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Sharia: can u reject it and still remain a muslim?

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Originally posted by roobleh:

^One of the reasons of their failure may have to do with the lack of Constitution and democracy.


I believe that Islam and democracy can go hand-in-hand. We can learn a lot from the American Constitution, especially, the Bill of Rights. Even, the influence of Islam could be traced back to the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. One of the forefathers and the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, read and had a copy of the Quran.

Saxib, I thought that it was Halloween today and not April Fool's. :D


You sound like an American Muslim equating American values with Islamic Values i.e. Democracy is Shura (NOT).


The notion of Constitution is a new phenomena and

is driven by the Idea of Democracy and Equality. People write the Constitution and put in it what they want. If the time is right and with enough VOTES, they can change it too.


In anycase, please answer my earlier questions saxib so that I can adquately give a response to your "thread question".

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Rejecting part(s) or the whole of Sharia can have two drivers:


1. Unsatisfaction with part(s) of the Sharia as interpreted by the scholars, but full acceprtance of the Sharia in general, and Allah's Sovereignty and Law as revealed in Quraan and Supported by Sunnah.


2. Unacceptance of the Sovereignty of Allah and the preference of Secular law and constitutions over the Sharia as the secular law allows more personal choices than the Sharia.



In the first case a person can be a Muslim ( Possibility exists to a limit: Person Must be scholarly comparable to scholars of the Sharia), his/her only challange is the authentication of sources and soundness of interpretations objecting to these with GOOD FAITH.



In the second case, to get the detailed answer, for the question posed by this thread including compatibility of Democracy and Islam, it requires a journey in the science of Tawhid.


In the following threads, Naden and I, have discussed these issues in depth, you need time, munchies and a warm cup of fresh squeezed Camel Milk before clicking on the following 2 SOL Islam page links, to understand the relationships between Sharia, Shuraa, Democracy and Sovereignty. At the end you will have the answer to the question, eNuri only gives you the net, you catch the fish!.


Have fun.




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^^Lets all understand that everything is not "black and white" as they say it. Or "You're either with us(Fundamentalist group) or against Islam."


The Islamic World of today contains many different forms of governance-monarchies,totalitarians,fundamentalists and secular regimes. Both monarchies and fundametalist regimes claim are ruling under the Sharia law. Under this law, Saudi Arabian women are not allowed to drive while Taliban in Afghanistan girls were not allowed to go to school. Of course, such affairs are not from the Islamic teachings. Nor does the killing of the thirteen years old girl who was raped and then stoned to death in Kismayo. Spokesperson for the Kismayo wadaads, Sh. Hassan Yacqub, told the World that they followed the Sharia for the girl's execution. He said that "she looked mature enough" to him and to the rest of his group to be executed. Now we know the rest of the story.


That's the misuse and misinterpretations of the Sharia that I was refering to.


Question: Can we have a form of government that is compatible with our own cultural, historical and religious traditions such as Sufism?

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@The Quran and the Sunnah have laid down broud principles and could be used as a guidance for new ideas, concepts, and rulings for an Islamic Constitution.


Yet stories like what happened in Kismaayo or in the Gulf countries, Nigeria in the name of Islam are all far too common? Why is the question? If the culprit is the misuse and misinterpretations of the Sharia, than where is the right use of Sharia? What punishment do those who misuse sharia recieve? Nothing. Meeshaan Islam ma jiireey Allaho noo hiilii.

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