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hey ya'll, here's a fun personality test.iam gonna ask you 10 simple questions and i would like u guys to answere them as honstly as possible.keep track

Visualize the following questions, imaging the scenes in your mind, and type the first thing that you visualize.


1You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with?


2You are walking in the woods.You see an animal.What kind of animal is it?


3What interaction takes place between you and the animal?


4You walk deeper in to the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house.Describe it's size.


5Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?


6You enter the house. You walk to the dining area.Describe what you see on and around the dining table..


7You exit the house through the back door. Lying in the grass is a cup. What materal is the cup made of?


8What do you do with the cup?


9You walk on and you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water.What type of body of water is it?


10How will you cross the water?


are you ready to analyze your answers?here goes...























1The person you are walking with is the most important person in your life


2The size of the animal representes the size of your problems.


3The interaction you have with the animal representes how you deal with your problems (passive/aggressive)


4The size of your dream house is the size of your ambition to resolve your problems.


5No fence indacates an open personalty,and a fence indacates a closed personalty.


6If your answer did not include food,people or flowers then you are generally unhappy.


7The durability of the materal the cup is made of is the durabilty of your relationship with the person in question 1.


8Your disposition of the cup representes your attitude towards the person in question 1.


9The size of the body of water representes the size of your sexual desire.


10How wet you get crossing the water is the importance of your sex life.

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