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Is American media going rogue or it is a Trump effect?.

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First of all, I am one of those who believe elections are the free exercise of the people and more than often they do effect the changes people were seeking. I do consider the right to vote a fundamental right of the citizens to choose those who govern them. While the media may try to gerrymander the horse races and the attitudes of the people toward a certain candidate, they do not , I repeat, they do not decide the ultimate winner.


Having said that, they have tremendous powers to cast doubt on someone's effectiveness, promote those whom they share their ideology or put fear among the public to lead them in their direction.


What are the American media people up to in this election cycle?. People back home in Mogadishu, Boosaaso, Hargeisa and Zaylac ; the diaspora folks in London , and else where should forgive us for constantly debating the American election of 2016. It is only fair for us Canadians of Somali background, who are neighbors to the this big American elephant, to pay attention, because almost any thing they do, affects us directly or indirectly.


As I was watching the liberal MSNBC cable news, I was surprised how they were cheerleading for Donald Trump. Just before the Republican debate, they all sounded that the inevitability of Trump nomination. Chris Matthew, the leading liberal dean of the MSNBC new, kept repeating how Trump came a long way, proving wrong the skeptical pundits and the republican establishment. So, why the pro-democratic party ( the left) wing of the American media is cheering for someone who is opposed for almost every thing they stand for. In past American elections , candidates were vetted for almost every thing in their past, whether that was their financial activities, marriage infidelity or misrepresentation. So far no one is digging Trump's past, including the half a dozen times this rich man filed for bankruptcies or other misdeeds.


Now, in my humble opinion, this Trump promotion of American media, especially the left leaning ones, may have a deep seated ulterior motives.


1-The Bush factor.


While John Kasich and Rand Paul seem to be level headed men, among those running for the Republican nomination, Jeb Bush seems to be the adult person in the room. Evangelical nut cases like Cruz, Santorum and Huckabee should be kept in their back water state cages. These loud preachers have no chance of making the cut. Rubio is smart , but too young to lead in these dangerous times. Besides, for many years, Americans were flirting with these untested and inexperienced state senators and governors to sort out these complicates issue. Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all thrown in the lions den without any foreign or economic experience. Jeb Bush is not only grounded and smart, he has more experience of governing and private sector experience than all of these loud mouths like Trump. he has seen the tragic mistakes of Iraq made by his brother and also witnessed the study hand of his father who was one of the most effective leaders of American foreign policy. Bush senior, presided the defeat and collapse of the soviet union and expelled Saddam Hussein from Kuwait with international coalition of 28 countries, including Arab nations of Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia.


To sideline this natural born leader, the American left is boosting the rise of this flamboyant Trump and others who should not be even considered to held the highest office in the land. By flooding the air waves with sound bites, crazy pronouncement , entertainment like news coverage's and circus atmosphere, they succeeded putting Bush at the back of the Bus. While Trump is in the news 24/7, Bush could barely register in the media. In this week's polling cycle, Cruz, seem to be leading Trump in the Iowa caucuses, and the left leaning media is attacking Cruz with vengeance to help Trump. The media know that Cruz will never win a general election, but, if he stops Trump in Iowa, that may give Jeb an opening in New Hampshire and other primaries. so in this scenario, the whole game of the left is to promote Trump in order to stop Bush.


2- Paving the way for Hillary Clinton.


Senator Clinton is by far the most experienced politician among all the candidates except Jeb Bush. She served as secretary of state under Obama and lived in the white house for eight years. Yet, despite all the experience , senator Clinton has a lot of packages just like Donald Trump. Her unfavorable among likely voters are among the highest of all candidates. People either love or hate her, there is no middle ground for her. As we speak, the FBI is investigating some of Clintons activities as secretary of state. A series candidate like Jeb, could defeat Clinton easily in general election. Rather than face a tough, well grounded and experienced candidate like Bush, the media is selecting for her the weakest link off all. While the media seem to be the darling of Mr. Trump for now, wait after the end of nomination and the beginning of the general election. They will dig all his of misdeeds , and show people how bombastic and unelectable Trump is.


Those of us who follow American politics have already seen this scenario some twenty years ago. History repeats it self. In 1996, ten republican candidates did battle for the nomination. Among the notables were governor Lamar Alexander, businessman Steve Forbes, senate majority leader Bob Dole, commentator and writer Pat Buchannan, senators Richard Lugar and Phil Grahams. While there were many qualified and strong candidates in the field , the media started cheerleading for senator Bob Dole early and made him the inevitable and favored candidate. Unlike Trump , he was an honorable, experienced politician and an American war hero who was wounded in the second world war. He received the burble heart for his war wounds. When he won the nomination, he was 73 years old , the oldest man to stand for President. It was the youthful Clinton against the aging man of the past who could not use one of his hands. During the campaign , he accidently fell from the stage while the camera was rolling which showed how frail and unprepared he was. As planned Clinton won in landslide. In other words, it is another coronation of yet another Clinton.


3-America, for the first time in history , could be under the real socialists.


When he was debating against Hillary Clinton during the democratic candidates debate, senator Bernie Sanders said " I don't give a damn about those e-mails", which Clinton replied Amen. The issue surrounding the emails are heating up again. Since this issue refuses to disappear , it could be the Achilles heal of the Clinton campaign. She did release most of the emails and she handed the server to an independent instigator. If she is charged, as some republicans are calling for , that could lead to a new ball game for both the democratic and the republican campaign. Since she can not campaign under the cloud of federal charges , she may as well withdraw . The media may get it's wish and crown loud moth Trump as their republican nominee , against the socialist crusader.


Welcome to the crazy American politics of 2016: Socialist Bernie Sanders vs nut case Donald Trump. While the senator from Vermont may be too socialist for many Americans, he is more electable than the bombastic Trump. In a match up against Trump, the voters might hold their nose and elect Sanders to avoid the chaos candidate of Trump. Many republicans and conservatives who are complaining about Obama , will be ruled by a real socialist for the first time in American history. By the way, senator Sanders is a proud and openly socialist.


Finally, the noises coming from the FOX news and other far right talk shows should not be taken seriously. This crowd does not want serious debate on anything, nor do they care about electability or republican party discipline. Another four years of Clinton will keep them busy and employed. a democrat in the white will be a boom for the right wing talking heads.



Maybe both the right and left want Trump and his ilk. Maybe America want to go rogue in 2016.


If Some of you SOLERS may have different take on this , please state. Thanks.




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You already wrote it Galbeedi, they (Mathews and the liberal/democratic camp) simply want an un-electable Republican nominee, leading to Hillary landslide even bigger than Obama's in 2008, siyasadaan waa bolitical.


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