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Everything posted by Kool_Kat

  1. Originally posted by Guled92: A healthy view of oneself, one's partner, and one's relationship is essential to withstanding the ups, and downs, in our eternal search for that special someone to share our lives with. Eventhough, I agree with the above quote, it is neva that clear or easy...There is alwayz that gray area... Great analysis, I can certainly relate to each and every paragraph... :cool:
  2. KAP, I don't remember eva having a discussion with you...You thought, with your insults towards me, were discussion...C'mon now, I wonder where your double brain cells are this time...dangg... I am a grown woman...But I can be the most childish person you eva met in your life, if you don't stop your childishness...And I warned you about that...Told you, i am the last person you wanna mess with...I know how to push all the wrong buttons... So go ahead be the "Grown Up"...Cuz, after all, you'll just be pretending...Deep down you know that you still are that bad mannered child... FYI, I don't have discussions with ppl who act, or talk non sense...And right now you are at the top of that list... Sista_Somali, sheydaanka waa naaran yahay...Acuudu belaahi mina shaydaani rajiim...Let's see if she goes away... Am out...
  3. KAP, as alwayz...Blah blah blah blah blah, Is all I read, wheneva I see your posts...So if you have as you claim twice the brain cells, I suggest you use "them" wisely...But then again that's something you know nothing about...After all, you're caruur looking for attention...You need to grow up...Before them brain cells die, while competing for nothing...Shoooo, put a sock on it little girl... Of course U dont know where I am...unlike U, I dont publicize ma private life. If you are so private then why the hell did you say Did I offend u enuf to wanna come here n settle scores? Do you even see how STUPID you sound...I wonder where your brain cells were when you wrote that...Feel stupid now...Privacy, puhlease... One last advise, stop ruining for every1 by following me around...Just quite it...Caruuryahay... Princess_Sexy, that's the best time to visit Toronto...
  4. Malaika, don't worry I got your back...Your compensation still awaits... KAP, who the Hell was talking to you or is that the only way you can tell me that you are in London...Damn gal, you ain't got game...Why is it that everywhere you go, you just have the urge to compete with me, when in fact there's no competition...Naa is dajiyaan ku iri, cunug yahay...Why don't you have a life, other than arguing with me when there's nothing to argue about...Or you're just one of those ppl who wanna get noticed...I think you need to get a life, mise computerka kuugu cusub, ani waayaabee...Besides you can be my little dog, I don't mind dragging you around or you can chase me around, cuz right now you're acting like an annoying little DOG...ruff ruff ruff... I don't understand why you are all ova me like a cheap shirt...Dangggggggggg...Just PISS the F*** of, aight...And Chill out... :cool: I am the last person here on SOL, you want to mess with... An advice to you: Don't play with fire, cuz you might just get BURNED...
  5. Jawahiir, I can't believe you went to dubai, without buying me any dirac or dahab...Shame on YOU!!! How could you do that to me...I could have given you the money to buy me somethin' ya know....loooooooool Brown_Sugah and Princess_Sexy, ya'll should hit me up when you come up here in the Tdot...I think it's one of the best places to visit...Specially in August, when we have the Caribbana fest... As for me, I am planning on going to London...I have neva been there, but I have a lot of friends there...Specially those from my school back home...and like a zillion relatives there...So London ppl, I hope I enjoy my vac there... Shyhem and Che_G, I hope ya'll make enough money to share...lol
  6. If I were a candle, I would DEFINATELY burn myself to light the lives of the ones I love: -The Woman who gave me Life: my lovely and wonderful MOM -My Sisters and Brothers, who would neva leave my side wheneva I need them -My Husband, who loves me unconditionally, regardless -My three little nephews, they are just so adorable and innocent...Everytime I see them, I remember how precious life is... And hey, If I get burned, I'll just call it a "FRIENDLY FIRE", as them Americans call it on CNN...looooool
  7. To prove the depth of my love to my beloved ones, I would just love them a 110%, and give it my best...Anything more than that, they can keep the change...
  8. R_C, I got three words for you... Materialistic, materialistic, materialistic...Walee boorsadeyda kuuguma aamino...looooooooooooool
  9. My all time fav song would have to be "Secret Lovers"...I don't know by whom though...Walaahay I remember being so young and singing along with the words, and not knowing the meaning of the Song... My second fav for now is "No Letting Go" by Wayne Wonder...Xafsa damn girl, waa iigaga hor martay...looool
  10. KickAssP...Shoo, I can't believe you are another admirer of Kool_Kat...Dang girl, too late though, the waiting list is full...Not taking any more admirers... What's with you and freedom of speech...Why they don't allow you to express yourself enough at home, so you come here and take the only approach you know, which is full of BS and nonsense...I'll suggest you slow down, before you get burned by the fire I spit...Isdaji, and take your own advise about refering others to Somalinet...aight... War waa maxay caruurtaan...Yaa nagu soo fasaxay...Meeyeen wixii playgroundka uwadijiray...
  11. Legend_of_Zu, you have a good point, and I know noone will eva leave this earth feeling complete...But my point was more of what Ameenah said about being content with what you've got and what you have achieved so far in your life and of course the things Allah has blessed you with to feel as close to as being complete...I hope that makes sense...
  12. Ohh, Canbaro_Luul, thnx for the intro...Very impressive... No need for betting though, cuz ain't nothing to fight about...I am just having fun, that's all...One of my hobbies is actually, teaching the "CARUUR" to just be "CARUUR"...that's all, ain't nothing more to it...loooooooool
  13. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: ayYo KAT, you are going to have to stop this madness one way or the other. Stop repeating yourself over and over again. Horaa waxaa looyiri DAMIIN far waaween aa wax loogu qoraa...So if it seems to YOU that I am repeating myself, it's because you seem to be missing my point... ...as for all this blocking nonsense, remember I was the one who decided to come back How do you get blocked then decide to come back, when in fact the Admin or Moderators blocked you...Do you even know what your typing here...I guess not...Cuz as I remember correctly you said you begged the Maamulayaasha to let you back... Somebody help me cuz this gal is cracking me uppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!! I think you're trying so hard to be funny... When you say: you are going to have to stop responding back, because you will not have the last word and I know thats what your intentions are. That just tells me that you are still CARUUR...So I'll LET YOU HAVE THE LAST WORD...Ok Kiddo...aight then... Candy anyone!!! hint hint... Just for the record, this will be the last time I respond to your non sense...Because obviously, you're taking this way too serious...If you still wanna follow me around, you're more than welcome to do so...Just don't get tired...
  14. I was just thinking what's makes a person complete? And to me I would have to say: -My love and fear for Allah -My love for the ppl in my life (ie. family, friendz, etc.) -My dedication to succeed in life -And of course shopping (that's shopping for dirac and goorgarad...loooooooooool) I would like to see the different views of other Nomads of what makes them complete...
  15. LayzieGal, you are really scaring me...Dang gal, you even memorized the words I wrote... Walaahay waa iga cabsiinoysaa, it's as if you are here to study every step K_K takes...Bal walaaleey, stop this non-sense, ooyinta badan dhaaf, ee enjoy yourself here...I think you were blocked once for the same reasons...I guess you still haven't learned your lesson... And when you say: I blame you for ruining the fun You call personal attacks fun!!! Well I beg to differ on that note...It's like you get some sort of satisfaction attacking others or being negative...I think you need a hug or something...But you ain't gonna get it from me...looooool For the last time, leave me alone...Do you want me to write it in caps for you...ok, here it goes...LEAVE ME ALONE...I hope you get the point, and just stop, whateva you think you're gonna accomplish by following Kool_Kat, ain't gonna happen...Grow up hon...And enjoy...Stop complaining all the time...Goodness, Gracious... If you don't like it, then tough... Mobb_Deep, I think Layzie just got another target...YOU!!! GOOD LUCK BRO...
  16. Originally posted by Mobb_Deep: By the way, there is a reason they have that REPORT POST icon below every post. It is a little spy. lol No wonder I feel so violated...Have you been spying on me and reporting me to the authorities...looool
  17. Rakim, as they say it takes a real man to apologize...And this is my way of sayin' apology accepted...
  18. Haaruun, me really like your Kumi iyo Taano...Very well said...
  19. LayziGirl, alaah maxaa Kool_Kat lagu waashay...Bal walaaleey isdaji...You're the one who's always following me around (as if it is your duty), and picking on me...And the only time I said something about what you posted, you write a novel about it...Dang...If you have problems with the Admin or Moderators, that's between you and them...Don't drag me into it, girl... I thinking you're going over board with this...It's if as you're almost crying...Kool_Kat posted here; Kool_Kat posted there...PUHLEASE...It's as if you memorized all the threads I replied to...Now who's the stolker... Dang Gilr, get a grib...And leave me the HELL alone...War yaa Muslin ahoo qoftaan iga damiinto... PS...May be it is not the Admin or the Moderators; May be it's the way you express your thoughts here on this site... Like admin said there are rules and regulations here, and it's as if almost everytime you post, you push your limits and see how far you can go...May be you haven't noticed, but You're always attacking ppl...I have yet to read anything positive you have posted...May be you should change the way you reply to the threads here on SOL... So for the last time, leave me ALONE...As in don't follow me around, don't mention my name, and don't drag me into your little messes...
  20. Originally posted by S.O.S: Sometimes these questions that are posted are soo stupid it shows the person either did not think about it or does not know how to think. :mad: :mad: I agree with you a 110%...Couldn't have said it any better... :mad: :mad:
  21. The only female my husband could have relationship with would have to either his mother, sister, or aunt...PERIOD...lool I am just kidding, Seriously though, if my b/friend or husband eva had a friend of the opposite sex, she would have to be my friend too...If she is so sure that she only wants a friendship with my man, then she would have no problem being open and friends with ME... I guess what I am trying to say is that no matter how much I trust him, if I don't trust her, then there will be a problem... And when I say friends I mean, she would call the house every now and then; we would all go out every now and then...But if they are doing thingz together, and I am not there, then there will be a mucho problemo...Like going to the movies or dinner or clubing/partying without me; you can bet your a$$ there'll be some a$$ kicking...And I mean for the both of them... I hate those women or men who blame thingz on the other person, other than thier partner...N'way, I think I am going of topic...So let me end it here...
  22. SCORPION_SISTA: MARRY THE TYPE OF WOMAN U WOULD DATE AND DATE THE TYPE OF WOMAN U WOULD MARRY. ONE SHOULDN'T LIE TO ONESELF!!!![/ QUOTE] Afkaaga caano lagu qabay...Walee hadalka afkeygaa ka daftay... Brown_Suga, for a second there I thought you were talking about a friend of mine who got married last year...She met some guy about three months before she married him...He was a cab driver, chew khaad (you know your typical Somali man)...N'way, two months in to the relationship, he said to her "I don't believe in dating, if you want me and like me, we should get married right away"...My friend being so damn, she agreed...Once they got married, he started controlling her...He wouldn't let her go to weddings, parties, or wear the clothing she used to wear (ie. jeans, or pants)...Now they are in the middle of a messy divorce, only after 4months... My point here is if you "Somali Men" are gonna change once you get married, don't expect us "Somali Women" to change...If you "Somali Men" decide to change, make sure you can handle the consequences...Don't blame us "Somali Women"...
  23. Miskin, I know they have their own reasons...If they are ashamed of their own tribe, I don't see why they always jump the gun when they hear others discriminate against them...They have to show that they are proud of who they are and where they come from, regardless...Once they show unity, then SLOWLY they might earn the respect they sought for so long... Walaahay, I have nothing against them, I see them like I see any other Somali...But sometimes, they just do thingz that make me say hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  24. Lulla, most definately... Before anyone can get to know a person's inner beauty, most of them judge you by the way you look, by the way you carry yourself, and by the way you present yourself to them... So I believe one's external appearance is may be as important as their inner beaury, in today's society...
  25. af urdu aaba meesha kasocoto...Suga hee anigana aan ku hadlee... Aree aree, nahii...May be that's not urdu, but oh well they all sound alike...Shiirayaasha...xaaq tuuu uff...