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President Hassan said his critics are the enemies of the state

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Early this year, I was talking to a friend about a future change of government in Somalia He said , Damujadiid will not accept or allow anyone to replace them in office. He said ," in order to get their way , they will not stop at nothing". I though he was speaking in hyperbole or the usual bribing of the parliamentarians. He looked at me and said ' Waar nimankani cidii ka hortimaada way khaarijinayaan, niman naxaya ma ahan, maxakamadihii hubaysnaa ayay ka soo hadheen oo dilku waxba kuma aha". Roughly it means , they will murder on their way to power.


At that time I did not believed that scenario of eliminating opponents in order to keep the power. Since then a lot of reliable people have spoken about Damujadiid's unscrupulousness. All that is cleared this week by the president himself. IN a speech to the Eid sermon he clearly spoken about his enemies. While pointing fingers to Al=shabaab and other extremists, he said ," The second most dangerous group to our government and the nations is those who speak about our actions or what we did not do or putting down our success". He points the finger to those who want to correct his mistakes and steer him in the right direction.


Last year it was Cali Khaliif who said " If I got killed or something happens to me , the president will be responsible". Since he is a dual citizen, he even informed the American embassy. Members of parliament are killed and bombed at will, ministers are dying inside hotels, yet he does not want people to point out his negligence and in ability to protect his own government. Since I am one of the critics of president Hassan , I have to think twice about my own travels back home.


The idea is to intimidate his opponents before the election. After all is said and done, under the leadership of this president hundreds of Somali civilians and large number of generals, ministers and parliamentarians are killed. Yet he want to be rewarded.


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