Swaleh Omar

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Everything posted by Swaleh Omar

  1. Mr.Jibril why do you feel the need to insult our Somali sisters both blatant and indirectly. Islam is our religion and it is a well known fact that there are people who do practise and there are those who don't practise,However no one is perfect including you. I suggest for you to look at your own flaws and try to improve them; instead of dwelling on others.You said men and women don't inter mingle in islamic countries thats plain nonesone I lived in both Somalia and an arab country and from what I know they do inter mingle. Did you know that they have strip clubs in Saudi Arabia? And Somalia isn't even a religious country it is moderate! Certain gatherings like ruwayads weddings even sporting events men and women inter mingle with one another, I recently visited Somalia Mogadishou to be exact and surprisingly enough the boys and girls were just like westreners.Do you think if Somalia was an islamic country that followed the sharia that people would be killing each over qabil or looting money and raping innocent women I doubt that.The problem is the whole labeling issue if we didn't have that in our society we would be fine but then again life can be a ***** sometimes.Getting off topic though I would like to point out a couple of things so you could better understand what I mean by labeling.Somalia like any other nation has a double standard between men and women for example I had this uncle he was an alcoholic went clubbing fornicated and so on he felt as though he wasn't doing anything wrong simply because he was a man mind you he didn't pray or fast during ramahdan. He told me men can do whatever they want, and that women were second class if thats the case why does it say in the Quran Heaven is under your mothers feet " a woman ". That double standarad isn't going to protect you from the hell fire trust me it won't. Here is probably the most common type of labeling in the somali community "QABIL" it's great to know what your roots are and where you come from but when you use QABIL as a cause to fight thats a problem. N e way I should stop writing now I think I wrote too much for you to read and you are probably bored out of your mind right now.... I hope you take into consideration what I said. To all the Somali ladies out there "keep ya head up" [This message has been edited by Swaleh Omar (edited 04-09-2002).]
  2. -It pisses me off when I see brothers dissing our beautiful Somali Women -It pisses me off when I see brothers who call women/girls names like dhilo or ********* regardless if they are or not you shouldn't be the one to judge leave that to ALLAH (SWT) All in all I just hate stereotyping of any sort. Love peace N Happiness