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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Plus even if one wants to politicize, Agjar knows cordial relations with Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, central south and southwest areas is crucial to anyone in Kililka. Alliance no matter how close in Ethiopia is not reliable, and a Somali no matter how friendly with Oromo or Amhara will never be an insider. Where as a Kililka person can feel easily at home in any region of Somalis. Since Kililka is a microcosm of the Somali people, having every clan of Somalis in it, Abtigis will be well advised to stay out of any regional or clan conflicts outside Kililka.
  2. 1 point
    For your logic, it is Farrmaajo vs Kenya. That simply shows your true colors, sickness that is not treatable. I understand that you enjoys this fight but what Somali people are you talking about? Beginning of change of heart? However I agreed with you declaring that Somalia will accept the ruling of ICJ is a big mistake. That line should not be there. Signaling to ICJ, do not worry we’ll be okay whatever is very wrong.
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