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Alshabaab are surrendering to the Gov . militant are to meet Amnesty deadline

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Alshabaab are surrendering to the Gov . militant are to meet Amnesty 45 days deadline



Horjooge Katirsanaa ururka Al Shabaab oo Dowladda isku soo dhiibay (Daawo-Video)


Septemper 07, 2014 – Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay horjooge ka tirsanaa kooxda Al-Shabaab oo isku soo dhiibay gacanta dowladda Soomaaliya, ayadoo abaalmarino dhiiro gelin ah ku guddoonsiisay.


Maxamed Aadan Cabdiraxmaan oo ah horjoogaha shabaabka ka tirsanaa ayaa sheegay in isu soo dhiibistiisa ay gacan ka geysteen Waalidkiis, isagoo xusay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay sida uu uga soo goosta kooxda Shabaab.


“Waxaan ka tirsanaa Al-Shabaab, muddo ayaan la shaqeynayay, waxaana ka howgeli jiray Degmad Jilib, deegaankaygana waa Diinsoor, dowladda iyo Ummadda cafis ayaan weydiisanayaa, markii aan soo goosanayay fasax ayaan kaga faa’iideystay, oo aan go’aansanay in aan isaga soo tego” ayuu yiri Maxamed Aadan.

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Why are they letting those terrorist go so easily? They should pay for their crimes and their treason. I expect them to go back to their old ways whenever they get the chance.

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Why are they letting those terrorist go so easily? They should pay for their crimes and their treason. I expect them to go back to their old ways whenever they get the chance.


I don't think prosecuting and chasing down every single Al-Shabab criminal is practical or even feasible. There are far too many bloody hands in Somalia and the government doesn't have the power or ability to punish every single one of them. They need to consolidate their power.


Allah will deal with these xayawans in Yawmal Qiyamah, the same way Allah will deal with Abdi Qaybdiid, Indhocade, General Morgan, Qanyare, Hassan Dahir Aweys and all the rest of these criminals.

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