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M/weyne Dr Gaas " Gudiga Madaxa banaan ee Dib u eegista Dastuurka waannu la soconaa, hadba siday u shaqeeyaanna waannu eegaynaa".

3. June 2014





Iyadoo Golaha wasiirada Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay ansixiyeen Gudiga Madaxa Banaan ee Dib u eegista Dastuurka Dalka Soomaaliya, ayaa arrintaasi tan iyo Khamiistii ( 29 May 2014) oo Gudigaas la magacaabay Dowladda Puntland aysan wax war ah kasoo saarin.


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas, ayaa markii ugu horaysay xilli uu u warramayay Telefishinka Somalichannel, waxaa uu sheegay in Puntland ay la socoto Gudiga Madaxa Banaan ee dib u eegaya Dastuurka Soomaaliya, iyadoo uu jiro Khilaaf aan illaa hadda la xallin oo ku salaysan Qodobo muhiim ahaa oo laga saaray Dastuurka Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo keenay isku dhac Siyaasadeed oo dhexmaray Puntland iyo Dowladda Federaalka.

Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr C/weli Gaas ayaa sheegay in Marwo Caasha Geelle Diiriye oo ka mid ah 5-ta Xubnood ee Gudigaan ay Puntland Dirsatay, ayna meesha ku tagtay si wada og yahay, isagoo Madaxweynuhu intaas raaciyay in Puntland ay eegi doonto hadba sida Gudigaani ay u shaqeeyaan.


Sanadkii hore ee 2013 ayay ahayd markii Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) uu sheegay in Puntland ay xiriirkii kala laabatay Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ee uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud, iyadoo illaa iyo 8-dii Janaayo 2014 oo uu xilka Baneeyay Faroole aan si toos ah looga wada hadlin khilaafkaasi.


Ugu dambayntii in Xiriirka Puntland ay Xiriirka u jarto Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa ka dambaysay ka dib markii Dastuurka Qaybo Qoraalka ah laga saaray Qodobo muhiim u ahaa Maamul Goboleedyada iyo Nidaamka Federaaliga ah.

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He appointed some of the committee which means he should support the process. Inshalah something acceptable to both sides will come out of this review. Compromise is important.

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I dont care if gas nominated the commitee or didn't the constitution makes it clear what the process is to nominate such a crucial commitee to somalia future powersharing/revenue sharing document. That piece of paper never leaves, presidents, pms, ministers do. I am disgusted the due processes werent followed as stated in article 133/134 of the constitution. What has occured he is a SHAM, its unconstitutional.


This commitee cant be formed untill security is achieved in the whole nation, regional govts are completed, an upper house parliament is formed. Untill those 3 pre-requistes are done, this commitee is a farce. This is not something some president or pm can decide who the commitee members are. This is something both the lower house and upper house parliament can do. They are the ones who name the commitee, they are the ones who name the commission that watches the commitee work, they are the ones who have to ratify the recommendations and reports the commission recieves from the committee. This then needs to go to a referendum which also needs a census done on the nation. This is a long process and requires 1 full term to complete. These federal institutions and constitutional matters if all completed by 2020 will be a great achievement. This clown culusow is talking about elections in 2016 what a joke.

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Dr_Osman, I think you are overreacting. I am not a fan of Culusoow, but the right way of going by the dispute is to set up a committee which will look into the issues being debated. Puntland should participate in the process and be mature about it.

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Holac, this farah abdulqadir has a right to name the commitee as per article 134 but he has no right to name the commission which clearly says only the upper house can name it. There is no upper house today becuz all regional govts haven't formed and before they are formed you need security. I am just saying follow the proper procedures, this isn't something that will be done in a few months but requires a few years since it is a big ticket item and requires all somalis be present in the form of their regional govt, an active upper house parliament, it requires all the federal institutions are in place such as a constitutional court so there isn't any arguments.


The proper process to follow is this;


1. Security across the nation. This task alone requires a good year

2. Regional Govt formation(Reconcilation conferences, regional charter, election on president, forming a cabinet). This task alone requires 2 years as a bare minimum.

3. Complete federal institution such as constitutional court, boundary commission, upper house parliament. This will require at least 6 months considering boundary commission will need to settle on boundaries before approving member states into the upper house.

4. The relevant Minister of constitution names a commitee, Upper chamber names an indepedent commission. The work being done here will take 3-6 months to complete

5. The commitee reports its finding and recommendations to the indepedent commission. This will take 1 month for indepedent review.

6. Indepedent commission presents the report findings and constitutional amendments to lower and upper house of parliament for ratification. This will take 1 month

7. Census is begun across the country and a referendum to finalize the constitution and make it the official constitution of somalia. This will take at least 1 year.


That is a realistic process following due processes not this joke we see farah abdulqadir is coming up with. As can be seen you will need at least 4 years to complete such tasks of regional govt, constitution, federal institution and thats after security has been achieved across the nation. This will need to wait till 2016-2020 term. If he can just secure the country now and begin the reconcilation conferences and setting up temporary govt structures in liberated areas that's all he can do with the time remaining. Not this nonsense of vision 2016 that his running around with.

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this is a sham. it is no review. it has nothing to do with puntland. those who support this are the enemy of puntland.

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