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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Canjeex walaal we are not taking Somali brothers for granted, I know lota Somali brothers who are masha-allah, whom I have full respect for. Niman oo dhana ha isku qaadin kuwa shaqa kale laheen in ay gabadh ee aqoon uun iskala hadlaan uun anu ka hadlaya, kuwaas they need to get a life. Wa salaam
  2. Sarandi adaa mudan walaal, hada kadib ana shaqa ka qabanaya, hadaldiisu wuu ka fiirsanaya. Waana runta gabadh afkeda ramadaanta muxu ka fiirsanayey :rolleyes: , shaqa la’aan ba heysa ma istidhi! Khalaf bro there is a lot of girls out there who claim to be Muslims yet dress inappropriately; however, you have no right to call them “whores”. As you know there are many brothers out there as well who wear baggy pants, durags, and dress as street kids, and walahi I even have hard time sometimes distinguishing between a black man and Somali brother. So what should we do when we see some one who has left his/ her culture and religion??? As we all know our religion promotes tolerance and endurance. Therefore, even though you might not like how some one is behaving or dressing you definitely can not start name calling, as that is against our religion. What you should do brother is preach those you see who are not conducting themselves as they should. Keep in mind we all have faults, as no one is perfect. Insha-allah God will guide us all to the right path. AAMIN. WA SALAAMU ALAIKUM
  3. asalaamu alaikum, well that was just an example, i meant they need to start showing luv, whether it is holding hands or showing affection is some other way. wa salaamu alaikum p.s. there is nothing wrong with doing french-kiss with your husband , as long as it is private.
  4. asalaamu alaikum, Umm al_khair thanks for sharing this great piece of writting with us. This is truly how a real marriage should be.But, most somali families that i know, parents hardly show affection in the public. They think it is something to be ashamed of. insha-allah we will change that wrong ideology, when couple are married it should be acceptable to show affection, ofcourse i am not saying copy the western way of life. To some extent parents should show affection, for instance holding hands when walking in the streets, showing that they truly care for one another. wa salaam
  5. asalaamu alaikum, Red Sea thanks walaal for sharing these slides with us, masha-allah this is amazing. Hard work certainly pays off. wa salaam
  6. Eid mubarak kulu sana wa antum bikheyr. My plans for 2morrow: - is to head out to Lejardin special event center and the prayer is gonna start at 9:30. - visit my qaraabo. - go out with my friends 4 dinner. HAVE FUN YE AL. Wa salaam
  7. Asalaamu alaikum, There is no such thing as freedom of speech, or freedom of expression. We know that western cultures are only hypocrites, and target any behaviors, cultures, or religions that challenges their way of life. So sisters don’t bother with what the western world think of you, if you are ready to wear the veil go for it, Allah swt will reward you. I am thinking of wearing it myself, but we know that it would not be easy, your profs, colleagues, managers will come to judge you and look at you in different light. But, we shouldn’t care less what people think of us, it is Allah swt that we are pleasing. Wa salaam
  8. Asalaamu alaikum, Janna I understand clearly your point, as I have also observed similar observations. I know many single mothers, who happen to attend weddings, parties, while they either hire a baby sitter, or leave the kids with a family members (mom, sisters, aunts etc). And certainly what is the point of partying when one has a responsibility over their shoulders, especially when that responsibility is parenting? From my perspective, there is no greater responsibly than parenting, and Somali women do need to learn the importance of parenting, guiding, and keeping up with their children’s lives. One must know when having kids that they are the guidance of future generation, one that they need to take seriously. Basically, if one doesn’t have the time to guide their children, help them out with school work, raise them to be a good Muslims, then one should not have children to begin with. However, this is not just something that Somali women are short of; I have also observed that Somali men are also lacking the proper parenting ways. I think Somalis in general both women and men need to learn how to parent. You would see fathers staying at the maqaahi drinking their hot tea, and discussing politics ( war lord hebel xaguu ku dameeya, qabiilke qabiilke wax u geystay iyo wax loo joogin) . While the wives choose to party with their girlfriends and that leaves the kids without parenting supervision. This issue certainly need to be reflected on, but mostly is over looked. The cause of the problem that Somali youth have is mostly correlated with western influences, but starts within their family. As for single mothers getting a second husband, I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. However, there are many ways of finding a husband, without attending every Somali party/wedding that takes place. Femme had raised that deep down she wanted her mom to stay single, so she can find the time to raise them. As selfish as that might sound, perhaps moms are better off staying single and meeting their children’s needs, and if they find a husband that would facilitate that goal than alhamdu lilah that is even better of, but that would be a rare case. I guess I have said enough for now, till next time insha-allah. wa salaam
  9. walaal as u said " if the situtation dictates so" like if there is a reason for u to talk with them , you will. well that makes sense, but just talking to some one for no reason whatsoever. Like u said how the other day u met this girl at your work , and u try to help her out, and she just said she aint even somali and all. But, she probably took the wrong way like u were interested in her.Dont u think it is better if u had said u worked there and u could help her out, that way she would have been into getting to know u. that is all for now. wa salaam
  10. aniga fulay baan ahay nafteeda aan u baqaya wa salaam
  11. asalaamu alaikum, lol gosh so u experienced this with ethios huh i thought it was just me, they would always come up to me and go " u xabash" and as soon as i say no i aint , and i tell them i am somali dey just walk out. Like literary not even bother to apologies or whatever. so if anyone is downright rude i would say it is ethiopians. and for somalis even if yr eyes meet in a public place why would u bother to start a conv.? walahi i dont bother to start a conv with some1 just cuz dey are somali. as for them looking away i dont think it is cuz they are uncomfortable they are simply indicating that being somali doesnt make u closer den anyone else thats on that bus. wa salaamu alaikum
  12. asalaamu alaikum, Since i am palnning to become a doctor, insha-allah i will build a hospital down there. that is if the civil war comes to an end, and real government is established.Otherwise, i wouldnt bother since i wouldnt feel safe. wa salaamu alaikum
  13. asalaamu alaiku, che-guevara walaal somali amaan lagama helo hadii ee adiga stare gareeyan wa funny, hadii ee egaan everwhere but you waa funny. Gormey amaan ka helayaan lol. wa salaamu alaikum
  14. asalaamu alaikum, i actially was excited when i 1st saw the website and i was like hmm maybe i will buy a thing or two for eid, but hey none of these clothes actually are my type of clothing lol. i can get a better clothing from ceel gaab (somali store) wa salaam
  15. Something is not right with the picture I am getting . How is a 40 yrs old man married to 11 yrs old girl?? How can she hide a big issue like this from her family? And which sheikh in his right mind would marry a child to a 40 yrs old? How can a girl get married without her dad or brother being present to give her away??? :confused: Something is definitely missing; this is sickening, outrageous story, I cant even imagine at the age of 20 being married to a 40 yrs old man ( maxa isu shegana akhas), let alone being 11 subhanaka yaa ilahi!!. Certainly something is missing in this story, it is possible that the girl was forced to get married to that old man by her family since they might have been in need financially speaking. Allah yaclam laakin bal ii sheega sabab kale ilma yar odey dhali kara uu guursanasao :mad: wa salaamu alaikum
  16. M rs addam sis saad sheegtay u wanna divorce him, so what ubeen waiting for 3 years? ya ilahi sabar badnida, orad shikh u tag oo arintan si aad ka sameesid weydii, qof diinta si wacan u yaqaan ayaa faahfaahin percise ah ku siin kara. Good luck sis . wa salaam.
  17. lol@ this is sheggy ...thanks for sharing it. wa salaam
  18. asalaamu alaykum, tuujiye lool@ jimneestiko ka kor ciyaartid, war kan aduu ka daba nacamleeyey, anuu ka shekada hor bilaaba ayaan shaqa ka qabta marka isku diyaari in jimneestiko saad tidhi laguku kor ciyaaro lol wa alaikuma salaam
  19. asalaamu alaikum, Ibtisaam that is exactly what i have been telling them. at least some one agrees with me. wa salaamu alaikum
  20. asalaamu alaikum, walaal anu xumaan ulama jeedin , waxaan rabay uun nimanka in ay waxyaalaha qaar iska joojiyaan. ma aha qof ay aqoon iskala hadlaaan, taas waba qalada xita ajanabi aha ahaate, nin gabadh uu aqoon muxu afkiisa dheer ula donanaya. Raalina ahow hadaan idhi all somali men, waxan ula jeeday kuwa badan oo ka mid ah somalida nimankoodan . maxaadse ula jeeda meel nalo raaco ma leh??? taas ma fahmin , isoo sharax bal, tan labaad oo aad tidhi some karbashin is much needed, taasna maxa ula jeeda??? bal wakaase isku day 911 ma ilowday ..halkan waxa xaqa iska leh bisaadka eyda iyo dumarka wa salaamu alaikum
  21. maya walaal gabdhuhu kuma yara Toronto, laakinse waa bad habit somalida nimankoodu leeyihiin, in ay gabadh ee aqoon iska approach gareeyaan. these kind of behaviours might have been accepted back home but not anymore doesnt work like that , just because u are somali doesnt mean u have the right to hit on every somali girl that crosses path , doesnt work like that in here. wa salaamu alaikum.
  22. well believe me or not it has happened to me more den i can count. i make up excuses thou like i dont have a cell phone, or perhaps my cell phone aint working at the moment lol, or i just be upfront war iga hor dhaqaaq interested kuguma ihiye wa salaamu alaikum
  23. Asalaamu alaikum, Murefo walaal adiga shaqa kale ma lihid miya aheeen naaga aad aqoon in aaad approach gareeesid lol. walahi if a somali guy approaches me and greats me " asalaamu alaikum" waan u jawaaba anoo huruufeen wa laikuma salaam. laakinse qof aad garaneen in uu iskaga dhoho ma somali baa tahay, magaca wa maxay, numberkaaga walaal ma ii qori karta then that guy has issues. Walahi without being rude i just be upfront that i am not interested . wa salaamu alaikum
  24. asalaamu alaikum, jacaylbaro way to go walaal. Honestly, i dont go anywhere without my lipstick . wearing lipstick just makes you look a whole lot sexier. maaanta hadalkaagi dib aad ula noqoday @ tuujiye saasa laga raba watch hadaladaada kan kale adiga kugu daynayana shaqaan ka qaban doona. sug laakin aan diricayga dafta qabte dacas so qaate. wa salaamu alaikum
  25. walaal waxaan modayey wax aad aminsantahay oo anu kama xanaaqin hasayeshe waxan rabay wax daliil ah , ina dadka la iska magin amase wax laga sheegin dumar ana nimanba. waxaan modayey meshan in ay tahay meel wax la aminsanahay la share gareeyo oo marka la discuss gareeyo oo qofwalba prove ama daliil wuxu sheego keenaya oo marka wax la isla fahmayo. Hasayeshe saad sheegtay waaad iska hadasha waxaaguna waa 99% joke and 1 % bs lol marka from now on i am aware that you are just a joker, and dont mean more than half of what you are saying. igana raali ahow hadaad mooday in aan cadhooday, qof in uu wax iska dhaho without a reason ayaan jecleen uun. raalina ahow if u thought i was angry, i wasnt really it is a way i express myself. wa salaamu alaikum. p.s. last time i posted something related with this girl you were going out with i spend a while analyzing and writing an informative respond . You havent even bother to reply ..so yeh u are 100% a joker ..gabadhiii ma jirtey mise waxaad aliftu ahaa to waste time Ya ilahi wax wareer badan adi uun jire ....