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Posts posted by Aaliyyah

  1. I dont think there is a big difference btw the somali dialects apart from the af may may. My best friend is from hamar, apart from saying walaal/abaayo our somali is very similar for the most part. It is not a big deal.

  2. I usually drink from bottled water. Althou some say bottled water is a scam, and it is tap water bottled.


    Inshallah, will look into the PH levels of my bottled water.

  3. Waranle_Warrior;948891 wrote:
    Loooooooool @ Siilaanyo's face, that was really funny and his FM kulahaa there is no question here lolz, as if the Khatuumo guy wanted to ask any question. He just wanted to make a point and he did.


    Xx, stop being naive, you know the Khaatumo guy's intention was never to ask a question. And why would he ask Siilaanyo anything, he knows who Siilaanyo is and; Nimaad taqaan yaa tahay lama yiraahdo.


  4. Wadani;948437 wrote:
    No need for cheap shots. It's like me saying ur people will join the may 18th bandwagon soon enough.
    We both know that no group of Somalis can be forced to support a cause they don't believe in
    . In the end we Somalis will either reconcile our differences and share a nation, or we will continue to sow the seeds of rancor and mistrust causing us to go our seperate ways unfortunately.

    So now you know that Somaliland can not succeed in its goals based on the bolded part of your statement. So the unwarranted aggression of SL in the Khaatumo region will only take the SL supporters further down the thorny path of cuqdad when all of their transgression becomes fruitless and leads to their own unhappy ending.

  5. Wadani;948455 wrote:
    Siyaasaddan reeraysan maad iskaga dhex baxdid wax aan naxli iyo cuqdad ahayn ka dhaxli mayside. Kuwaad maanta sidaa u fogaynayso laga yaabe inaad bari u dhaxdo. Adduunku waa laba galin ee dhiigga ha isku karin. Waa iga talo. Lol.

    Taladaada qaado oo jooji dadka maalin walba ku aflagadeeso "defeated lot".


    This should suffice for an answer


    Malika;947610 wrote:
    ^As they say, the baboon laughs at other baboons red ugly a**'s , forgetting he too has the same red ugly a** ...ahem!

  6. Saalax;948451 wrote:
    For the ignorant people. The difference between a protectorate and a colony. Italian Somalia was

    an colony, were's Somaliland was a Protectorate.


    Southerners are ignorant people like Che Alshabab terrorist. They want to share a country with us

    yet they don't even know the history of Somaliland and the difference between protectorate and a colony.



    Difference between Protectorate and Colony.




    Italian Somalia.









    Somaliland's Last Year as a Protectorate - African Affairs


    LOL you want to try to differentiate between the words two colonists used to describe their occupation. So typical of weak people to find solace in the term 'protectorate' used by their British Master.

  7. Ranting are we? did I touch a nerve :)


    Saalax;948433 wrote:
    only de jure recognition
    is left

    Ohh the mantra that is continuously repeated. Golden words that just seem so far fetched. Alas be comforted with the fact that the sun will still rise tmw, in the face of reality, with the blue flag waving throughout North Somalia.

  8. Treaty to keep the Horn peaceful from what??? That period of time was called the 'Scramble for Africa' because many European countries systemically divided Africa among themselves with the help of sheep-like clans. Did your ill-informed clansmen actually believe Britain's scare tactic. Were they comforted by Britain's pretentious assurances that they will be protected from the "monstrous" France and Italy (note the sarcasm). Falling for the strategies of colonialism is not 'playing smart', it's being weak. After all that crawling behind Britain your kin have nothing to show for it. No independence, just a continuous degradation of character.

  9. Saalax;948397 wrote:
    The descendants of the so called "Dervish" as they like to claim have fallen

    so low that they think James Swan or Reuters will protect them kkkkk.

    It is well known who historically sought protection under the white man, and till today forks millions of dollars in foreign aid.