xoogan oo waxyeelo ba'an u geysatay dad badan oo rayid ah. Ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa Beerdhiga u xaqiijiyey in naftii huraha falka fuliyey oo watay gaari ah nooca loo yaqaano Surf uu bartanka u galay goob ay yaaleen gaadiid badan oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya lana filayo in madaafiicdu kasoo dhacaysay waxaana isla markiiba joogsaday madaafiicdii halkaa kasoo dhacaysay. Waxaa isla markiiba la arkayey madaafiic hoobiyayaal ah oo si talantaali ah uga dhacaysa isla xeradii qaraxu ka dhacay oo ka imaanaya fariisimada xoogaga muqaawamada. Lama oga ilaa iyo hada khasaaraha falkan iyo duqeytu ay u geysteen ciidamda Itoobiya ee goobtaas ku sugnaa waxaase la qiyaasayaa in khasaara balaaran uu soo gaaray sida inta badanba falalka noocaan ahi ay geystaan. Falkan Istish haadiga ah ma ahan kii ugu horeeyey ee lala beegsada ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Muqdisho waxaa 26-kii Maarso fal Istish haadi ah oo khasaaro ba'an geystay lala beegsaday fariisin ay ciidamada Itoobiya ku lahaayeen Ceel Cirfiid falkaas oo uu fuliyey Allah ha u naxriistee Aadan Ookiyaale oo la sheegay in loogu aargudayey Suuban Maalin Cali oo ay fara xumeeyeen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee deegaankaas joogay.
  16. Why wouldn't they talk about what is happening in xamar and only care about their people ? Qaar kamid ah culimaa’udiinka ugu caansan deegaannada Puntland ayaa maanta baaq ka soo saaray xiisadda isa soo taraysa ee ka dhex taagan maamullada Puntland iyo Somaliland. Culimaa’udiinkan ayaa sheegay in ay ka walaacsan yihiin saansaanta colaadeed ee ka muuqata gobolka Sanaag, taas oo u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Somaliland. “annaga oo ah culimaa’udiinka Puntland, waxana ugu baaqeynaa shacabka Puntland iyo shacabka Somaliland iyo xukuumadaha labada dhinac in laga wada shaqeeyo nabadda, taas oo ay ina farayso diinta Islaamka ee muqadaska ah, rasuulkeennii suubbanaa NNKH, wuxuu ku yiri xaddiis: Muslim waxaa ah qofkii ay ka nabad galaan Muslimiinta af iyo addinba” ayey culimaa’udiinku ku sheegeen baaqoodan. Shiikh Axmed Daahir oo kamid ahaa culmaa’udiinka soo saartay baaqan ayaa sheegay in dadweynaha, isimada, ganacsatada, wax garadka iyo dhammaan dhinacyadaas ay kala hadli doonaan arrimaha nabadda. Baaqan oo ay culimadu maanta ka soo saaray kulan ay ku yeesheen magaaladan Boosaaso ayaa waxaa ku saxiixnaa: Xaaji Daad Axmed Shiikh Axmed Daahir Xasan Sheekh Yuusuf Heeryo Sheekh Cabdixayi Shiikh Muuse Shiikh Cabdirisaaq Xuseen Ciise Shiikh Maxamuud Huruuse Shiikh Axmed Shiikh Yuusuf Shiikh Cabdullaahi Sheekh Axmed Yuusuf Shiikh Maxamed Ismaaciil Axmed Shiikh Axmed Colow Shiikh Maxamed Maxamuud Xirsi Shiikh Maxamuud Aadan Cabdalle Shiikh Salaad Maxamuud Samatar Shiikh Maxamed Cabdullaahi Nuur Shiikh Axmed Jaamac Shiikh Cadixaafid Cali Yuusuf Shiikh Maxamed Ismaacil Cabdi Shiikh Cabdiraxmaan Aadan Cali Yare Shiikh Cali Faarax Xasan. http://www.allsbc.com/view.php?articleid=1137
  17. xiin War is what they want war is what they gonna get
  18. Second suicide bomber in somalia history Weerar uu fuliyay ruux naftiis hure ah oo lagu qaaday ciidamada Ethiopia ee fariisinka ku leh xaruntii hore ee Asluubta. Posted to the Web Apr 19, 15:38 Muqdisho:-Qarax xoogan ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in uu ka dhacay xaruntii hore ee ciidamada Asluubta oo fariisin u ah ciidamada Ethiopia, waxaana la sheegaya in qaraxa uu ahaa mid uu fuliyay ruux naftis hure ah. Waa weerarkii 2aad oo maalin gudaheed lagu qaado ciidamada Ethiopia ayadoo maanta weerar loo adeegsaday miino lagu aasay wadada dacalkeeda lagu qarxiyay kolonyo ciidamada Ethiopia ay leeyihiin. Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in ruux naftii hure ah oo kaxeysanayay gaari miineysan uu isku qarxiyay fariisinka ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku leeyihiin xarunti hore ee asluubta. Lama garanayo khasaaraha ka soo gaaray qaraxaasi,hayeeshee waxaa lagu soo warramayaa in dhawr gaari ay gubatay tiro askar ahna ay soo gaartay waxyeello isugu jirta dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Ma jirto cid sheegatay masuuliyada weerarkan istishhaadiga ah oo noqonaya kii 2aad oo ceynkiisa oo ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho,bishii hore ayay ahayd markii ruux naftiis hure ah uu isku qarxiyay fariisin ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku lahaayeen deegaanka Ceelcirfiid. C/qaadir Osman Halgan.net
  19. roobleh not anymore, as of right now the bombing is going on karaan and yaqshiid waqooyiga magaalada.
  20. salaad jeele and dheere sold their soul why would you bring the fighting to your people ? Qeybo ka mid ah degmada Kaaraan ayaa waxaa ka bilowday barakac aad u weyn iyadoo dadka deegaankaasina cabsi weyn ay soo food saartay. Degmada Kaaraan oo ahayd meelaha fara kutiriska ah oo aysan saameyn sidaasi ah horay ugu yeelan dagaalada ka dhacayey Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa haatan lagu soo waramayaa in dadku ay bilaabeen in si aad ah ay uga barakacaan iyadoo ay xaafadaha Kaaraan qeybo ka mid ah ku dhacayaan Madaafiicda nuucyadeeda kala duwan sida BM-Ka Aarti Five-ka waliba hoobiyaasha kuwaasoo waxyeelo u gaystay dadka deegaanka.
  21. I gave up Duke you will never change your mind. If today nabdoon became the head of the police you will drop (looting proberty) meaning as longs it helps your argument
  22. Duke stop talking about my Uncle Diriye and let us talk about business in hand ...i forgive uncle yey, but Qaydiid we have videos of him killing people and you want us to leaving him alone like he saint ........Think again and by the way isn't qaybdiid part of those who looted other people proberty ? hmmm nabdoon or killer which one will i support ? dammit it hard decision to make .....where the mujaahidiinti
  23. JB quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Guddiga dadka barakacay qaabilsan 2. Guddiga qaxootiga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And what is the difference ??? ,,,,,,,, -------------------- isagoo galgaladkii la hadlaaya gabadhii wuxuu yidhi gudoonshuhu, haweenay xun baad tahay, isma haysataad tahay, hambo laga dhintaad tahay, belo hoodhiflaad tahay,hargab soconayaad tahay, hindhisiyo waxbaad tahay hadeer aanan sheegayn. and you want me to wish good luck
  24. Ceerigaabo:-Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Sirdoonka Puntland oo hada ku sugan magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in ay joogaan magaaladan 3 Sarkaal oo Ereteria ah iyo weliba kuwa ka tirsanaa Midowgii Maxaakiimta,wuxuuna noo sheegey in Saraakiisha laga keeney magaalada Hargeysa maalmihii la soo dhaafay. 3 Sarkaal mid ka mid ah waa Janan waxayna meesha u joogaan ayuu yiri in ay Khalkhal geliyaan Aminiga Puntland waxayna dib u soo hubaynayaan Jabhadii SNM Saraakiishan Joogta Ceerigabo waxay ka mid yihiin kuwii hore u joogay Mogdisho ayuu yiri. Sidoo kale wuxuu noo cadeeyey in ay hada joogaan Madaxdii Midowga Maxaakiimta qeyb ka mid ah oo raba in ay iyaguna halkan khalkhal ka abuuraan madaama lagaga awood batay Koonfurta Somaliya,inkastoo aan weli naloo sheegin tiradooda dhabta ah. Maanta mar aan la hadalnay Xildhibaan ka soo jeeda Gobolka Sanaag oo hada ku sugan Baydhabo wuxuu noo sheegey in ay hayaan Qoraalkaas iyo weliba Tafaasiil dheeraad ah oo la xiriirta Saraakiishaa iyo weliba Hubka ay Ereteria u soo dirtay gobolada Waqooyi,wuuxna yiri Ceerigaabo waxay ka mid tahay magaalooyinka looga baahan yahay Ciidamada Nabad ilaalinta waanuna keeneeynaa. Maamulka Riyaale ayaa hore wacad ugu maray in aanay ka raali noqon doonin Midnimada Somalia oo ay samayndoonaan wax kasta oo ay awoodaan,taas ayaa sababtay in ay hada gobolada Waqooyi ku dhisaan Urur Cusub oo ka soo horjeeda DFKGS iyo weliba Jiritaanka Puntland. Arinku si kasta ha ahaadee Saraakiishan Ereteria oo jooga Ceerigaabo ayaa waxay keeni karaan in Dagaal lagu hoobto ka bilowda Guud ahaan gobolada Waqooyi. Fu,aad Cabdi Ceerigaabo allsanaag.com