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Posts posted by Resistance

  1. U need a good head to concentrate as u know. I think my grandmother would been able to head in that.


    It seems like Wenger is mole within Arsenal ( maybe woking for Abrahamovic or the Yanks ) since he refuses to spend money and sell players when they reach their peak.

  2. Well it was pretty ovious Nick Clegg would come up on top, i bet the Cons and Labour are kicking themselves for agreeing to this debate.

    This debates will give the Lib Dems are major platform that they never had before and bring us closer to a Hung parliment.


    P.S this election more than another the Somali is really getting interested in this Election and it seems like we are determined to stop Cameron getting in. But since most Somalis live in a safe Labour seat will our vote make much difference.

  3. I must be blind to this cause i too worked in Camden for 3 years and i have yet to see a Somali selling drugs.

    i know there is crime peroblem with Somali youths but don't fall the line that the Media has decided to follow.

    I do not belive that porpotionally youths of Somali decent are any more criminal than other groups is just that these Youths are normally down the pecking order of crime lords and have to undertake the street level crimes which in turn means they get caught more frequently.

  4. Originally posted by Norfsky:

    The only way we will be in the CL next year is if we win the Uefa Cup (I refuse to call any other name).

    And since when where the winners of the Europa Cup given a slot in CL.

  5. ^ Ngongne time u accepted that is next to impossible for Liverpool to finished ( Unless u beleive the motto of your shirt makers )

    I suggest u pray that u win the Europa cup and salvage some face for this season. and Unlike 05' there is no back route for Liverpool to get into the CL, unless they start a campaign for the winners of Europa Cup to automatically enter the CL.


    Now lets discuss the Title race