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Tribal loyalty will not defeat Al-shabaab.

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The Islamic court union movement was a coalition among many groups with different and divergent ideology. While they all claim to be Islamic inspired, deep down, they were multi purpose( ujeedo badan). It was all started in the mid nineties, to confront the local crimes and to address the deteriorating security situations of Mogadishu.


Those who initiated the Islamic courts, like Sheekh Cali Dheere of Karaaraan, it was a genuine idea to reduce the street crimes and enhance to free movements of the people in those neighborhoods. Then, there were the businessmen who feared for their lives while conducting business in these tough streets. Finally , there were the Islamic movements who were preparing to take power through these locally inspired Islamic courts.


Sheekh Cali and like minded people had the support of the people to reduce crime and remove checkpoints. The businessmen and the rich, focus only one aspect of the Sharia law, which is the capital punishment ( executing those who murder or involve armed robbery), and the cutting of hands for those found guilty of stealing. The later one disproportionately affected the poor and those who are powerless. both of these groups never tried to establish a police station or any thing leading to legal institution building. The businessmen had hundreds of gun mounted armored pickups trucks for their safeties . Almost all the local tribes established their own courts. After the Islamic courts took over Mogadishu , those innocent Ulema who were interested only to reduce crime were sidelined. The Wahaabis controlled by the gulf, The al_qaeda inspired Al-shabab, Aweys and the power seekers, The tribal idealoges and the criminals who switched sides after defeat , all became one big coalition. Even if the Ethiopian troops hadn't invaded - which united the movement-- a power struggle among these was inevitable.


After Shariif Ahmed became president, Al-shabaab intensified it's war against the government. Todays war in Mogadishu is among the former islamic court members. It is hard to address the security situation on tribal lenses. Some uninformed people may claim that certain tribes are prone to al-shabaab, while others are loyal and pro government. Of course, the sympathy that certain communities have for Al-shabab may vary, but their supporters could be found among diverse groups. The latest attack in Villa Somalia, has proved wrong , that the the sub clan of the president are free of Al-shabaab influence.


He kept appointing tribal loyalists to defeat Al-shabaab and bring peace. He can't even defend his residence let alone the nation. It seems the extremists are one step ahead of the government and the intelligence community. They are infiltrating the security apparatus and most of the sensitive places of the nation. It is hard to predict the outcome of this war against Al-shabaab, but , I believe we must think outside the box to expose their weaknesses and reduce the threat. In order to achieve their goal, they are trying to destroy the nation state as we know it. The Pakistani Taliban, last month attached Karachi international Airport., a symbol of the state. Even last year , one American general said they do not mind the new chaostan . chaos is the word.


Here are my suggestions to defeat or reduce their threat.


1- Intelligence gathering and infiltration of the enemy must be one of the highest priorities of the government. Trusted people could be placed in major intersections and suspected districts. Try to get the list of former Islamic court members. Every lead must be exhausted until produces results.


2- The financial capabilities of al-shabaab must be targeted. The latest info provided by the killer shows that al-shabaab are paying for some of the services. They also use common criminals to detonate , assassinate or gather intelligence for their targets. It was confirmed that certain business people are constantly providing financial help to extremists. Hawalss must report every transaction that is more than a thousand dollars going to places controlled by Al-shabaab. How come Al-shabaab, not the government are paying salary on time. Investigate all charities from gulf countries and the cash they are carrying. Money could be the biggest assets that al-shabaab is using to carry these attacks.


3- eliminate easy access. There are new technologies like Zaad Service, which makes easy for people to get money unanimously. Al-shabaab may dial money through these phone services without even meeting the killers. They can send $ 200 dollars to a common criminal who is willing to kill for the money. No nation can allow traceless money to float around. Close these services. Let the special interest groups hem and haw.


4- Get non HAG commanders and intelligence officers to take a greater role in investigating these crimes. Diaspora members couldn't do much in security issues, and are becoming greedy in their life style, so hire those who live among the people.

5- public executions of those captured while committing terrorist crimes and murders must take place.

6- Stop releasing suspected Al-shabaab members. Detain them as long as possible.

7- Cell phone companies must record the names and addresses of those who purchase phones. Take their picture or ask identification card if possible.


8- finally, deny them safe havens and push them out from their headquarters in Baraawe. You can't wait every two years to liberate two or three district, it must be a sustained non stop pressure. Do not allow them to recuperate and relaunch themselves.

9- you must be ruthless when you dealing with them. I have seen the picture of the guy who bombed hotel Mak -almukarama, he was well fed and good looking health wise. send a message that those who harbour or aid the enemy will be treated harshly. Arrest their families and friends.


If all these measures do not defeat them or reduce the threat , then a new approach is needed.





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The villa Somalia security didn't even check the contents inside the car. Since he is Unaka he was just waved. Even if he was employee, he should be fully checked.

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