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Jamaal C. Huseen must keep his honor for future politics.

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Udub was founded by late president Cigaal, who by intent and purpose planned UDUB to be like SYL and wanted his party to take hold from Hargeisa to Boosaaso and Baidoa. It was a long term plan of his which was not fulfilled by his unexpected death. Anyway, Gamal , as a young energetic economist and political novice, he tried to take the party of Cigaal and Rayaale to the next level. By 2010, The party already had the largest sitting members of the parliament and even after defeat--- it has the second largest voting block in Somaliland. He seemed fit as the leader of the next generation of leaders who could move people to the next level of economical progress and social development.


He was a self made man. He graduated from the ivy league university of Harvard and worked as an executive for City Bank in many foreign capitals. Every thing he earned , he got without nepotism or favors from his tribal friends. We all thought that someone as young , modern and educated will introduce a different kind of thinking that centered on rule of law, meritocracy and the never reachable economic development. The problem was before he could do any thing , first he must pass the corrupt rulers of Udub including former president Rayaale. Just like Siilaanyo transferred the Kulmiye party to Muuse Biixi without contest, Rayaale and his stooges decided to transfer UDUB to an old guard that represented both greed and status quo--Cali Waran Cadde.


Waran Cadde convinced former vice president Ahmed Yassin--- a God fearing decent man -- to set up a formula that could eliminate anyone who does not have deep pockets from the leadership. Being an influential minister for almost ten years, he thought no one can match his money and connections for the leadership. So , they told anyone applying for the Udub leadership to deposit $380,000 dollars that will be used for the coming campaign. Ahmed Yassin followed the rules set by the party's central committee and proceeded. Then, the unexpected happened. Jamaal, a young economist with deep pockets, showed up and deposited the required money without hesitation and campaigned for the leadership.


Waran Cadde never intended to put the money, but wanted only to keep others out and then bend the rules as he always did both in Somalia in the eighties and now in Somaliland. The deadline passed, and Ahmed Yassin was forced to hold the election of the leader as was planned. When the members convened to cast their vote, Waran CAdde cried foul and boycotted. Those who followed the rules voted and elected Jamaal as a leader. Then he called his old master Raaale (they were both former intelligence officers) and asked to intervene. Here is how it went down:


WC : madaxweyne hawshii aan isku ogayn waxbaa ku dhacay, madaxweynenimadaydii aan isku diyaariyeyna khatr bay ku jirtaa.


R: oo sawtaan wax walba kuu salaxay ee aan meel kuu dhignay lacagtii aad ololoha ku galasay iyo xubnihii golaha dhexe labadaba.


WC: Lacagtii way igu baxday , cidna ma filayn in ay igu qabsato. Gaban reer Berbera ah oo uu Suufigii Ahmed Yaasiin wato ayaa yimid , lacagna wuu wataa ee adeeroow hawsha wax igala qabo.


R: oo hadii uu lacagtii la yimid dadkiina doorteen maxaan yeelnaa?.


WC: Madaxweyne, Hargeisa kaalay oo waxaad tidhaa UDUB cidna ma iibsan karto , wiilkan yar ee Gamaalna xisbiga dhawaan ayuu ku soo biiray.


R: Adeer wax Sharci ah oo horjoogsanaya qof xubin ahi in uu isa soo sharaxo miyaa jira?


WC: Igu daa anigaa si qarsoon u bedelaya sharciga xisbiga oo waxaan ku soo darayaa in qofku uu ugu yaraan laba sano xubin ka ahaado golha dhexe inta uusan isku soo sharixi hogaan.


R: Adeer sow sharcigu hore looma dejin ma hadda oo doorasho lagu jiro ayaa la bedeli karaa?.


WC: madaxweyne, hawshani waa tii aynu weligeenba biyaha hoosteeda u soo mari jirnay markaanu sirdoonka ahayn kow dhe, Wax internet ku qoran oo meel loogu hagaago lihi majiro, cid aan inaga ahayn oo faraha ku haysaana majirto. Waxaad igu sugtaa sharcigii oo aan bedelay.


R. Waa tahay ee bal hawsha ha inagu fashilinin.


WC: madaxweyne, hal arin oo kale ayaan kaa rabaa.


R: adeer maxa dhiman?.


WC: waa in aad timaadaa oo wadaadkan Ahmed Yaasiin aad iga qabataa.


R: oo maxaan u sheegaa saw ninkii hawsh waday ma ahan.


WC: Hargeisa kaalay oo waxaad idaacadaha u sheegtaa ," xisbiga UDUB lama gadan karo waa in di loo eegaa doorashada Jamaal.


R: adeer armuu xisbigu is qabsadaa oo burburaa?.


WC: Ma burburayee, Ahmed Siilaanyana waanu wada hadalnay ee mar soo gaadh Hargeisa.


In politics, If you plan something and the unexpected hapens , like people electing the other guy, you cut your loses, lick your wounds and make the best efforts to unite your party and wait for the next. You can not deconstruct what happened or you will both lose as it did . Rayaale stayed in Paris for almost a year without even coordinating with his deputy Ahmed Yassin , and for the last minute decided to help his former corrupt lieutenant.


The honorable Ahmed Yaasiin protested and pointed the finger how Rayaale ignored the rebuilding of the party and showed up the last minute to destroy what was left. While the dispute was going on in late 2011, Siilaanyo decided to speeded up the municipal elections. Here you had a group that refuses to hold elections for president and parliament for seven years, deciding to hurry up the local elections in order to destroy UDUB. Udub was finished, even though it had 38 members sitting in the parliament. No one tried to correct the flowed system where the largest party sitting at the legislator became unaffiliated . Rather than hold the parliament vote and figure out who could manage to get elected, they used the municipal election to eliminate a party from the parliament. In Hargeisa, everyone probably got paid to keep quite and pretend nothing significant happened.


Waran Cadde went from Rayaale to the new boss Siilaanyo and never looked back and the weak and slow moving Rayaale came to Hargeisa many years latter and said , " I made a mistake when I denied the party to Jamaal and C/rashiid Mataan, I did know that Waran Cadde would be satisfied just to be a minister". Well, it was too little too late.


In the meantime, After the UDUB disaster, Faysal Waraabe, who was wounded and left for dead after his party was replaced by Wadani and Cirro, needed help from anyone who could save his shop for the next election. He did talk to anyone who could listen, but almost everyone refused to join and ride a caravan driven by Faysal waraabe ( waar waraabe waxba ku darsan mayno, ilayn waa intaas oo uu anaga dib noo cunaaye). He courted and sweated talked the young Jamaal who also wounded by the corrupt oligarchs of UDUB, and convinced him to be the candidate of the UCID party. Before Jamal could become a candidate , he must spend time and treasurer to help UCID fight among the ten or more parties vying to be the last three standing. It was monumental task that needed money and campaign. With the help of C/rashiid Mataan, Jamaal and his camp succeeded to make UCID among the three finalist parties.


For the second time, corrupt oligarchs and insiders of the ruling party decided to undermine Jamaal and his party to prevent open contest. Faysal WAraabe, the same man who rode the shoulders of Jamaal during those tough times , decided to switch camp and sell the party to Kulmiye. As they did during UDUB quarrels, they gave UCID to Faysal without proper legitimate means. The desperation of the ruling Kulmiye have no boundaries. They decided to eliminate a legitimate forward looking party of Jamaal and made the party the sole ownership of one single clown man. Faysal knows he has zero chances of winning anything , yet he decided to use the party as a microphone to insult and harass people.


Now fast forward to the latest events and what is happening to the double time victim Jmaal Cali Huseen.


As we hear in the media , Mr. Jamaal was the guest of honor of the wife of president Siilaanyo and also met and discussed his future with Ina Biixi. Common sense dictates that Mr. Jamaal would not be seeking accommodations with those who undermined his party and the people in general. I heard that he was seeking financial compensation for the money he spend in UCID for the last five years. What he must realize is that the compensation money Amina Weris promised to him is not her's but the people's money. Mr. Jamaal, What at stake here is your credibility and honor in your future endeavors. Some may try to convince you to vote with your sub clan today in order to appeal to them tomorrow, but that does not fit your ideals and the expectations of the people.


I would like to give you my small advice , free of charge of course. Unlike what African dictators and oligarchs think, life continues after elections, and there will be many more opportunities to succeed in your political dreams. So far , the people of Somalilnd consider you as a decent and honorable man wronged by a corrupt political system that rewards the incompetent, greedy and corrupt politicians who keep recycling out dated ideas. There would a time when the people might decide to clean the house and throw out the old guard.


On that note , you must keep your slate clean without undermining your support and your future. The people of Somalind are suffering with three years old drought especially in the east , and the people are calling these drought Kulmiye, just like they called others as " Dabadheer' and other names. While droughts come and go , in our Islamic tradition , consistent drought is bestowed usually among the lands where injustice and greed is the norm.


I would not suggest to you to join any political party in Somaliland , but if you decided to jump these slow moving trains, do not reward those who have undermined both your former political parties and the rule of law.


Good luck Mr. Jamaal , you may need it.

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