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Everything posted by Ismahaan

  1. Originally posted by peasant: quote:Originally posted by LayZie G.: Yaabka, I have a problem with the title of the thread. Where did you get the notion that there are only rich guys in the somali community and not rich women? If I were u, I wouldn't start segregating the sexes. They did not make into this lis too since liberation and currently the first woman ranks in the 12th position..very close but not yet there. may be another century or so.. 1)William Gates III 2)Warren Buffett 3)Carlos Slim Helú 4)Ingvar Kamprad 5)Lakshmi Mittal 6)Sheldon Adelson 7)Bernard Arnault 8)Amancio Ortega 9)Li Ka-shing 10)David Thomson The Mexican telecoms Carlos Slim and the microsoft founder Bill gates have lost richest ranking to Mukesh Ambani. The five richest people in the world with their net worth: 1. Mukesh Ambani ($63.2 billion) 2. Carlos Slim Helu ($62.2993 billion) 3. William (Bill) Gates ($62.29 billion) 4. Warren Buffett ($55.9 billion) 5. Lakshmi Mittal ($50.9 billion One of the somalis's richest men is Haji Ibrahim (Uunlaye).
  2. Masha allah. Waaba nice hadii 3 isku mar dhali karti 3 times xanuun ku dhafaya
  3. The freedom of speech is not working isn,t? Ps: Qof in la gamo rabaa haduu jiro ha ila soo socod siiyo wax baan ka sii gamaa Just joking > Chill out my people.
  4. Why drink coffee out of an ordinary mug when an imprinted Somalia Soccer mug is so much cooler?
  5. Originally posted by Hunguri: And, what about the poster Ma Ameen kaliya ayaad u ducaynysaa Allaw anigana khayr isii Somaliyeey aamiin dhaha marka!
  6. Originally posted by Hunguri: May Allah unite us, and birng the true Somali sprit to our souls. Somalia! I really like this picture .it's the first time I've seen this picture but it is worth a thousand words. Bro ameen to your dua.
  7. Hi all! Sidaa og tihihiinba abwan Sangub waa abwaan sharaf iyo taarikh dheeer ku leh fanka iyo sugaanta somalyeed. Waa nin sharaf and muctarif dadka somalidaa dhex dooda ku leh . Hadaba somalida qabyaladooda xataa hobaladii, abwaanadii iyo dadkii caanka ahaa oo somalida beey sameeyn weeyn ku yeelatey. Marka Abwan sangub oo lagu soo edeeyay fal uusan sameeyn baa waxaa laga sameeyay sheeko dheer oo taxanaa taas oo hobalad somalida dhan ka soo qaayb galeen. Halkaan hoose ka dhegayso barmaamushkii iyo dadka fekradahooda ku adan abwaankaan iyo falkaan xun oo lagu soo eedeeyey: shariftii Abwan Maxamud sangub Ps: Adiga marka as a somali see u aragtaan falkaan xun oo lagu eedeeyay nin abwaan eh, sharah leh, oday somali eh, muslim eh?? Fekradada ka dhiibo fadlan adigoo waliba abwanka ixtiraamaya
  8. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Dude {LOL}, if that is the case, then my uncle's name (Mudane Cabdulaahi Yuusuf) shouldn't be on a public forum... Privacy is the key word here ...I order you to go to the Politics section and edit every thread and every post containing his name...This kinda shidh should be kept private yaah! go go go kool-kat
  9. Blessed you are wellcome darling.
  10. Originally posted by Biixi: NASA is always a good source, try this Maars maa lguu diri rabaa - lol Bixi thanks bro. Laakiin march baba iga tuurtey. Latest news from march; ScienceDaily (Feb. 14, 2008) — People across the western hemisphere may be surprised to see a rust-coloured Moon in the sky on 21 February. Early that morning (the evening of the 20 February for observers in North and South America) will be this year’s first and only total eclipse of the Moon. full history
  11. Originally posted by Naden: Ismahan, where in the hadith that you've written does it permit ear rings? From what you've written, the earrings are the donations and the permission to have the holes from which they are removed is simply a deduction, no? In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Hadith: ‘’ Our beloved prophet Maxamed (SCW) ordered the women to pay Zakah, and some of them took their earrings off and threw it (donated it) to the Prophet (SCW). (Reported in Bukhari)’’. ‘’Their earrings of’’:::: ear rings not belly or nose rings do you get the point?/ Sis the body we are in now are not ours and have to be retuned to Allah in as good a condition as they were given to us. I’ve read and heard from some respectable Muslims that women would have piercings in their ears in the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) time and he didn,t said it was prohibited or wrong. Thus the Muslim scholars are agreed that it is permissible for a woman to have her ears pierced to wear an earring since that is considered an adornment for women. However, it would not be permissible to pierce the lip, Nose , belly button etc, since that is not considered the adornment for any decent women. [Radd al-Muhtar 5:270]. Also read the following statements of Allah in the Qur’an: “There is no altering Allah’s creation.” (Ar-Rum: 30); “And do not cast yourselves into destruction by your own hands.” (Al-Baqarah: 195). Surely, we are not permitted to alter or tamper with our body unnecessarily. The only exception some Muslim scholars have made in this context is the case of ear piercing (only for women). Any other form of interference or tampering with our body comes under the heading of changing the creation of Allah which has been condemned in the Qur’an. Allah Almighty knows best.
  12. Originally posted by *Blessed: Ismahaan, Who is 'the shaikh'? Many sheikhs include sheikh maxamed rashad, Sh O Faruuq, Sheikh Umal etc. Su,ashaan waxaa la waaydiiyey sheikhda dhan in islamic conference in Sweden sidaa aan soo qoray baayna ku jawaaben. May Allah give them reward.One of the best islamic conference I’ve attended. Incredibly practical and beneficial Masha Allah. Here're good sources: central-mosque IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar
  13. Originally posted by Naden: Ismahan, do you believe that hadith permits ear-piercing or merely recounts that women had their ears pierced and donated the jewelery hanging from them? Blessed, lol@ camel's nose. I guess what is good for the goose, or camel in this case. Noo sis the hadith permits ear-piercing thats is all and that is exact with the hadith says Allahu yaclam. By the way the hadith is Sahih al-Bukhari. Sunni Muslims view this as their most trusted collection, calling it "The most authentic book after the Holy Qur'an.
  14. Originally posted by Northerner: Is Queen Mary the only Uni with a Somali Society? Noo there is more as far as i know
  15. Hi girls I am sorry to disappoint you but I think we are not allowed to do body piercing except ears. This is what the Sheikhs said about piercing: ‘’It is permitted for women only to pierce their ears as a form of enhancing their beauty. The proof of this permission is based on the Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (csw), when he prayed on the day of `Eid and came with Bilal, his Companion, he ordered the women to pay Zakah, and some of them took their earrings off and threw it (donated it) to the Prophet. (Reported in Bukhari saxiix) ‘’’ As to the piercing of the nose, tongue, lip, eyebrow etc, it isn't permitted for both sexes because it is a type of deformation to Allah’s creation. In light of the above, body piercing, tattooing, branding are all fall in the category of unnecessary interference, modification and mutilation of Allah’s creation and is prohibited. Thus, no Muslim, who is aware of his religion, should ever consider such activities. I hope you not mad at me now. :cool:
  16. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Layzie, jiistaa tahay maxaa dhahaa!!! Tan isku dhadhajis waa dhaaftay, iskudhadhajis waca leeynaa waca loosha ey maroysaa... The Marcas kuteh!!! Aloow yaa ikaa kor istaajiyo adoo qorooyo waxaan, kab dacas lee korkaaga ka heli leheed...Isku dhadhajis bilaa liis waaxid... **Pheeeeeeeeeeeew, venting feels good yaah? I should try this more often...** Katie adi dadkii dacas aad nafta kaga wada jartey
  17. Mr M honest no one should insult anyone for having counter opinion. And in my opinion calling anyone insulting names is abusive and not freedom of speech. Is deliberate humiliation, verbal or editorial insult considered freedom of speech?? You cannot call people names and insult them because you are free to do it. . You have to understand the people around you. Respect is the most basic thing people should give to one another. Everyone wants to be respected. Only when a man gives respect, will he get respect in return. Sometimes we read things with a wrong mindset which makes us misunderstand or take offense. Some people are too determined to be persuaded of something or some view. Ultimately the respect of the posters’ point of view is what it all comes down to. We can always agree to disagree but calling each other names or insulting each other is not acceptable behavior, and should not be tolerated in SOL. Noo noo that's not what I'm here for; I don't want to waste a post on such non-sense. :cool:
  18. The Ethiopian government is a gigantic murdering bully. They are the ones started the hostility, not ONLF or Somalis. People living in *******ya are still alive, despite nearly half a century of dispossession, oppression, and brutality. Their spirit of Jihad did not vanish. The oppression has not been able to silence the ********ya people, nor has it been able to crush their will and determination for freedom and independence. Our brothers and sisters in that region are aware of the huge price and the magnitude of the sacrifice they have to make. They have already made enormous sacrifices. For several years our brothers have been killed, our women have been raped. What is taking place cannot be tolerated by any nation. There is no doubt that our brothers and sisters desperately need our support. May Allah unite the ranks of the somalian people and keep them strong, supporting each other against all the plots and conspiracies.
  19. Ismahaan

    wombs for rent

    Subhan Allah. I found the fertility theory ridiculous.
  20. I just love to read, even after a long day I still manage to read. Books are exceptional they bring you to different worlds and different situations, as if you are actually there. Shopping and hanging out with friends. I also have to add that I am, and have always been a creature of projects. There is always something I am curious about and want to learn. I cannot remember ever being bored unless I am trapped in a waiting room somewhere.
  21. Originally posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis: i really understand some of Borane language might make u laugh(lool) marka kugu horeeso is like: KUDHUFO, KAJAR KU DHAC