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Everything posted by BinJabarti

  1. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO ALL SOMALIS WHEREVER THEY ARE...and let me remind you this wonderful song from Mohamed Suleiman All maanta ayaanta iyo ciida wanaagsan ilaahay ina siiyay isagaa ku abaal leh way ahaataye maanta si wanaagsan u ciida Arday joogta sikuulka odayaal talinaaya ilaahay ina siiyay isagaa ku abaal leh way ahaataye maanta si wanaagsan u ciida That is all I can remember for the time being
  2. I would answer the question with another question!!! The question is would a 14 year-old girl date with a boy her age???? the answer is nahhh no-way she thinks that he is too childish for her AM I RIGHT!!!! or correct me if I am not.... Let me come back to the original question and the answer is most girls prefer to date with a guys who is older than them at least 2 year or more...I dont know the reason only girls can answer it
  3. The first African team to play the world cup finished jubilious after defeating Cup holders and dominating the game. Would this be the first step forward to the AFrican teams and will they reach quarter final or probably semi final what you think guyz
  4. I am an Ertirean Jabarti but I have lived in Somalia, with my fellow Somalis had done a research in the 1980s and there were clear evident that all the Jabarti people have descended from one father and that is JABARTI. For example Darod Ismail descended from Ismail Jabart who lived in the 13th Century. whose graveyard is in present day yemen. The Jabartis today live in Somalia, Eritrea, Yemen, they are also found in North African countries such as Egypt and Libya. If you need more information about Jabartis please vivist though this website is mainly for Eritrean Jabartis it also give information about Jebertis around the world Bin Jabarti