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To Understand Why The West Fears A Chaliphate Examine History

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Salahudin gave free access to all Christians to the sea to leave safety after he reconquered Jerusalem. He also gave free access and passage to all Christians who wanted to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This is after christien Crusaders killed everyone inside Jerusalem when they conquered it.


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Now imagine your an ego centric French men or English men and you have no resources but are so hungry you would steal it if you had to because supremecy is what your after.


Imagine you land in West Africa and you hear the Adhan and people praying, then you go to India and you here people praying and adhan, then you go to indonesia and the same, eastern Europe and southern Russia the same.



Heey, wait a minute. We can never break these societies because they have a core set of principles that make it difficult for us to even live among them let alone exploit them and take their resources.



So, what's plan b...


We destroy their concept of Islam... How do we do that.... Nationalism, secularism, individualism, materialism....


And that's what happened.... And that is why today they over through the Islamic courts union even though it was peaceful, they backed the overthrown of the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt, that's why they arm and support the death of Palestinians, that's why they don't want to help the Syrians, that's why they help shias because they know they are different. That's why after 200 hundred thousand dead Muslims they are bombing the only effective force fighting assad the Islamic State.


Seriously... And if you say anything your a terrorist...


Seriously people... This is the world we live in today


May God protect us from evil and restore the Muslim nations will and ability to govern their own affairs and determine their own destiny

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If I was garbage you wouldn't waste your time commenting on it. But this is what scares atheists, secularists, monarchies and polytheist like xabad.


The reality is with an Islamic Chaliphate in place the West could not do anything it was in retreat in the heart of Europe. In India polytheist like xabad were converting in mass and the temples to hanuman were being demolished and mosques erupted.


The middle east was stable and prosperous so prosperous that logs show hardly anyone needed to take Zakat money. Iraq was the centre of the world for knowledge along with Spain.


Now look... Xabads Hindu nationalist run India persecuting 150 million people Muslims. Pakistan is being destabilised by drones, Afghanistan the home of the moghaul has been invaded by the British the soviets and the Americans since the Collapse of the Islamic Chaliphate.


The middle was divided, Islam removed secularism, Arabisim, Somalism, and more filth spread...


Muslims want to return to the greatest political system the world has ever known.


We don't want individualism, we don't want secularism, we don't want communism, we want a free Muslim world free to determine its own future


The United States is the greatest terrorist state in human history think about it.


Killed the native population, enslaved 16 million black people, took half of Mexico by force. Nuked Japan invaded over 80 nations directly or indirectly...


Ooohhhh my God we have to fight the Islamic State they are killing yazidis




The West declared war on Islam the day the Muslim army reached the gates of Austria

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