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Everything posted by XOG-ogaal

  1. sorry i meant the state of arizon does not make......im typing to fast
  2. i don't want say anything about a/y but how could a one country have three president ? hmmmmm i understand states but ethopia is making deals with somaliland and puntland at sametime they are fighting for the TFG hmmmm that does make sense to me the state of arizona does make econmic or security deals with mexico its the federal government. the way i see ethopia trying to copture the souther somali behind the TfG
  3. sorrry this is the site http://horseednet.com/horseednet.php?id=5257
  4. Ciidamada ayaa illaa iyo hada gacanta ku dhigay tiro aan weli la shaacin oo ah rag kamid ah Jabhadaha Oromada ee ka dagaalama dalka Itoobiya Could you please post the pics so that i can make fun of them lmao......waaa wax qosol bad http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=newtopic;f=9
  5. http://allgedo.com/wararka/newsid407.htm sxb yaalo lacagto ma mida dagaal ka mise mida dadka lagu caawinayo .... What is your view? What happens to TFG lacagta UN ay siiso ? labadaada cent ku darso
  6. 70,000,000. Somali Shilling = 55,324.1 US Dollar
  7. Cadde oo lagu xabadeyay saldhiga Garowe 13 Dec 13, 2006, 10:27 Madaxwaynaha DGPL ayaa maanta mar uu booqasho ku marayay saldhiga Booliiska ee magalada Garowe ayaa waxa uu la kulmay ciidamada Booliiska oo aad u caraysan. Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa markii ay arkeen Cadde Muse oo soo galay xarunta Booliiska waxa ayay ooda ka qaadeen maxabiis ku xirnayd saldhiga iyaga oo ku muujinayay cabashadooda. Buuq iyo muran xoog leh oo goobta ka dhashay ayaa waxa uu sababay is-rasaasayn dhexmartay ilaalada Cadde Muse iyo ciidanka Booliiksa.Is-xabadeyntaas dhexmartay kooxahaan ayaan dhimasho iyo dhaawac midna gaysan balse sababtay in Cadde Muse goobta ka baxo isaga oo ay ka muuqato caro badan. Ciidamada DGPL ayaa maalintii shalay dhacay bangiga magaalada Galkacayo iyada oo lacagta la dhacay ay warar dambe sheegayaan in ay ka badneyd 70 Milyan sh.so ah, balse ay ahayd hal bilyan oo sh.so ah. Things are getting out of hand in cadde addmin Xukuumada Cadde Muse ayaa qarka u saaran in kufto madaama ay ka soo bixi wayday howlihii loo igmaday isla markaana awoodi kari wayday musuq maasuq dartiis in ay bixiso mushaharaadkii shaqaalaha iyo ciidamada. Garowe Online,Garowe
  8. Well what is new? this is somalia anything can happen anyday
  9. I wonder if we could get more represantive in the Kenya parlimant? why couldn't we take more citizenship in kenya and vote every year then will have more say and if we had our own country we will have more control on that country. we could pass laws that favor our somalia now that i think of we shouldn't take pack the nfd land we should increase our vote and the people that live there
  10. XOG-ogaal

    TFG vs. ICU

    juje sxb you didn't compare anything you took oneside ICU formed by disillussioned wadaads and warlords who felt they were left out by the cake sharing in the establishment of TFG. And also by former president of TG government Abdiqsiim who has a score to settle with C/llahi Yusuf. remember you used the ward desillussioned ? what did you called the government? hmmm you got people like qanyre caato muuse xaaran kunaax furux. who are command an army of killers rapest and robber for 16 years ? how much do you hate wadaado ? i wonder. like duke said bring everything out and say what they are. i loved to see somali with a government but president cabdulaahi have come up another idea... these warlord that are from south need to be kicked out of the government and will love our governtment
  11. XOG-ogaal

    TFG vs. ICU

    juje sxb you didn't compare anything you took oneside ICU formed by disillussioned wadaads and warlords who felt they were left out by the cake sharing in the establishment of TFG. And also by former president of TG government Abdiqsiim who has a score to settle with C/llahi Yusuf. remember you used the ward desillussioned ? what did you called the government? hmmm you got people like qanyre caato muuse xaaran kunaax furux. who are command an army of killers rapest and robber for 16 years ? how much do you hate wadaado ? i wonder. like duke said bring everything out and say what they are. i loved to see somali with a government but president cabdulaahi have come up another idea... these warlord that are from south need to be kicked out of the government and will love our governtment
  12. XOG-ogaal

    TFG vs. ICU

    juje sxb you didn't compare anything you took oneside ICU formed by disillussioned wadaads and warlords who felt they were left out by the cake sharing in the establishment of TFG. And also by former president of TG government Abdiqsiim who has a score to settle with C/llahi Yusuf. remember you used the ward desillussioned ? what did you called the government? hmmm you got people like qanyre caato muuse xaaran kunaax furux. who are command an army of killers rapest and robber for 16 years ? how much do you hate wadaado ? i wonder. like duke said bring everything out and say what they are. i loved to see somali with a government but president cabdulaahi have come up another idea... these warlord that are from south need to be kicked out of the government and will love our governtment
  13. Jaylaani why is the suv covered up ?hmmmm lol waxbaa lagu qarinayaa
  14. Duke i just want see a winner and i don't mean tic tac war an all out war which will end somali's civil war for good. the government need to take an action. 2 years past and three to go . talk is cheap you got army they got army
  15. I have doubt that the meeting is gonna happen on khartuun. because there is no prepration. its over no power sharing
  16. Duke is over....i mean are they going to khartuum?what happen to the peace mission ? are they going to have ? and what is up with Yemen meeting ?
  17. beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifull.........nice story ........that is what religoin does for people if they are true believer. Qabiil will alwayz divide people
  18. somalifriend why are u here ? me and horn are from the same land we agree to disagree we don't support either of them but we would our country to have government that fights for the people we want be the dubie of africa. i want somalis to talk about their problem not outsider so please stop inviting yourself here. i don't hate anyone and i would like to support every somali just like you support your country
  19. Horn abti i know its mistake but i don't think these two groups live together there is no way they can have peace one is says they are fighting for diin the other says they are fighting for peace. we both known the government have backers also the icu has backers. the mistake happen when that resolution came out. this is gonna be a long war. they should've waited untill they can agree some powersharing but i guess its too late a lot people are going to suffer who don't deserve this type of war.
  20. tukaale ....why do the pick only somalis there are other nationalty live there and doing business ? ....go to MBR RAdio i believe i could be wrong and listen what they say if you don't find it google it
  21. ahmed that will true the 50 plus people the southafrican people killed ......hmmmm all that will come out
  22. Sh Jaamac Cabdi Salaam oo Soo gaaray Cadaado Posted to the Web Dec 01, 16:40 Gaalkacyo:-Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobalka Mudug ayaa ku soo waramaya in Sh Jaamac Cabdi Salaam uu Gaaray Cadaado si uu ugu Biiro MMI ee ku sugan Halkaas . Wararka ayaa waxay intaa ku darayaan in uu horey ay ugu sugnaayeeen Dhalinyaro ka soo jeeda Maamul gobaleedka Puntland oo uu horkacayo Sh C/laahi Cali Xaashi inkasta oo aan la garaneyn inta ay tiradooda Tahay. Taageerayaasha MMI ee ku sugan gudaha Puntlan iyo dalka dibadiisa ayaa wada in ay dhalin yarada reer Puntlan ay ku tirtirsiiyaan in ay aadaan Cadaado si ay ugu biiraan Jihaadka lala galayo Ciidamada Tikreega ee soo galay Gaalkayo Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa lagu eedaynayaa in ay gacan siinayaan Col Cabdi Qeybdiid oo ka mid ahaa isbahaysigii Sharta ee laga soo ceyriyey magaalada Muqdisho Waxaa Kaloo oo uu Maamulka DGLP ay soo galiyeen dalka Ciidamo tiro badan oo Itoobiyaan ah iyaga oo ku andacoonaya in MMI ay wataan Eratareeya iyo Oromo inkasta oo uu MMI arinkaas wax badan iska Fogeeyey