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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Somali warlords 'to merge forces'

    The most powerful warlords in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, have agreed to set up a united force, which they say will restore security to the lawless city.

    They say they will start withdrawing some of their battle wagons and gunmen from the city by the end of the week.


    The BBC's Hassan Barise, just back from Mogadishu, says this is a big step forward in the peace process.


    However, some rival members of the exiled government fear that the new force could be used against them.


    The Mogadishu warlords are opposed to a peacekeeping force, with the proposed inclusion of Ethiopian troops proving controversial.


    A group of MPs based in exile in Nairobi has accused neighbouring Ethiopia of smuggling weapons into Somalia in violation of a United Nations arms embargo and sending troops across the border.


    They warn the new weapons could lead to the resumption of fighting in Baidoa - a possible alternative site for the government to be based in if Mogadishu remains too dangerous.


    Ethiopia has denied the allegations.


    Bitter enemies


    Like the entire country, Mogadishu is divided between rival warlords, whose gunmen can be seen operating roadblocks on many street corners, where they demand money from commercial vehicles.


    Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991, when Siad Barre was ousted.



    A government has been formed in neighbouring Kenya but it says Mogadishu is too dangerous for it to return to.

    Our correspondent says this is the first time that the rival Mogadishu warlords, who have been bitter enemies for many years, have agreed to work together.


    He says they want to show that the capital is safe enough for the government to set up there.


    The new force will dismantle the roadblocks and end banditry, say the warlords, who are all ministers in the new government.


    Warlords Mohammed Qanyare Affra, Osman Ali Atto and Muse Sudi Yalahow have agreed on what proportion of the new force each will contribute.


    The position of the other main Mogadishu warlord, Hussein Aideed, is not clear.


    Mr Qanyare told the BBC's Network Africa programme that the gunmen will be retrained and turned into a security force.


    "We want to remove from the city, technicals [battle-wagons] and the militia, in order to get normal security," he said.




    However, our correspondent says that, for the moment, the gunmen are likely to remain loyal to the warlords, rather than President Abdullahi Yusuf, who has little support in Mogadishu.


    Last week, a blast killed at least 14 people in Mogadishu, as Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi made a speech during his first visit to the city since being appointed.



    He later said the blast was an accident and denied he had been targeted.

    The transitional government is under pressure from foreign donors to relocate to Somalia.


    But Somalia's political leaders and warlords are divided over where in Somalia the administration should be based.


    While the interim constitution names Mogadishu as the capital, the city is considered the most dangerous place in Somalia.


    The regional body, Igad, has agreed to send up to 10,000 peacekeepers to Somalia to provide security for the government.


    However, officials say a lack of funding and security fears mean their deployment looks set to be delayed.



    Story from BBC NEWS:

  2. Rahima, u collected great pictures,

    I know mogadisho is a beautiful (I miss this great city).


    Mogadishu will stay the capital city of beloved Somalia, but right now security is concern, particularly after the bomb that targeted the Somali prime minister Hon. Ali Ghedi

  3. 1954: Ethiopian emperor visits UK

    Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie has arrived in Portsmouth on the cruiser the Gambia.

    His visit is part of a world tour, his first since his triumphant return to Ethiopia in 1941.


    The Emperor was welcomed at Portsmouth on behalf of the Queen by the Duke of Gloucester, before boarding a special train to London.


    His tour of the UK is expected to last a fortnight, which will include visits to schools and hospitals, the cities of Bath and Oxford, a debate in the House of Commons and lunch at 10 Downing Street.


    On his arrival in Portsmouth warships flew the Ethiopian flag and cannons fired royal salutes. RAF Coastal Command staged a fly-past.


    In London the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh received the Emperor at Victoria Station in a lavish red carpeted and curtained enclosure.



    We greet you as the Sovereign of an ancient Christian State which has many links with our own Church,



    Queen Elizabeth II



    Crowds cheered the Emperor throughout his tour of the capital. His schedule included a visit to the Queen Mother at Clarence House and dignitaries from London City Council and the City of Westminster.


    Welcoming him at the state banquet held in his honour the Queen said:


    "We greet you as the Sovereign of an ancient Christian State which has many links with our own Church the Sovereign of the country which was the first to regain its freedom during the last war."



    Diplomatic analysts say Ethiopia is strategically important to Britain and the West for its geographical position, in terms of African and Commonwealth security.


    The Ethiopian economy is receiving Western loans, aid and capital investment to develop its resources of oil and uranium, and bolster its exports, principally coffee.


    The International Bank has lent £8.5 million towards transport and communications and British and US representatives are advising on Ethiopia's industry, social services and legal system.


    At the state banquet, the Emperor spoke of his gratitude for Britain's help in liberating Ethiopia and his desire for continued warm relations between the two nations.


    "Your support and the loyalty of the British people...make today the preservation and the strengthening of that friendship and affection a sacred trust."

  4. 1954: Haile divided Western-Somalia in a 5 district Administration based on tribes and clans to eliminate "Somali name " in the Ethiopian Empire throne :


    Gurgura/Issa zone (Dire dawa), Jigjiga Zone, Adari Zone Sidam zone, and ****** zone (Qabri dahar). The Ruler of Hararghe Region was by Emperor of Ethiopia second son the "Duke of Harar"


    In 1991 Mengistu Haile Mariam again devided Somalia Republic into: Puntland Zone, Somaliland, Jubaland and Banadir regions.

  5. 1954: The Fall of Pan Somalia, The Rise Ethiopian New Emperor


    in 1954 -Warships flew the Ethiopian flag and cannons fired royal salutes to welcome the visiting dignitary


    State visit by Emperor of Ethiopia accompanied by his second son the Duke of Harar


    Emperor Hailie Selassie addresses State Banquet, Buckingham Palace


    Djibouti (HAN) May 8, 2005 -In 1954 Ethiopian emperor visits UK to ask British Empire to get access Red seas through British Somaliland and sign Ethio-Biritish underground treaty for the Hawd and Reserved Area (Western-Somalia) and Hararghe regions . Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie has arrived in Portsmouth on the cruiser the Gambia. His visit is part of a world tour, his first since his triumphant return to Ethiopia in 1941.





    1954: The Fall of Pan Somalia and Rise Ethiopian New Emperor


    Djibouti (HAN) May 8, 2005 - In 1954 Ethiopian emperor visits UK. Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie has arrived in Portsmouth on the cruiser the Gambia. His visit is part of a world tour, his first since his triumphant return to Ethiopia in 1941.


    The Emperor was welcomed at Portsmouth on behalf of the Queen by the Duke of Gloucester, before boarding a special train to London.


    His tour of the UK is expected to last a fortnight, which will include visits to schools and hospitals, the cities of Bath and Oxford, a debate in the House of Commons and lunch at 10 Downing Street.


    On his arrival in Portsmouth warships flew the Ethiopian flag and cannons fired royal salutes. RAF Coastal Command staged a fly-past.


    In London the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh received the Emperor at Victoria Station in a lavish red carpeted and curtained enclosure.


    Queen Elizabeth II said "We greet you as the Sovereign of an ancient Christian State which has many links with our own Church".


    Crowds cheered the Emperor throughout his tour of the capital. His schedule included a visit to the Queen Mother at Clarence House and dignitaries from London City Council and the City of Westminster.


    Welcoming him at the state banquet held in his honour the Queen said:


    "We greet you as the Sovereign of an ancient Christian State which has many links with our own Church the Sovereign of the country which was the first to regain its freedom during the last war."


    Diplomatic analysts say Ethiopia is strategically important to Britain and the West for its geographical position, in terms of African and Commonwealth security.


    The Ethiopian economy is receiving Western loans, aid and capital investment to develop its resources of oil and uranium, and bolster its exports, principally coffee.


    The International Bank has lent £8.5 million towards transport and communications and British and US representatives are advising on Ethiopia's industry, social services and legal system.


    At the state banquet, the Emperor spoke of his gratitude for Britain's help in liberating Ethiopia and his desire for continued warm relations between the two nations.


    "Your support and the loyalty of the British people...make today the preservation and the strengthening of that friendship and affection a sacred trust."





    Background History : Haile Selassie was born Tafari Makonnen in Ethiopia in 1892. He married Wayzaro Menen in 1911, daughter of Emperor Menelik II. By becoming prince (Ras), Tafari became the focus of the Christian majority's approval over Menelik's grandson, Lij Yasu, because of his progressive nature and the latter's unreliable politics. He was named regent and heir to the throne in 1917, but had to wait until the death of the Empress Zauditu to assume full kingship. During the years of 1917-1928, Tafari traveled to such cities as Rome, Paris, and London to become the first Ethiopian ruler to ever go abroad. In November of 1930, Zaubitu died and Tafari was crowned emperor, the 111th emperor in the succession of King Solomon. Upon this occasion he took the name Haile Selassie, meaning "Might of the Trinity." This paper will focus on Selassie's progressive politics and attempts to modernize Ethiopia through technological advances and membership in the world community. Relevant to these topics is Ethiopia's struggle with Italy in World War II, Selassie's embracing of the League of Nations, and his popularity and attention worldwide because of his efforts towards humanitarianism and Ethiopian sovereignty.

    Ethiopia was a culturally and resourcefully rich land recognized by the European colonial powers as sovereign from as early as 1900. Selassie's predecessor expanded his empire successfully in the 1880's and formed treaties with the Italians, who recognized the imperial potential of northern Africa. Relations became strained, however, in the 1890's when Britain and Italy agreed that Ethiopia should fall under Italian influence. Despite occasional conflicts, Ethiopia under Menelik remained sovereign, and thus we see a stage set for the leadership of Selassie: a free Ethiopia with Italian, British, and French colonies nearby, and an Italian will to expand its territorial claims when its power and opportunity arise. (Marcus, 52)


    Well before Selassie's crowning as negus (king), he began work modernizing Ethiopia to rival that which he saw in Europe during his time abroad. He took steps to improve legislation, bureaucracy, government schooling, and health and social services in preparation for his new reign. More importantly in a diplomatic focus, Selassie acted to promote Ethiopian power and sovereignty and secure allies abroad. In 1919 Ethiopia applied for membership into the League of Nations but was banned because its practice of slavery was still strong. By 1923, working with the Empress Zauditu, the slave trade was abolished and Ethiopia was unanimously accepted into the League. He further acted to seek approval of other nations by emancipating existing slaves and their children and created government bureaus to do so. Also prior to his taking of power, Selassie promoted a twenty year treaty of friendship with Italy in 1928 and established legislation in 1930 to ban illegal sales of arms in Ethiopia, and to establish the government's right to procure arms for protection and internal unrest. (Marcus, 60-73)


    In 1931, upon assuming power, Selassie established the first Ethiopian constitution, which aimed to re-focus governmental power from many rases to his blood line solely. This move was effective in aiding Ethiopia's modernization through bureaucracy and solidarity, and forced the many regional rases to either oppose him treasonably or join him with their support. (Marcus, 98-100) By 1934, after several suppressed revolts, all the major rases were either supporters or outside the empires influence in the outer regions of Ethiopia. Much of Selassie's loyalty was fostered by the building of schools, universities, and newspapers, as well as increased availability of electricity, telephone, and public health services. The Bank of Ethiopia was also founded in 1931 and introduced Ethiopian currency.


    Though the changes in Ethiopia sponsored by Selassie and his new progressive government seemed very promising, there lingered a new threat to the growing country when Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922. The north African colony of Eritrea, held by the Italians, was harmonious in its African/Italian co-existence from the 1890's until 1922, when Mussolini's administration began to emphasize the superiority of Italian inhabitants, and even enforced the segregation of the population. As late as 1928, motions of peace were made by Italy, but it seemed as though Mussolini wanted Eritrea only as a strategic base for future conquest in Africa. (Marcus, 108) In December 1934, there was an incident seemingly provoked by Italian forces which involved an Ethiopian escort to the Welwel wells used by desert nomads. The League of Nations exonerated both parties in the battle in September 1935, and it seemed to Mussolini that he would not be condemned for his future hostilities. (Marcus, 148-49) Italy invaded Ethiopia one month later without declaring war; the League of Nations condemned Italy as the aggressor, but no actions were taken. The fighting persisted for seven months, and Ethiopia was pushed back quite forcefully. Selassie found his forces unmatched militarily and was shocked at the use of chemical weapons by Italy, and the lack of action taken by the League of Nations. He was forced to exile on May 2 of 1936, a move which raised harsh criticism from many who were used to a warrior emperor of Ethiopia. On June 30, Haile Selassie went to Geneva to seek help from the League of Nations. He made a powerful speech in which he addressed the lack of enforcement of the Italian arms embargo, and quite effectively illustrated the consequences of the League's stifled actions: either there would exist collective security or international lawlessness. (Selassie, Internet) His speech was taken quite emotionally by audiences around the world, especially in America, where he achieved much sympathy. Selassie succeeded in raising the support of the United States and Russia, at least verbally, but Britain and France still recognized the Italian possession of Ethiopia by Italy.


    While Selassie was in exile, the Italian forces established new government and attempted to crush the continuing revolts by massacres and segregation. In Britain for most of his exile, he attempted to raise public support for the plight of his country, but gained little attention until Italy entered the war on the side of Germany in June 1940. After the entrance, Britain and Selassie worked together to rally the remaining revolutionary forces in Ethiopia. He proceeded to Khartoum in 1940 to be in closer contact with his troops and British coordinators. With an army of British, South African, African, and Ethiopian soldiers, Haile Selassie re-entered Addis Ababa on May 5, 1941, but fighting continued on Ethiopian soil until January 1942. During the years of war, Selassie controlled internal affairs, but with required British approval. Upon his return he, without consulting Britain, appointed a seven member cabinet and a governor of Addis Ababa. The British aided Ethiopia in training a new army with advisers, which helped him substitute experienced administrators in place of traditional nobility, but he rejected British help whenever the reforms threatened his own personal control over his country. His stubbornness and foresight to retaining power showed Selassie to be a determined dictator, but certainly not without Ethiopia's benefit in mind. The modernization's made by Britain concerning currency, industrialization, and bureaucracy made Selassie see the major importance in modernizing in order to survive. He attempted to secure Eritrea as Ethiopian, but the decades of Italian influence imparted an independent sense on the part of the Eritreans, and the British denied his wishes.


    When Selassie returned to power, he realized the necessity of a dependable tax base and issued a flat tax based on the richness of the land. Unfortunately, the nobles of several provinces battled the tax and the path was lain for opposition to the newly re-established government. Selassie backed down from his new tax brackets and issued a flat tithe to all noble landowners who resisted, but this merely passed the tax on to the tenants of the regions, who carried the entire burden of taxation. Another huge reform made by Selassie was the 1948 change in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He removed the responsibility of appointment of the Church's patriarch from Alexandria to himself, a move which revolutionized the sixteen century old tradition.


    After World War II, Selassie saw himself as a humble, but emerging, world leader. (Prouty, 93) Ethiopia was a founding member of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity. Haile Selassie, after his aid from Britain wound down in 1953, sought and developed an aid-based relationship with the United States, and later sought and received aid from such diversified nations as Italy, China, West Germany, Taiwan, Yugoslavia, Sweden, and the Soviet Union.


    Within his country, Selassie favored political realism, and attempted to make peace with the many Ethiopian factions- ethnic, religious, and economic- through appeasement and compromise. Despite his growing international stature, however, his internal influence lacked major support which would, in the future, lead to problems in his stability as a ruler. The emperor attempted to further strengthen the national government by placing newly educated ministers with more specific powers, establishing a central judiciary and self-appointing its judges. He also proclaimed a new national constitution in 1955. The constitution was enforced by a new, younger, foreign-educated staff, who sympathized with Selassie's reforms and were intellectually supportive of his claims. It was also heavily influenced by Selassie's concern for international image, as many African countries were thriving under colonial support and Ethiopia was still laying its claim to Eritrea. (Prouty, 93) The new constitution emphasized Selassie's religious right to power, and while it promised several inherently American rights (freedom of speech, assembly, and due process), the Ethiopian population lacked the literacy and independence from local nobility to really appreciate its declarations.


    Selassie's major changes in form of the Ethiopian government promised huge reforms, and when these were realized to be slowly obtained, a coup d'état occurred in Addis Ababa in December 1960, while Selassie was abroad on one of his frequent diplomatic missions. (Prouty, 40) While initially successful, the coup led by the Imperial Bodyguard, police chief, and intellectual radicals lacked the public support necessary, and fell upon the return of the emperor and his assertion of the loyalty of the army and air force, as well as the church. The coup's failure did, however lead to the polarization of the traditional and progressive factions, and the public awareness of the need to improve the economic, social, and political position of the population.


    After the coup, Selassie tried to calm his opponents mostly through land grants to officials, but with little social or political reform. In 1966, a plan to reform the tax system with intent to destroy the landowners grasp on the economy was drafted, but opposed vigorously by the parliament, who were all landowners. The years prior to 1974 were filled with rising inflation, corruption, and famine, as well as growing discontent by many of the organized urban groups and unions. Selassie had organized his military so that each branch opposed each other in class, benefits, or treatment in order to keep one from becoming so powerful as to threaten his power. It was perceived that the droughts and famines within the army and the public were intentional, and that civil freedoms were increasingly disappearing. Mutiny in the army branch of the military began on January 12, 1974, and was followed by several provincial takeovers in February. In early June, a group of about 120 military officers formed a group known as the Derg (committee) who represented the military and worked behind closed doors to gain power militarily. Although they claimed allegiance to the emperor, they began arresting aristocracy and parliament members who were associated with the old order. This group effectively removed Selassie's means of governing, as they had complete military control. In July 1974, the Derg demanded a new constitution; when it was found to be unsatisfactory to their "Ethiopia First" ideology, they proceeded to undermine the emperor's authority, and enjoyed much public support. (Tareke, 204-13) The emperor's estate and palace were nationalized and in August, Selassie was directly accused of covering up famine of the early 1970's which killed hundreds of thousands of people. On September 12th, he was formally deposed and arrested and power was given to the Derg, formally renamed the Provisional Military Administrative Council. In August 1975, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie died under questionable circumstances under house arrest, and was secretly buried. (Prouty, 93) His early legacy of Ethiopian pride and sovereignty, had transformed itself to a major struggle of the old versus the new orders. The old order was effectively destroyed by 1977, and the Derg began its new agenda of socialism in the Ethiopian government.

  6. Koox dhaqaatiir oo Maanta Soo gaartay Magaalada laascaanood.


    {Laascaanood} 07 May 2005 Koox dhatiir ah oo ka socday Gobalada Soomaaliya ayaa Maanta waxaa ay soo gaareen Magaalada Laascaanood, waxaana ay booqdeen qaybaha kala duban ee Isbitaalka Laascaanood. Haddaba daawo sawirada oo dhagayso Codadka.


    Waxaa manta soo gaaray Magaalada lascanood wafdi Dhaqaatiir ah oo siminaar todobo casho ah uu uga socday Magaalada garowe kaasi oo ku sabsana Hiv aids-ka waxaana wafdigaani horkacayey wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Caafimaadka Maamul gobaleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland Cali Cigaal Axmed.


    Dhaqaatiirtaani ayaa ka kala yimid isbitaalada dhamaan gobalada soomaaliya isbitaaladaasi oo isugu jira kuwa si gaar ah loo leeyahay iyo kuwii hore ee dayactirka lagu sameeyey.


    Mas’uliyiinta Gobalka sool iyo qaar kamid ah Dadweynaha Magaalada laascaanood ayaa wafdiga dhaqaatiirta waxaa ay uga hortageen meel ka baxsan magaalada waxaana markii ay yimadeen magaalada ka siiyeen warbixinta guud ee gobalka iyo tan caafimaadka Maamulka gobalka iyo wafdigii xildhibanada eek u sugnaa laascaanood waxaana wafdiga dhaqaatiirta kamid ahaa laba afrikana ah oo ahaa macalimiintii casharada bixinaysay.


    Dr Xangul oo kamid ah dhaqaatiirta Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa widhwidh online u sheegay in socdaalkooda uu yahay oo keliya Magaalada Lascaanood Magaalooyinka Galkacyo iyo Bosaso oo ay doonayeen inay soo booqdaana ay u surageliweyday wadada boosaso oo ku dheeratay iyo mida galkacyo oo raf ah balse ay usura gashay tan laascaanood.


    Dhaqaatiirta ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa kuwa ugu cansanaa Dr Shahaado oo Ka socday dhaqaatiirta Puntland Dr Xangul oo ka socday Isbitaal madiina Mogadisho Dr Buraale oo ka socday Laascaanood Drs Deeqo Axmed Ducaale Xaaf oo ka socotay Isbitaal banaadir Xamar Drs Isniino Axmed Muuse oo ka socotay Bosaso Private Health xaawo xasan oo galkacyo ka socotay.


    Dr. Siciid Warsame Shahaado oo isaguna u waramayey Widhwidh Online ayaa sheegay in dhaqaatiirtaan ay yihiin kuwa ka socday isbitaalada isla markaana ku faraxsanyahay isdhexgalka Dhaqatiirta Soomaaliya iyadoo dadka qaar aaminsanyihiin in aysan jirin wax is dhexgal ah oo ka dhaxeeya Dhaqaatiirta Somaliya.


    waxaa kaloo kamid ah Wafdiga oo Hogaaminayey Wasiir ku Xigeenka Wasaaradda Caafimadka ee Maamul Gobaleedka Puntland Md Cali Cigaal Axmed.


    Haddaba waraysi aan la yeelanay wasiir Ku xigeenka iyo Hadaladii halkaasi laga yiri ka dhagayso Halkaan.

  7. Arta Triangle (Abduqassim, Qanyare, and JVA) 'BARRIER TO PEACE' in Somalia


    Although, Arta government was the most legitimate political faction in Somali Politics, before the conclusion of Somali peace conference in Nairobi, Kenya.


    Today, it seem that Arta triangle is in wrong side of Somali political arena, as well Arta triangle became "barrier to peace" in Somalia, and hindering the efforts of the new government.

  8. Fresh clashes in Somalia as PM ends troubled visit

    07 May 2005 11:47:17 GMT


    Source: Reuters


    By Mohamed Ali Bile


    MOGADISHU, May 7 (Reuters) - Fresh clashes erupted in Somalia's southern port of Kismayo, forcing the prime minister to cancel a planned tour of the town, officials said on Saturday.


    Disagreements among rival militia groups from ******* clan triggered the fighting, with some sharply opposed to Prime Minister Ali Gedi's visit to Kismayo while others supported it, officials said.


    "There have been clashes in Kismayo engineered by those opposed to the prime minister's visit. We have no idea of casualties but the place is unstable," said an official at the prime minister's office in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.


    Officials said militias supporting the chairman of the Jubba Valley Alliance Barre Aden Shire wanted Gedi to visit Kismayo but his opponents were against it.


    Other officials said Shire's house was attacked on Friday. A spokesman for the Juba Valley Alliance Abdulahi Sheikh said the attack was carried out by a group of militias who were unhappy because they had not been paid their salaries and had nothing to do with the prime minister's visit.


    Officials said Gedi had decided not to go Kismayo as planned and would return to Nairobi later on Saturday.


    The clashes are the latest to hit Gedi's first visit to Somalia since taking office last year. At least 14 people died on Tuesday after a blast rocked a Mogadishu football stadium moments after the Somali prime minister spoke to supporters.


    The cause of the explosion was not clear but Gedi, who was not hurt, initially said the blast appeared to be accidental. Security officials working with the government are investigating. No one has claimed responsibility.


    Gedi flew to Somalia on April 29 in an effort to heal a rift in his fledgling government over where it should first make its home when it returns to Somalia from Kenya.


    The interim Somali government, the 14th attempt at government in as many years, has been based in the Kenyan capital Nairobi since its formation last year after peace talks.


    But foreign donors and governments are pressuring the Somali administration to go home and establish its legitimacy, a task complicated by the lack of security there.


    Gedi and MPs aligned with him would prefer to base themselves in the safer cities of Baidoa and Jowhar and move to Mogadishu once its multitude of militiamen are disarmed and security re-established.


    Other MPs insist Mogadishu -- Somalia's most dangerous place -- must be the capital as stipulated in the transitional constitution.



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  9. Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho.


    Doha (7 May 2005) Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, dhowaana ay soo taagi doonaan maxkamad.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo maanta wareysi siiyey televisionka Al-Jazeera, ayaa sheegay in maamulka la baxey Somaliland ay ka jiraan mushkiladaha ay argagaxisada ku heyso qaar kamid ah dalalka caalamka gaar ahaan wadamada Islaamka.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo lagu wareystay barnaamijka “Liqaa’ul Yoom†ee telefishinka Al-Jazeera isla markaana uu madaxweynaha ku hadlaayey luuqada Ingiriiska oo afka Carabiga lagu turjumaayey, ayaa sheegay iney dhowaan qabteen rag argagaxisa ah oo ka tirsan ururka Al-Itixaad Al-Islaami, kuwaasoo uu sheegay iney ka yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku hayaan magaalada Hargeysa.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo wax laga weeydiiyey iney ku biirayaan Soomaaliya iyo in kale, maadaama dowlad Cusub lagu soo dhisay shirkii dibu heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ka socday magaalada Nairobi, ayaa ku andacoodey iney tahay taasi habeenkii xaley tagey, oo aysan marnaba dhici Karin iney ku gorgortamaan midnimada Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu intaa raaciyey koonfurta Soomaaliya iney xaliyaan khilaafaadkooda oo aysan soo fara galin arrimaha Somaliland.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin sidoo kale mar wax laga weeydiiyey sababta loo aqoonsan la yahay, ayaa sheegay in dalalka Carabta iyo adduunweynahuba uu ku eedeeynayo in Somaliland ka jecel yihiin koonfurta Soomaaliya oo Magaalada Muqdisho kaliya ay booqdaan xubno ka tirsan beesha caalamka, isla markaana aysan marnaba ayan imaanin magaalada Hargeysa ee ah jamhuuriyada la magac baxdey Somaliland oo ilaa iyo Hadda Aduunka Ka Helin Wax Aqoonsada.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin mar uu ka hadlaayey arrinta gobolka ayuu sheegay inuu xiriir la leeyahay dowlada Itoobiya, isla markaana xiriirkooda uu yahay mid ku dhisan darisnimo wanaaga iyo wax is dhaafsiga.

  10. Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho.


    Doha (7 May 2005) Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, dhowaana ay soo taagi doonaan maxkamad.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo maanta wareysi siiyey televisionka Al-Jazeera, ayaa sheegay in maamulka la baxey Somaliland ay ka jiraan mushkiladaha ay argagaxisada ku heyso qaar kamid ah dalalka caalamka gaar ahaan wadamada Islaamka.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo lagu wareystay barnaamijka “Liqaa’ul Yoom†ee telefishinka Al-Jazeera isla markaana uu madaxweynaha ku hadlaayey luuqada Ingiriiska oo afka Carabiga lagu turjumaayey, ayaa sheegay iney dhowaan qabteen rag argagaxisa ah oo ka tirsan ururka Al-Itixaad Al-Islaami, kuwaasoo uu sheegay iney ka yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku hayaan magaalada Hargeysa.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo wax laga weeydiiyey iney ku biirayaan Soomaaliya iyo in kale, maadaama dowlad Cusub lagu soo dhisay shirkii dibu heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ka socday magaalada Nairobi, ayaa ku andacoodey iney tahay taasi habeenkii xaley tagey, oo aysan marnaba dhici Karin iney ku gorgortamaan midnimada Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu intaa raaciyey koonfurta Soomaaliya iney xaliyaan khilaafaadkooda oo aysan soo fara galin arrimaha Somaliland.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin sidoo kale mar wax laga weeydiiyey sababta loo aqoonsan la yahay, ayaa sheegay in dalalka Carabta iyo adduunweynahuba uu ku eedeeynayo in Somaliland ka jecel yihiin koonfurta Soomaaliya oo Magaalada Muqdisho kaliya ay booqdaan xubno ka tirsan beesha caalamka, isla markaana aysan marnaba ayan imaanin magaalada Hargeysa ee ah jamhuuriyada la magac baxdey Somaliland oo ilaa iyo Hadda Aduunka Ka Helin Wax Aqoonsada.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin mar uu ka hadlaayey arrinta gobolka ayuu sheegay inuu xiriir la leeyahay dowlada Itoobiya, isla markaana xiriirkooda uu yahay mid ku dhisan darisnimo wanaaga iyo wax is dhaafsiga.

  11. Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah Soomaaliya oo safar uga ambabaxaya magaalada Nairobi



    Nairobi-06.May.2005 Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Nairobi ee caasimada Wadanka Kenya oo haatan fariisin u ah labada Golle ee DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKMG C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi u hogaaminayo ay ka ambabaxi doonaan Magaalada Nairobi.


    Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa ka mid ah kuxigeenka Ra'salwasaaraha ahna wasiirka arimaha Gudaha Eng.Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Xafiiska Madaxtooyada Madaxweynaha.


    Wariyaha Idaacada SBC ee Magaalada Nairobi Canab Mumtaaz ayaa soo sheegaysa in Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigan uu hogaaminayo ay magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta wadanka Jabuuti kaga qayb gali doonaan Caleemo saarka Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo dhawaan ku guuleystay markii labaad xafiiska Madaxweynaha dalkaasi.


    Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa bishii October 14-keedii 2004, wuxuu magaalada Nairobi kaga qayb galey xafladii lagu caleemo saarayey Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo xiligaas Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya u doorteen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya mudada 5-ta sano ee soo socota.


    Canab Mumtaaz

    SBC Nairobi.

  12. Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho.


    May 06 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, dhowaana ay soo taagi doonaan maxkamad.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo maanta wareysi siiyey televisionka Al-Jazeera, ayaa sheegay in maamulka la baxey Somaliland ay ka jiraan mushkiladaha ay argagaxisada ku heyso qaar kamid ah dalalka caalamka gaar ahaan wadamada Islaamka.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo lagu wareystay barnaamijka “Liqaa’ul Yoom†ee telefishinka Al-Jazeera isla markaana uu madaxweynaha ku hadlaayey luuqada Ingiriiska oo afka Carabiga lagu turjumaayey, ayaa sheegay iney dhowaan qabteen rag argagaxisa ah oo ka tirsan ururka Al-Itixaad Al-Islaami, kuwaasoo uu sheegay iney ka yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku hayaan magaalada Hargeysa.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo wax laga weeydiiyey iney ku biirayaan Soomaaliya iyo in kale, maadaama dowlad Cusub lagu soo dhisay shirkii dibu heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ka socday magaalada Nairobi, ayaa ku andacoodey iney tahay taasi habeenkii xaley tagey, oo aysan marnaba dhici Karin iney ku gorgortamaan midnimada Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu intaa raaciyey koonfurta Soomaaliya iney xaliyaan khilaafaadkooda oo aysan soo fara galin arrimaha Somaliland.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin sidoo kale mar wax laga weeydiiyey sababta loo aqoonsan la yahay, ayaa sheegay in dalalka Carabta iyo adduunweynahuba uu ku eedeeynayo in Somaliland ka jecel yihiin koonfurta Soomaaliya oo Magaalada Muqdisho kaliya ay booqdaan xubno ka tirsan beesha caalamka, isla markaana aysan marnaba ayan imaanin magaalada Hargeysa ee ah jamhuuriyada la magac baxdey Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin mar uu ka hadlaayey arrinta gobolka ayuu sheegay inuu xiriir la leeyahay dowlada Itoobiya, isla markaana xiriirkooda uu yahay mid ku dhisan darisnimo wanaaga iyo wax is dhaafsiga.

  13. Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho.


    May 06 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin ayaa shaaca ka qaadey iney hayaan shaqsiyaad argagaxisa ah oo ka yimid dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, dhowaana ay soo taagi doonaan maxkamad.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo maanta wareysi siiyey televisionka Al-Jazeera, ayaa sheegay in maamulka la baxey Somaliland ay ka jiraan mushkiladaha ay argagaxisada ku heyso qaar kamid ah dalalka caalamka gaar ahaan wadamada Islaamka.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo lagu wareystay barnaamijka “Liqaa’ul Yoom†ee telefishinka Al-Jazeera isla markaana uu madaxweynaha ku hadlaayey luuqada Ingiriiska oo afka Carabiga lagu turjumaayey, ayaa sheegay iney dhowaan qabteen rag argagaxisa ah oo ka tirsan ururka Al-Itixaad Al-Islaami, kuwaasoo uu sheegay iney ka yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku hayaan magaalada Hargeysa.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka isku magacaabey Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo wax laga weeydiiyey iney ku biirayaan Soomaaliya iyo in kale, maadaama dowlad Cusub lagu soo dhisay shirkii dibu heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ka socday magaalada Nairobi, ayaa ku andacoodey iney tahay taasi habeenkii xaley tagey, oo aysan marnaba dhici Karin iney ku gorgortamaan midnimada Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu intaa raaciyey koonfurta Soomaaliya iney xaliyaan khilaafaadkooda oo aysan soo fara galin arrimaha Somaliland.


    Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin sidoo kale mar wax laga weeydiiyey sababta loo aqoonsan la yahay, ayaa sheegay in dalalka Carabta iyo adduunweynahuba uu ku eedeeynayo in Somaliland ka jecel yihiin koonfurta Soomaaliya oo Magaalada Muqdisho kaliya ay booqdaan xubno ka tirsan beesha caalamka, isla markaana aysan marnaba ayan imaanin magaalada Hargeysa ee ah jamhuuriyada la magac baxdey Somaliland.


    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin mar uu ka hadlaayey arrinta gobolka ayuu sheegay inuu xiriir la leeyahay dowlada Itoobiya, isla markaana xiriirkooda uu yahay mid ku dhisan darisnimo wanaaga iyo wax is dhaafsiga.

  14. Somaliland Recognition: Why it won’t happen


    By Mohsin Mahad




    It is almost 14 years since the ***** secessionists, under the banner of the SNM, had declared the North-West Region of Somalia as an independent, separate state adopting its former colonial name of Somaliland. During this long period, the secessionists had embarked on a relentless crusade lobbying the international community for recognition. Despite this concerted campaign, no single country among the international community has recognized the self-declared independence of the rebel government. On the contrary, the international community continues to support Somalia’s unity and territorial integrity at all international for a, in particular at the United Nations, African Union and Arab League. Far from coming to terms with the reality and accept their rightful place in Somalia, the secessionists persist in maintaining their defiance, persuading themselves that their ultimate goal is in sight. After 14 years, this looks like chasing a mirage




    The campaign for recognition has lately been shifted to the Somali internet websites which have been flooded with a barrage of propaganda in support of the SNM, or the independence and/or recognition of Somaliland. Most of them are too emotional and muddled to merit much attention. All the same, there are exceptions and one such rarity is an article by Mr. Abdi Halim Musa Imam, recently posted in the Awdal News in which he passionately appeals to the international community to do justice to Somaliland and recognize its independence. Mr. Abdi Halim Musa argues, in common with almost all secessionists, that Somaliland deserves recognition, first and foremost because of its peace and stability in contrast with the mayhem and chaos in ! Somalia; secondly in view of the support it has inside and outside the country; and thirdly because of the OAU/AU Charter which, as wrongly interpreted by Abdi Halim, is supposed to support the inviolability of Somaliland’s former colonial borders- an interpretation that, if it were correct, would give Somaliland the right to secede from Somalia and revert back to its former status as a separate independent state- This article will respond to these points.




    Irrelevant justifications for recognition




    1. The inviolability of Somaliland Borders




    Often, the secessionists are keen to talk of themselves as Somalilanders, having not only a separate country with its borders but also belonging to a people who are distinct from the rest of Somalia. Are there really such people, sharing common values and identity that distinguished them from other Somali clans in the horn of Africa? The answer of course is NO. It is only by arbitrary British colonial conquest that those clans found themselves in the conquered British area. They could have been part of the French part or the Italian part. But that is how the division of the Somali homeland was arbitrarily settled by European colonial powers. Rather than therefore sharing exclusive ties, some! of the clans had closer blood ties with kith and kin outside the boundaries of British Somaliland than they had with those inside the British colony. For example, the ***** clans in British Somaliland belonged to the wider ***** and ****** clans in neighbouring counties of Italian Somalia, Ethiopia and North East Kenya. The ********** and Issa clans for their part were part of their clans in Ethiopia and Djibouti. The Isaaqs on the other hand were the only clan who were predominantly based in British Somaliland. Thus, the curving up of the Somali homeland in the Horn by the European colonial powers have drawn artificial boundaries in which clans found themselves involuntarily both inside and outside these boundaries. Because some clans found themselves within the artificial boundary of former British Somaliland does not mean that they automatically assume special and closer bonds that are distinguishable them from the rest of their fellow Somalis in neighbouring Somali territories.




    On the question of boundaries, it is true that Somaliland has inherited its colonial borders from the day it gained its independence. But Mr.Abdi Halim misinterprets the OAU/AU Charter by claiming that it supports Somaliland’s right to its former colonial borders. The relevant provision of the OAU/AU Charter applies to the borders of independent states that are members of the Organization, and not to borders of a breakaway region that is recognized by the international community as part and parcel of Somalia. However, Somaliland’s borders with neighbouring countries would have been inviolable in line with the Charter of the OAU/AU as long as it remained an independent country, a conditions it fulfilled from the day of its independence on 26 June until the first of July 1960 when it joined Italia Somalia. Once the government and parliament (and people) of Somaliland had freely and voluntarily gave up their independence in favour of union with Somalia, and the emerging Somali Republic was recognized by the UN,OAU and Arab league, the colonial borders of Somaliland with Italian Somalia had irreversibly ceased to exist




    Mr.Abdi Halim Musa disingenuously argues that the decision to unite with Somalia was not “ratified†and therefore the act of union was invalid. Ratified by whom? The elected government of Somaliland took the decision which was approved by the elected parliament. Any one who remembers the day of independence and the union with Somalia would attest to the fact that the union had more support from government and people of former British Somaliland than the case was with the South.




    1. Full Control of the territory and Support from Somalilanders.


    It is true that when regime changes occur in an undemocratic manner in countries that are impendent, one of the conditions for the recognition of the new regime is whether it is in full control of the whole country and whether it has support from its people throughout the country. A good example was the immediate recognition of the government of Mohamd Siyad Barre after it overthrew its predecessor, having satisfied the international community that it was in full country of the country and that it enjoyed, by all appearances, the overwhelming support of the Somali people. The control of parts of the former British Somaliland is not the same as that of an independent country coming under the control of a new authority.




    But for the sake of argument, one has to challenge Mr. Abdi Halm Musa claim that the overwhelming majority of the people of former British Somaliland support the secession and that its so-called government is in full control of the whole area of former British Somaliland. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The ***** clans in the North-West Region do not subscribe to the secession and remain an integral part of Somalia. Their regions and areas are under their own control. The need to be seen to be in full control of the whole territory was the main driving force behind the ill-fated attack on Lasanod last year by the! ***** dominated forces. Indeed, it was the defending Puntland forces, comprising the ***** clans, which were able to thwart this desperate attack on Lasanod.




    The ********** and Issa clans had little choice but to acquiesce to the SNM occupation and the subsequent rule from Hargeisa- at least for the time being. There is no doubt that they are hostages given their precarious geographical situation. But that is likely change as the new government of Somalia is able to progressively extend its writ, at least initially to the non-***** areas of the North-West Region. As for the Isaaqs themselves, there is the false assumption that they are monolithic and that they all support secession. That is a sweeping overgeneralization. Large sections of the ***** clan do still remain patriotic unionists, notably the Garxajis who had an honourable leading role in the independence struggle for the Somali people everywhere.




    Support from outside




    Mr Abdi Halim Musa wants us to believe that the case for recognition has solid sympathy and support from certain influential external quarters. In this regard, he cites the support from a lone American journalist, the representative of the International Conflict Group (ICG) in Kenya, an individual well-known for his pro-secessionist bias, and one or two solitary British Parliamentarians still hankering for their former colonial ties with the territory. This pitiful support has to be set against the fact that the British government and the rest of the international community had consistently supported Somalia’s territorial unity at the Security Council! . If this is all the support the secessionists can master for all these 14 years of lobbying and denigrating the rest of Somalia, surely the hopelessness of the crusade should have made people question the futility of following a dead-end road that does not lead to no where.




    Contrast with the rest of Somalia




    In their eagerness to secure recognition, secessionists, and Abdi Hashim is no exception, never stop to brag of their stability and peace in Somaliland in contrast to the chaos in the rest of Somalia, much though true this is. Their hope is that the world will finally wash its hands from the seemingly endless disorder in Mogadishu and that in the end they will reward the one peaceful part, Somaliland, with the recognition it deserves. If there is one common prayer among the secessionists, it is their wish that the chaos and crisis ! in the South would continue unabated and that the newly established government in Nairobi would never get off the ground just like its predecessor-thanks to the warlords in Mogadishu. Whatever bad news emerges from Somalia is seen as a blessing for the secessionists




    Antipathy towards other Somalis




    Since secession was declared, the antipathy towards the rest of Somalis in Somalia had reached intolerable proportions. Who would have believed until recently that a time will come when Somali nationals living lawfully in Hargeisa, as Somali citizens, or coming as visitors, would be “deported†as illegal aliens while foreigners such as Ethiopians, and even Israelis, are affectionately welcomed? This distancing from the rest of Somalia is not a new phenomenon related to the secession and recognition goals. It goes back to the early 1950s when some sections of the ***** clan in former British Somaliland opposed the raising of the S.Y.L flag at its office in Burco which led to the famous S.Y.L. verse: “Sanduluu ku iman saca faarsa tegey saddex maalintuu qado, sawaxaa ka dhigan safka haatan yidhi Soomaali aan diidnoâ€




    Part of the strategy of the secessionists is that there may come a time when the South will lose patience with their unyielding secession and finally give up on them and say†good riddance!!†After all, who needs who? The ***** homeland is indisputably barren and impoverished. Remittances from the Diaspora, relief aid and petty commerce are the main source of livelihood. As people who are otherwise resourceful and enterprising, and who are dependent on trade with the rest of the Somali territories, you would expect them, if they were rational, to support Somali union that would guarantee them open boundaries, where they would have unrestricted movements, selling their products wherever they want, making their financial investments at the most profitable locations wherever it might be in Somalia, and making their preferred residence anywhere they choose in Somalia. In a f! ederal Somalia, they will still have their beloved Hargeisa as regional capital and have their own regional assembly. Indeed, you will expect few Southerners to come to Hargeisa for business or pleasure whereas the attractions of the South for Northerners are immense and profitable-given of course peace and stability,.




    The choice between secession that leads to isolation and missed opportunities and membership of Somalia is quite obvious. The problem with the secessionists is that there are no leaders with vision, courage and integrity who are prepared to face to the hard facts and the necessary decisions even if they have to risk initial unpopularity. Those who are presently in government or in the opposition parties have come to outdo one another in their eagerness to endear themselves to the uninformed masses that have been daily fed with anti-Somalia hate propaganda. Sooner or later, the secessionists would have to come round to the other famous S.Y.L verse:â€Soomaaliyey toosoo, toosoo isku tiirsada ee….â€Amin






    Mohsin Mahad



    {Faallo}6- May- 2005 Ra,iisal Wasaarre Cali Mxamed Geedi oo intii muddo ah fadhiyeey Magaaladda Neyrobi ee Dalka Kenya lagu eedeeynaayeey in aanu imaan karrin Caasimadda Qaranka Somaaliyeed Muqdisho isla markaana yahay Nin u adeegaaya Dowlaha Itoobiya kuna musquulsan sidii Caasimadda looga wareejin lahaa Muqdisho iyo in uu yahay Shakhsi aan laheyn Wadaniyad. {XASSAN C/LAAHI SHEEKH}


    Waxaa beenoobay wararkii badnaa ee Ummadda Somaaliyeed lagau akhriyaayeey sawirka xuna looga bixinaayeey Hogaanka Sarre ee Xukuumadda gaar ahaan Madaxweyne-C/Laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra,iisal Wasaarre-Cali Maxamed Geedi waxana cadaatay niyad kartidda Masuuliyadda dhabta ee geesinimadda ku saleeysan ahamiyadiisuna tahay in uu Ummadda Somaaliyeed ee Caasimadda muqdisho ku nool hortooda yimaado una xaqiijiyo hadafka iyo qorshaha Xukuumadiisa iyo arrimaha eey mudnaanta siineeyso iyo sidda eey uga go,an tahay imaatinka Dalka hooyo gaar ahaa Caasimadda soo jireenka ah ee Ummadda Somaaliyeed Muqdisho iyo sidii loo taareegi lahaa laagana wadda shaqeyn howlaha nabadgelyadda iyo soo nooleeynta sharaftii Caasimadda iyo habeeynta Maleeshiyaadka hubeeysan ee dhex boodaaya oo Ummadda carqalad weyn ku haya iyadoo si weyn loo tixgelinaayo dadaalka eey wadaan xubnaha labadda golle ee Muqdisho ku sugan.


    Talaabo Geedi maxeey faa,iido keentay?


    1-Kor u qaadidda niyad samidda Ummadda Somaaliyeed ee Caasimadda ku dhaqan iyo soo Bandhigidda Dareenkooda Dowlad jaceyl iyo ogaanshadda xaqiiqadda jirta oo markii horre ka qarsooneyd.


    2-Khilaafka meesha yaalaa in uu yahay mid hab shakhsiyaad ah oo u dhexeeya in yar oo dano gaar ah leh laakiin Ummadda ka dhiganeeysay gabood si khaldan uga turjumeeysay Qorshadda Xukuumadda Geedi iyo niyad Madaxweynaha.


    3-In lagu wareejiyo Ra,iisal Wasaarre Geedi goob aad iyo aad ahamiyadood u leh;-sidda Dwkadda Muqdisho,Taliskii Ciidanka NSS-KA,Radiyo Muqdisho,Isbitaalka Madiina iyo belan qaadidda ku wareejinta xarunta Madaxtooyadda,Taliska Ciidanka Boliiska iyo goobo kalle oo qiimo weyn Xukuumadda ugu fadhiya.


    4-Tanaasulka Ra,iisal Wasaarre Geedi oo ah mid ku dhisan Caqligga iyo garashadda wanaagsan ee Masuuliyaddu leedahay oo keentay isfahamka dhex maray Ra,iisal Wasaaraha oo ku hadlaaya Codka Madaxweynaha iyo Xubnaha golaha Wasiiradda iyo Xubanaha Labadda Golle ee Muqdisho Joogay,Marka laga reebo-Qenyarre iyo Sifir oo ujeedooyin gaar ah wata.


    5-Kalsoonidda weyn oo eey u muujiyeey Xukuunmadda Geedi Ganacsatadda Muqdisho, Ururadda Madanigga ah,Ururudda Haweenka iyo Siyaasiinta Muhiimka ah iyo Culimaaudiinka Muqdisho.


    6-Booqasahdda Proof-Geedi ee Muqdisho waxeey jabisay kalsooni daradii u dhexeeysay dadka Reer Muqdisho iyo Hoggaanka Sarre ee Qaranka Somaaliyeed waxeeyna soo dedegineeysaa sidii Dowladda Somaaliyeed ugu soo guuri laheyn Dalka gudihiisa weliba Caasimadda Qaranka Muqdisho iyo in Bulshadda Diyaar u tahay.


    7-Booqasahdda Proff-Geedi Waxeey Ummadda reer Muqdisho ka xoreeysay kuwii hor taagnaa ee afduubka ku heeystay waxaana sawir cad kuu ah in laga diiday mid ka mid ah hoggaamiyaasha awood weyn ku Magaaladda Muqdisho oo u soo jeediyeey Beesha uu ka dhashay in aan la kulmin Ra,iisal Wasaarre Geedi-laakiin si cad loogu yirri danaha Beesha iyo rayagtidaada Shakhsigga ah Mudane kala saar.


    8-Booqashadda Ra,iisal Wasaarre Geedi ee Muqdisho waxeey Beesha caalamka tustay in aanu jirrin Khilaaf weyn oo la tilmaami karro oo u dhexeeya Xubnaha labadda golle ee Nayrobi iyo Muqdisho kala jooga,waxaana meesha ka bixay dhoowri Shakhsi ee arrintaa qiilka ka dhigaanayeey waxaana la ogaaday rabitaanka Ummadda reer Muqdisho iyo baahidda weyn ee eey u qabaan helitaanka Dowlad Ummadda u adeegta.


    9-Booqashadda Geedi waxeey Beesha Caalamka ku dhiiri gelineeysaa in eey sidda ku haboon gacan u siiso Dowladda Somaaliyeed kana caawiso dhinacayadda kala duwan sidda ugu haboon ugu soo rarto Dalkeedda Hooyo.


    10-Guud ahaan Booqashadda Geedi ee Muqdisho waa guul weyn oo u soo hoyatay Ummadda Somaaliyeed iyo Dowladda waxaana Bulshadda reer Muqdisho kalsoonidoodii siiyeeyn Geedi- C/Laahi iyo Sharifka iyo Dowladda Somaaliyeed waxaana beenoobay wararkii Shakhsiyaadku wareejinaayeen iyo qorshodoodii daciifka ahaa waji xumo iyo ceeyb weyn ayaa ku dhacday kuwii jalaafadda waday guul sharaf iyo masuuliyad ayuu muujiyeey Ra,iisal Wasaarre Geedi wuuna ku amaan-yahay waxaana loo baahan yahay dardar gelinta soo guuridda Dowladda.


    Anigoo ah Muwaadin Somaaliyeed oo Dalkiisa si weyn u jecel wanaaga Qaraimo iyo soo Nooleeynta Dowladnimadda waxaan halkan tacsi uga gudbinaayaa muwaadiniintii ku geeriyooday shilkii ka dhacay Goroonka Istaadiyo Muqdisho intii ku dhaawaceyn-teyna waxaan alle uga rajeeyeey Caafimad buuxa,waana garan karaa marka arrintaas oo kalle ka# dhacay Garoonka oo si weyn u buuxa naxdin iyo fajaca ayaa keenaaya jahawareer dadka ku dhacay is jiirid is buurasho iyo dusha iska maridda ayaa dhibkeedda leh waxaan si fiican u xusuustaa oo aan goob joog ka ahaa mid dhacay xiligii rajiinkii Siyaad Barre oo isla halkaas ka dhacday waxaana ka mid ahaa Dadkii tiradda yaraaa ee howsha gurmadka ka qeyb-qaatay weliba anigga iyo mudane-Jarlees oo ahaa Gudoomiyaha Xiriirka Somaaliyeed ee Ciyaaraha Fudud Wasaaradda Isportigga ayaa ahaa labadii qof ee ugu horeeyeey ee iskood u galay dhaawac ururinta iyo isbitaal geeyntaba waxeeyna aheyd masuuliyad wadani ah oo aanan cidna abaal uga rabin.



  16. SOMALIA: Some key actors in the transitional process

    06 May 2005 07:16:33 GMT


    Source: IRIN


    NAIROBI, 6 May (IRIN) - Abudllahi Yusuf Ahmed: Interim president of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Former president of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, northeastern Somalia. He is a member of the Ma jeerteen subclan of the Da rod clan.


    Ali Muhammad Gedi: Prime minister of the TFG. Former university veterinary lecturer. He is a member of the Abgal subclan of the Ha wiye clan and hails from the Mogadishu area.


    Sharif Hassan Shaykh Aden: Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP). He is a prominent businessman from the Asharaf subclan of the Rah anweyn clan.


    Col Hassan Muhammad Nur "Shatigadud": Founding chairman of the ********* Resistance Army (RRA). A former military intelligence officer, he is currently the minister of agriculture in the TFG. He hails from the southwestern town of Baidoa. He is a member of the Harin subclan of the Rah anweyn clan.


    Shaykh Aden Muhammad "Aden Mdaobe": A former member of the RRA's top leadership. He is currently the minister of justice in the TFG. Madobe is a former Koranic school teacher and a member of the Hadamo subclan of the Ra haweyn clan.


    Abdiqassim Salad Hassan: Former president of the transitional national government. He handed over to Abdullahi Yusuf and went back to Mogadishu. He is from the Ha bar Ge *** subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Ali Mahdi Muhammad: Former hotelier, he became president after Siyad Barre left Mogadishu. He now lives in Mogadishu.


    Hussein Muhammad Aydid: Son of the late Gen Aydid and a former US marine. He replaced his father as clan leader in 1996. He is a former faction leader based in Mogadishu and is now deputy prime minister and minister of interior in the TFG. He is a member of the Ha bar Ge *** subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Muse Sudi Yalahow: A powerful Mogadishu-based faction leader. He is the current minister of commerce in the TFG. He is a member of the Ab gal subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Muhammad Omar Habeb "Muhammad Dheere": Jowhar-based faction leader and the "governor" of the Middle Shabelle region, south-central Somalia. He was elected a member of the TFP but stepped down in favor of Gedi, which allowed Gedi to be named prime minister. He is from the Ab gal subclan of the Ha wiye.


    Osman Hassan Ali "Atto": A Mogadishu-based faction leader and former right-hand man of the late Gen Aydid until 1995. He is the current minister of public works in the TFG. He is from the Ha bar Ge *** subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Muhammad Qanyare Afrah: Another Mogadishu-based faction leader. He is currently the minister for national security in the TFG. He is from the Murusade subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Muhammad Ibrahim "Habasade": One of the top three leaders of the RRA and the current "strongman" of Baidoa. He is a member of the TFP. He is from the Leysan subclan of the Rah anweyn clan.


    Col Barre Aden "Hiirale": Leader of the Juba Valley Alliance (JVA), which controls the southern port city of Kismayo and the surrounding Juba valley area. He is a member of the TFP and was named into the cabinet but has so far declined to be sworn-in as a minister. He is from the Mare han subclan of the Da rod clan.


    Yusuf Mire "Serar": Deputy leader of the JVA. Member of the TFP. He is from the Ha bar Ge *** subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Omar Muhammad Mahamud: Faction leader based in Mogadishu. Member of the TFP and the current minister of religious affairs. He is from the Ab gal subclan of the Ha wiye clan.


    Yusuf Muhammad Siyad, "Indhacade": Faction leader based in the southern port town of Merka. Controls the Lower Shabelle region.


    Gen Muhammad Said Hirsi "Morgan": Siyad Barre's son-in-law and former Defense minister who currently holds no position in the TFG. He controlled Kismayo until his forces were defeated by forces led by Hiirale and Serar in 1999. He is a member of the Ma jeerteen subclan of the Da rod clan.


    Gen Ade Muse Hirsi: President of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland. Lived in exile in Canada but returned to Somalia in 2001 to lead opposition forces against Abdullahi Yusuf, then leader of Puntland, until 2003 when they signed a peace deal. He is from the Ma jeerteen subclan of the Da rod clan.


    Dahir Riyale Kahin: President of the self-declared republic of Somaliland. The former colonel in the National Security Service was appointed vice president by the late Somaliland president Muhammad Ibrahim Egal and later became president after Egal died in 2002. He is from the Gado birsay subclan of the D ir clan.












    5. International Crisis Group (


    6. IRIN interviews with TFG members