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Everything posted by Wisdom_Seeker

  1. Originally posted by Caano Geel: The findings shed light on why men are much greater consumers of pornography than women and why sales of Playboy have always exceeded those of Playgirl, according to Dr Benjamin Hayden at the Centre for Neuroeconomic Studies, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina. There is playgirl???? I never even heard of it…..ummmm :cool:
  2. ^^^ I would sure love to know that too. Anyways, if you’re truly faced with this dilemma than do as ‘puuja’ said. Tell them you would have to leave early due to your mother’s departure. If she can’t understand that, than you are communicating with the wrong person.
  3. He is delusional, people like that can’t survive if you take them out of their little box. Tribe has done nothing for me, because personally my tribe is Somali. However my mother and father, I have to thank them from the depth of my heart, they aren’t from the same clan or tribe, but they worked together to teach me and guide me the right way. So, honestly, I will take my nation over my tribe any day of the week. What is my tribe without my nation? Nothing….. Everyone is from “reer habal habal”. Somalis and non-Somalis have families and tribes/clans. So it really isn’t something to boast about at all. At the end of the day nation means having bounds with people won’t aren’t blood, but share something that blood can’t even compare, religion, language, culture and most importantly morals. I really don’t know how people fellow and support a fellow kinsmen merely because of his clan/tribe…… :confused:
  4. Mahmood Kanyare held a sign reading “Stop Bush supporting Ethiopia” while standing on a wall outside Sen. Norm Coleman’s office in St. Paul. Kanyare was joined on Friday by nearly 100 other protesters demanding the Bush administration withdraw its support for Ethiopian troops in Somalia. The Twin Cities Somali community shares a deep concern about tensions in their homeland, but they dispute the U.S. claim that it has become a haven and a platform for terrorism. Listen to Bush administration officials and you hear the chilling claim that a new terrorist front is emerging in Somalia because militant Islamists have created secret havens and platforms there for Al-Qaida. Now listen to Prof. Ahmed Samatar echoing thousands of Somalis in Minnesota. "Lies," said Samatar, who is dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College in St. Paul. In the chasm between the dire official warning and the Somalis' vehement rebuttal lie high-stakes questions. If the threat is real, does it signal another round of terrorist attacks that could reach as far as Europe and the Americas? If the naysayers are right, is the United States poised to repeat mistakes it made by miscalculating the tensions tearing at Iraq? As home to America's largest Somali community, Minnesota is a main stage for the debate over the threat of terrorism in Somalia and its neighbors on the Horn of Africa. The arguments here are informed by phone calls from loved ones that ex-patriot Somalis receive from their homeland. While Samatar, and many who agree with him, frame one end of the arguments, Somalis in Minnesota represent opinions that range from clear opposition to U.S. actions to a shared concern that terrorists have established a beachhead in Somalia. Washington watched warily last summer while groups calling themselves the Supreme Council of Islamic Courts pushed aside a feckless transitional federal government to take control of a large region of Somalia and restore a modicum of order after 15 years of violent anarchy. Then, beginning in December, the United States helped Ethiopian forces and the transitional government oust the Islamic Courts and beat back a series of insurgent attacks. U.S.-backed government leaders claimed last week that Mogadishu was calm and under their control. But the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees reported Friday that most of the 365,000 people who fled the capitol city aren't returning because they expect more fighting. In a major report on terrorism last week, the State Department laid out a rationale for ousting the Islamic Courts. Somalia's weak government, protracted instability, porous borders, unguarded coastline and proximity to the Arabian peninsula have long made it a target for international terrorists, the report said. In that vulnerable setting, it said, the Islamic Courts were quickly "hijacked by al Shabaab (the Youth), a small extremist group affiliated with Al-Qaida that consists of radicalized young men." With leaders who trained in Afghanistan, the group allegedly is behind recent murders of foreign aid workers, Somali nationals and an Italian nun, it said. The report also accused some Islamic Courts leaders of harboring Al-Qaida operatives suspected in U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and other attacks. Vehement critics But if it is true that embassy bombers were hidden in Somalia, the United States could have pursued them with the approval of many in the Islamic Courts movement, Samatar said. Indeed, there might have been resistance from some Taliban-like reactionaries, he said, but the broad-based movement included many reasonable Muslims who were prepared to work with the United States. Instead, he said, Washington bought Ethiopia's argument that "a major storm of terrorism was brewing in Somalia and that they needed to destroy it." As a result, the resistance fighting Ethiopian troops "is not just the Islamic Courts or what is left of them," he said. "What we are seeing now is a national resistance movement, and a significant part of it is youths," he said. "Why wouldn't they be fighting if their homes are destroyed, their families are no more, they have no other place to go and they face mighty Ethiopian forces. What else are they supposed to do?" Samatar, who talks regularly with a sister and other relatives in Somalia, said there is a growing feeling that Islam itself is under attack. "They fear there will come a time when Islam will be so demonized that the Somalis will be pushed to run away from their own religion ... that any Somali who speaks in the name of Islam will be automatically seen as a terrorist," he said. Read on...
  5. The ICU perhaps could be the USC surfacing with the help of an Islamic movement, which could explain the ICU generally wrapping itself around the banner of Islam. SSDF and SNM didn’t associate themselves with anything that would be considered as an Islamic organization or movement, but mainly a clan or region organization. The ICU wasn’t only a threat to fellow tribalistic Somalis, but to Ethiopia and America, which deem anything Islamic to be a direct threat to them. I guess they’re aware of what will happen if Islam and not tribalism takes root in Somalia. They fear Unity. I doubt Somaliland is interested in a unified Somalia and Puntland has it’s own hidden agenda, Ethiopia fears a united Somalia and America will route their neck 360 degrees if they confirm that an Islamic movement is in the process of emerging. So the ICU had made enemies faster than they could make friends. This will probably explain their fast downfall and the contempt that is shown to them. But that’s only my opinion, things could be different.
  6. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^ lol. That's cute. May be it's "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me thrice, I must be Somali." The SSDF seems to have just evaporated into thin air. Abdullahi Yusuf still spends much of his time in Addis Ababa and the "semi-autonomous" north eastern part of Somalia is now lovingly called Puntland. Was this naming just a tit-for-tat of Somaliland picking up a new name and declaring independence? Or was there more logic to it? Truly sad. Somalis don’t trust each other, yet they won’t hesitate to trust a complete stranger. Ethiopia has close relationship with Puntland, as well as Somaliland. That gives Ethiopia a great advantage over Somalia. Basically, they have divided them and maintained to get the trust they need from those two regions. Apparently, Ethiopia has the trust of Puntland and Somaliland, while P-Land and S-land don’t have the trust of Ethiopia. I guess SNM evolved into “Somaliland” and the SSDF has evolved into “Puntland”. They continue to have close relationships with Ethiopia and serve them generously. :mad:
  7. Originally posted by Wiilo: Isn't this the guy who insulted the so called warlord/president couple months ago, what changed now? All over sudden he is named mayor of the city, this is just pull.....they are all crimals who should be brought to justice... Go figure:............... Money talks, these men are puppets, the strings that are attached to them green.
  8. Ethiopian supported some of those tribalistic organizations, if not all. Maybe we should start supporting the Amhara, Oromo and anuak tribes. After all, two can play this game. I find those organizations to be a national disgrace. None of them had the interest of Somalia in mind. All were corrupted and deluded with tribal vengeance and hatred. Not to forget that they were financed and established with the help Ethiopia partially gave them. Somalis are rather gullible. They have fallen for the same trick over and over again. “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice and I a born fool”
  9. O.C.C.U.P.A.T.I.O.N. You have your worse enemy who have killed thousands of people and destroyed thousands of properties in our capital city and you speak of rebuilding? I didn’t know we were building a house for Meles in Mogadishu.
  10. I will only and only be optimistic about this regime if the Ethiopian troops leave, till then sorry, but they have killed too many Somalis and are roaming around Somalia freely, which only adds salt on a bleeding wound.
  11. Kashafa Tell me what does nationalism has to do with the crime the people of the nation commit against each other. Americans commit crimes against each other every second, but at the end of the day one will not denounce his/her Americanimo because of the crimes a fellow American commits. Somalis have committed horrendous crimes against each other for the past 17 years and so, however at the end of the day we are all Somalis and Somalia is our nation. Dividing and curving it into clan-fiefdoms won’t change anything or for that matter erase the vicious past. It will only create more division between the Somalis, something we don’t need. We should be doing the total opposite, merging as one, working together, condemning fellow kinsmen who are wrong and standing up for Somalia. Some of Gedi’s and Yusuf’s clansmen have done something that is immoral, supporting criminals because of clannish motives.
  12. nuune Somalis are only 10 million and are greedy to the bone. And I thought Indians were greedy. Other than the airport, there are plenty of countries who wish to use our seaports. That would generate another billion dollars. But Somalis like other Africans aren’t intelligent enough to succeed or go for what’s in the best interest of their nation or people. They are hell bend over tribe and clan. It isn’t about government but the people. Even they can’t show some forbearance and compassion to themselves.
  13. You people speak of elections. Did the reconciliation conference even take place?
  14. It’s either America or Ethiopia, either ways Somalis are being walked on each day, disrespected and look down upon. Sadly Somaliland can’t do anything about this. … I tell you people unity equals POWER
  15. Ebyan I highly doubt that. My predication, things will remain to be the same. Somalia will not be stable nor will it have a government which truly represents the people. There probably will be more foreign influence. America has its own interest in Somalia. If the UN troops do arrive next year or by the end of this year, then I assume things will get ugly, more Somalis will die. Or maybe by 2009 the nation we called Somalia today may well be part of Great Ethiopia. However, Yusuf intends to run for president. I guess he thinks he could use bribery once again….Lord help us….
  16. ^^^LOL! I really don't expect anything from the people who brought Ethiopian Troops into Somalia. When did we start depending on killers?
  17. Originally posted by Northerner: quote: True, but think about it the Somalilanders slap us Somalis from Somalia in the face every time they bring out and wave thier Somaliland flag. Ohhh come on,,,,,,,,,thats a nicer flag LOL, it’s nothing compared to the flag I have in mind. We could make it red, white and green if you like Northern, but remember we need two camels on each side of the flag.
  18. Northern. True, but think about it the Somalilanders slap us Somalis from Somalia in the face every time they bring out and wave the Somaliland flag. Honestly, we need to come-up with a new flag that will somehow unite all Somalis. The "Blue and White" isn't working anyways.
  19. Is this advanced slavery, where Africans sell each other to the master?
  20. Che It was for those VT students who died, and he is one of the students. I think everyone agreed that Cho was mentally ill. He still should get his stone.
  21. Shaataba! Even the women went crazy LOL! Could it possibly be Duke and Castro going head on? eh, Castro what is with the police assistance sxb? Sorry, I just had to say that, no offense gentlemen.
  22. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: quote:Originally posted by Wisdom_Seeker: ^^^And why shouldn't he be remembered? He was a victim of bullying and American rudeness, which probably drove him crazy.... Easy to say when it is not you that lost a brother, sister, a son, daughter or husband. Nothing justifies what he did to those people. I am well capable of forgiving, I have done it in the past. And those people aren't the only folks who have lost a loved one. It isn’t a matter of justification, but viewing him as a HUMAN. No one is trying to justify his transgression.
  23. (To the tune of America the Beautiful) Oh scorching desert,blasted skys.. oh Amber sandy grains Oh tiny pre-fab Iron shacks Upon thy windswept Plains Somalia The Beautiful God give some help to thee And blast thy Crud With Air to Mud From F15 type E's Source Ooh, Americans just rock don't they? Especially their soldiers.
  24. ^^^ This man had more troubling issues than merely being bullied. But I assume bullying has pushed him off the cliff. You don’t have to mourn for him, but he should be remembered for he too was a human being. His life wasn’t less important than the others who had lost their lives.
  25. America could have done something more constructive with that money. If that is the money they have spend on Iraq only, than how many have they spend on Afghanistan or on the “war on terror”? The Iraq war was essentially supposed to cost $ 50 billion, that’s still a lot of money. America could have fixed the SS for 60 and so years with that money.