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How big a set of balls should a man have?

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By: African Prince


On Saturday during lunch in the school dininghall l had a short fued with a girl l once had a bit of a moment with, she is now the headgirl of the school. You see there was a rebellious junior whom she blankly dislikes and at the end of the day they are sworn enemies. During that fateful lunch they had a bit of a row and as a senior who happened to be talking to her during this time l had to come in and get them talking, the problem is that she uses emotions and when l convinced the kid to apologise she just made it worse by literally expecting him to bow down to her.


In a matter of seconds the kid was gone, nothing solved and she was just going on about how she should be respected which l found a little overated.


Problem is l could not take any of her whining anymore so l attempted to walk away but she just came headon and "turned the volume up" in a dininghall of over 360 students. All prince could do was keep his cool and calmy see my way out. As soon as l reached my table a few of my guys were criticising me for not acting like a man and standing up to her.


I reflected on this and realised that in a small way this event is reflective of some of the understandings we have of masculinity; at a time when witches are lynched in Kenya, and women are being assaulted for their dress sense in S.A my question to you is what do you think it means to be a "real man" ?

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the prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, said "the strong man isnt the one who is physically powerful, but, indeed, the one who controls himself when angry."


he did the responsible thing by walking away.


the link between him not reacting, and the mysoginistic crimes mentionned isnt obvious though.

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Problem is l could not take any of her whining anymore so l attempted to walk away but she just came headon and "turned the volume up" in a dininghall of over 360 students.

Walking away is the right course of action. A real man doesn't need to stand up to a woman to stop her nagging him. He can always just get away from her. smile.gif


This reminds me of a time when I was physically picked up by my brother, removing me from his room, because I was harassing him. No violence, no bruises or scratches..he just put me outside and closed the door. But I still wouldn't go away, I set up camp outside his room..crying, with pots, pans and dacas, banging on the door..shouting: 'car soo bax'. Ohh bless his heart. He knew he couldn't fight his way free ;) , so he stayed in his room the entire time. Axx, how I love and miss him!

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I guess nothing less than two tennis balls would fully satisfy a man.



It is nice to put a nagging chick in her place every now and then...Hal iyo labo dharbaaxo would suffice... :D

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I guess nothing less than two tennis balls would fully satisfy a man.



It is nice to put a nagging chick in her place every now and then...Hal iyo labo dharbaaxo would suffice...
Hoo hee, iga qabso -- dhac, dhaac, dhaaaac.




Haye, camanka maku gaduuteen wali? :D

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