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Ra’iisul wasaare Abdiweli Shiikh Oo ciidankii ilaalada AMISOM

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Ra’iisul wasaare Abdiweli Shiikh Oo ciidankii ilaalada AMISOM iska reebay kadibna sameystay ciidan Soomaliyeeed




Muqdisho ( Tan iyo markii uu dhacay qaraxyadii iyo weerarkii kooxda Al-Shabaab ku eegteen madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa soo baxayey dulduleelo ay leeyihiin ciidankii AMISOM ee ilaalinayey madaxtooyada iyo madaxda dalka Soomaaliyaba.



Dagaal qaraar oo dhexmaray kooxda xagjirka ah ee soo weerartay Madaxtooyada iyo ciidanka ilaalinayey madaxtooyada ayaa waxaa muuqatay inuu u dhexeeyey oo kaliya ciidamada Soomaalida oo aysan ka qeybgelin AMISOM. Waxaana taasi ay noqotay caalamad su’aal la saaray heerka ay joogto kalsooni lagu qabo ciidanka AMISOM.


Ra’iisul wasaare Dr, Abdiweli Shiikh Ahmed oo xilliga uu weerarkaasi dhacayey safar dibada ah ku maqnaa ayaa soo gaabiyey socdaalkaasi. Waxaana uu degdeg ugu soo noqday magaalada Muqdisho xilli ay geeriyi ku timid xubnihii ugu muhiimsanaa xafiiskiisa Ra’iisul wasaare oo ay ku jireen Maxamuud Cabdulle “Indhacase” iyo darawalkiisii Yantaar.




Waxaana xogta Ra’iisul wasaaraha la siiyey ay noqotay inaysan ciidanka AMISOM dagaal adeg la gelin ciidankii Al-Shabaab ee awooda kusoo jiiray ammaankii lagu jiifay ee madaxtooyada ilaa ay gaareen Masjidka madaxda ay ku tukan jirtay oo ahaa mid aan sahal lagu gaari karin.




Ilo ku dhaw xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa sheegaya inuu Dr, Abdiweli Shiikh Ahmed isla shalayba iska reebay ciidankii AMISOM ee ammaankiisa ilaalin jiray islamarkaana uu sameystay ciidamo Soomaaliyeed oo si gaar ah uga difaaca wixii qatar ah ee kasoo wajaha kooxaha nabaddiidka ah. Maadaama waxa dagaalka adeg Al-Shabaab madaxtooyada kula galay ay ahaayeen ciidanka Soomaaliyeed.


” Abdiweli Shiikh waxaa uu garowsaday in geesinimada iyo ammaanka ay ku jirto gacanta wiilasha ciidanka xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed kuwaasi oo jilibka u dhigi kara wixii qalqalgelinaya amaanka shacabka iyo madaxdaba” ayuu yiri howl-wadeen ka tirsan xafiiska Ra’iisulwasaaraha oo magaciisa codsaday in aan la shaacin.


Shalay mar uu ka qeybgalayey aaska allaha u naxariistee Maxamuud Indhacase ayuu Ra’iisulwasaare Abdiweli soo ka xeystay ciidanka Soomaaliyeed oo kaliya, isagoona magaalada dhowr meel kasoo maray. Waxaana marna lagu arkin ciidankii iyo baabuurta qafilan oo ay isticmaalaan AMISOM.


Sidoo kale Maanta Markii uu ka Qayb Galay Bananaanbixii Ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho Ayaa wuxuu Watay Ciidamo Soomaaliyeed.

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^^^ the port is AU gaurded, the airport is AU gaurded, "villa Somalia" is AU gaurded, "president" is au gaurded.


malister what happened to the army...the thousands upon thousands that were ready to take control of mugdisho.


did i not tell you, you were dreaming.


"the somali prime minister" walked out with somali body gaurds...



We are winning our independence from third world african states.

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This is just a symbolic gesture but in reality he cannot survive with out the African union troops . This is just to show to the residents of Mogadishu there is hope and its good but in reality its far from the truth. The Amisom forces are much and much more affective than Somali bodyguards. Somali troops were struggling to protect the interior of villa Somalia Abdiweli need to be careful what he does, but I believe this is just for the media and he knows better.

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^^^ the port is AU gaurded, the airport is AU gaurded, "villa Somalia" is AU gaurded, "president" is au gaurded.


malister what happened to the army...the thousands upon thousands that were ready to take control of mugdisho.


did i not tell you, you were dreaming.


"the somali prime minister" walked out with somali body gaurds...



We are winning our independence from third world african states.






The newly trained security forced have done outstanding job defending and stopping high level well orchestrated attack by alshabaab . Soon the Army will take responsible of defeating alshabaab . Amisom does not attack or guard anywhere alone they are surrounded and aided by the Somali Arm Force.



Thousands of troops who have received high level training are station in their camps and facilities and have yet seen any fighting . Madaxweynaha Xasan Sh. Maxamuud is building large scale army with skills and discipline to maintain security and defend the Nation.











Stay tune we will update this thread in due time you will be surprised how strong and well Trained Somali Army force are , Mind you the Gov in Somalia are building Security force from scratch in a war torn country .




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Amir Camir is not your army, just because he draws a picture doesnt mean its true. AU forces were the ones that ended the attempted assination of your president in his own home.


I hope for your sake they do...your track record is appaling. How long will these so called "soldeirs" be in training for. A few pictures of men holding brooms is not going to hide the reality on the ground. What can the broom holding "soldeirs" do that a force of 22,000 african mercenaries can not and still alshabab is strong. Your presidential so called palace gets bombed every night, your own president is followed around by AU troops.


No one is asking you to control a state, mugdisho a city you are not able to deal with.


Stop kidding yourself saxib. Your army will be in training till the money for AU protection runs out...then its Alshabab time...

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