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Meet the Men The West Deems "Terrorists"..

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A Jew from London can travel to tel Aviv get training kill women and children and return to London. No problem.


Your a Kurd who supports the Marxist atheist PKK no problem go and fight Isis and return safely.


You go help Muslims getting killed by a brutal regime your a terrorist.

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CidanSultan seems to be under the delusion that 2 wrongs make a right.


That if the Zionists commit a wrong, then that automatically gives ISIS the license to also commit wrongs.


I'm in shock right now

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No delusion. I'm just pointing out the continued double standards. How can a young jew be allowed to join a foreign army recieve military training and kill women and children then to come back as if nothing happened and yet a man from London goes to syria to help people getting killed yet he is a terrorist.


Dr Kennedy we know what your solution is its to roll over and die graciously. Islam does not let anyone kill innocents. I fully condem the killing of innocents. It's wrong. However in a combat role in the current situation.


Are you telling me IS are in the wrong against fighting assad? is is wrong in fighting a Marxist atheist group which has worked with assad? That Islamic State is wrong in fighting the Iraqi army which is sectarian entirely Shia and regularly kills sunnis. Fighting the United state which still has not given the world an explanation in why a sovereign nation was toppled. And why the wmd in 2 min claim has not led to the imprisonment of Blair and Bush?


Come on...... Really....


Christians are not being persecuted, Yazidis ran away before is got their, the PKK and ypg is a terrorist organisation according to the United States. The Iraqi army is a tool for Sunni oppression and has to change or must be fought. The zionist media is working overtime and your being sold a big lie.

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That was wrong I have already said I found that despicable and wrong. All killing of innocent is wrong.


Those actions are just as wrong as this...killing tens of thousand of Iraqis




And just as wrong this...



Instead your saying Americans crimes don't matter yet because of this action the whole world must destroy them.


Use your logic for all or for none. Stop being a hypocrite


Now other then journalists and aid workers like the one above do you have anything else. That's not the reason the whole western world is invading is it or is the life of one man worth more then 250,000 dead Syrians?


The west and dictartorships invaded because these guys are killing yazidis and christiens in please


Show us the christiens who are systematically being killed. Or the yazidis being systematically killed ?

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Anyone that is innocent killed by IS is a crime against humanity. What is a greater crime is the death tolls caused by the illegal invasion of Iraq, the millions of children's died under sanctions, the tens of thousands killed by Shia death squads, the hundreds killed via torture in abu garaib.



If in your view IS is evil then britain and America but be satan himself...if by your

Logic ISIS must be fought then britain and America must also be fought even harder.



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Talabo let us not forget. The world rightly condemns the killing of people by extremists yet broadcasts to the world the hanging of saddam Hussein to the entire world on eid day.happily. One rule for some and different rules for others.




Hypocrites I say. I hate saddam hussien and if he died let him die but to broadcast it and ignore the right of dignity while you cry rightly so for others you forget this double standard

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Thank you for proving my point. Cheap cheap propaganda. These men are worth more then a million dead Muslims. Killed unjustly by British and American presidents and policies. They have nothing to answer for even though they are bigger killers but we all must fight against the Islamic State.


Ooh my God they are khawarij. They are systemically beheading Christians even though no evidence to prove it. they are killing Yazidis as well even though no Yazidis were there when they entered the Yazidi towns but we must fight them.



The soldiers of shaytan they will over through the champions of islam the shia and the Arab governments. America please help us against these animals by killing more Muslims.


Confused. Com...

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The British army are bound by the Geneva Convention when engaging in war and here is the prove of their accountability for their actions:

So the question you need to answer is- what rules or value system do the bearded Neanderthals slaughtering innocent people in Syria and Iraq follow?

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CidanSultan, just the fact alone that they beheaded British aid workers is enough to label them as terrorists and as a group worthy of being destroyed.


The killing of ONE British Aid Worker is bad enough by the standards of Islam. You can't just dismiss their killings as "wrong" while you continue to promote this Khawaarij group


They spread fitna in the land and are responsible for much bloodshed. You have absolutely no knowledge of Islam as literally every single Muslim group and mosque has labeled them for what they are; Khawaarij.

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Anyone can see how futile your arguments are. I said 1000 times the killing of innocent is wrong. I condemn them for it. However the massacre of millions of Muslims by American and British forces is worse. If you declare war in Isis you should declare war on every group in the middle east including those called moderates. Including the Iraqi government. Saudi Arabia be heads more people on earth then anyone every year.


Anyone can see that. Talabo just read what you wrote they are constrained by the Geneva convention. Hahaha a...


Are you serious.


The United States has killed more people in the modern century then anyone. Assad alone has killed 250,000 people 50 times the number of people killed by Isis. Why is their no anti assad campaign???


Geneva convention you say the million so people killed by drones, starvation, massacres, etc. Are they not covered by the Geneva convention.


The Palestinians who get killed by American supplied weapons are they not covered by the Geneva convention.


No such thing as the Geneva convention. This is assymetrical warfare.


These guys aren't perfect but they are not any worse then anyone else that's for sure.


The PKK kills and burns down Arab villages. The Iraqi army kills sunnis by the hundreds monthly.


What is your point.


IS should not be singled out. This is the real hypocrisy. These guys kill in a region were everyone has blood on their hands.


Why single them out. Because of the zionist media that indoctrinates you. And the Saudi sheicks on the alsaud payroll.



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The real reason they are being singled out is not because they kill hostages. Even before that the West was scared of them and they were looking for an excuse. The reason why they are being singled out is because they are an effective fighting force threatening the take over of both syria and Iraq with the intention of starting a chalipahate that will destroy American interests in the middle east

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