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Adan Ducaale Speech

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It was an electrifying speech. Damn, politician!

It was a speech that was said at the right time.

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He's definitely a strong orator and a charming politician, and I enjoyed the first part of the speech where he is firm about the indigeneity and belonging of Somalis to Kenya, given a political climate where they are perceived as perpetual outsiders and unwanted foreigners in the country. But the later part of the speech is the same old, asking Somalis to dismantle their "supa pawa" squad, turn in the bombers, etc and trying to convince them that he will handle the police and state violence, as though he has ever represented their interests or has been anything but a government lackey in office.

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Btw, I only listened to the first 7min of the speech. Saff, thanks for alerting me of the rest of the speech.

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Soomaalida Islii sida askarta Kuukuuyada u kala gadeysay tobankii beri u dambeeye:


Haddaa gurigaaga joogto oo laguugu soo galo = 1,000 ilaa 6,000 kun oo madaxfurasho ah.


Haddii banaanka laguu soo saaro, oo looriga lagu galiyo = 7,000 ilaa 10,000 kun.


Haddii xabsiga lagu geeyo ama u dhawaatid = 15,000 ilaa 25,000.


Qiimahaan waa maalmihii u horeeye see suuqa ahayd. Dad aad iyo aad u fara badan ayaa bixiye laaluushkaan baadka ah, qaarkood dhowr jeer bixiyeen maadaama marba koox cusub u soo galeyso: saldhexe, fiidkii, aroortii - xiligee doonto ha ahaatee. Qof ay dhaafaayeen malaha: waayeel, dumar, gabdho iyo carruur. Bukaano jiifo isbitaalka Soomaalida ee Madiino kala baxeen, bukaano daawooyin iyo faleebooyin ku suran.


Waxaa maqlay dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka raaye fuleyaashaan. Sar lix dabaq ah oo weyn ayee galeen sagaal saac habeenimo (3 am) iyagoo labaatameeyo ku socdo. Dhalinyarada sarta dabaqa u koreeyo ayee deganaayeen. Intee soo socdeen ayee nalkii iftiiminaaye qeybtooda damiyeen oo waa wada mugdi. Mid sharci fiican heysto ka furay irida, inta kale sooma bixin. Bannaanka iyagoo taagan dhaheen aawey dadka kale degan. Wuxuu yiri idinkaa hore u wadateen oo kaligey joogo. Haddaa shakisantihiin waa soo fiirin kartiin. Kor ka qeyliyeen iyagoo bannaanka taagan, lehha hala laga soo baxo, hala soo baxo. Yaa u soo baxaayo.


Habeenkii xalay tagay waaye inay galaan guri wada mugdi ah, labaatan hubeysan haku socdaan ama konton. Ma haweystaan fuleynimo darteeda. Haddee tooshash wataan xataa uma maleynaayi inay galaayaan. Laakiin mar mar kuma cafinaayaan oo maalintii soo noqdaan.

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Ducaale is a confused man. One day he says he is leaving the government out of protest. The next he says I aint going anywhere. His Machakos comments are also not the most wise. Though, these folks don't need a consistent man or a wise man at the moment, they need someone to keep their spirits high. at least he is doing that.

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