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We will defend Somaliland: Ethiopian PM

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let me ask you the same question ? no ictiraaf, khatumo broke away from your clan project for good, economy is bad, human resource in the triangle is below the rest of somalia and the killer app: no more al shabaab for you. its very sad for you xaaji

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burahadeer;961284 wrote:
Somalia has to show for donations:D

what is that supposed to mean ?:confused:, you guys remind me of palestinians; they also create fraudulently narratives to make them forget their condition. same with you lot, had you been a thriving independent country then you could be forgiven for throwing insults.

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warsamaale;961283 wrote:
let me ask you the same question ? no ictiraaf, khatumo broke away from your clan project for good, economy is bad, human resource in the triangle is below the rest of somalia and the killer app: no more al shabaab for you. its very sad for you xaaji

Ictraaf or no ictraaf , you have ictraaf and look at Somalia its not like ictraaf made Somalia a functioning state, there is no peace and 3rd world countries are undermining your country and even IGADs words are more valued than your own government. Khatumo was first part of the pirate enclave did we notice them was it even a problem did it stop Somaliland So how can khatumo break away from SL when they were first with the pirates before 2007. Not that they are going any where they are still their eastern village with no support coming from Somalia, or any other region. Khatumo is just like ssc , and they will head towards their capital. Somalilands economy has a long way to go but its making some progress the private sector is booming and investments are taking place the livestock trade is making lots of revenue. And there will be oil drilling next year. Its just a matter of time until Somaliland starts manufacturing, not to forget to modernize the Somaliland sea ports. Alshabaab was never a Somaliland problem but a Somalia problem , Somaliland has the chance that every Somalilander can live the good. Now compare where your Somalia is heading in the next coming years, you lot have actually killed your own country, the government is about to be confined in a small territory by the opposing Tribes.Unless it retaliates and takes control but that it self will take a long struggle and wasted resources and time wasted. Former Alshabaab members are now your hero's. I think you are in a much more difficult position than Somaliland. But i dont think you have a problem with that :D

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burahadeer Relax, we have defeated those Somalians at their height with modern military and all , and if it comes to again we will defeat them and send them to another 22 years of oblivion.

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No war absolutely no war ever again do you know how many lives were lost during the wars. Eventually both Somalia and Somaliland will be losers and generations will be lost. No development will take place in the entire regions heaven forbid have we not seen enough of wars. There will absolutely no winner in a war we will be both broken destroyed and generations after will be ruined for good to. In 1993 i visited Somaliland i never thought Somaliland could be rebuild again. Imagine being in war again. Lets not waste our resources, qof inaga dhinta ma karayno, every person counts.Salax Somalia are also Somaliland brothers they might be a bit irresponsible and do not know how to deal with situations but they are Somaliland closest brothers and sisters.

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ha caayin daalkaaga doqon yahow. you could insult your family all day but won't change the fact it still your family. the rest of your cantarbaqash is not important. :P

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Wallahi secessionists never fail to amaze in their *********, they set the bar high for the rest, I can assure you of that.

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its insecurity my friend, HAG seem to have outgrown it, they are acting regal and calm now. we await the secessionists to do the same.

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^^ ask yourself why is it only you who talk too much about greater Somalia when all the evil befallen on the Somali race cause by you.

Look at Siyaad Barree

Look at all interventions,Americans in early 90s,Ethiopians in 2006,Kenyans in 2010

Look at all the hot spots,Puntland,Juba,Khatumo.

you keep throwing the flames of war & yet keep losing on every front.

Somaliland is safe & well,ahead of every Somali region,the HAG put their house inorder after 20 yrs of messing by you.

It's you who need to outgrow this nonsense of I'm gona destroy this or that.


You talk like one!

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Saalax;961299 wrote:
burahadeer Relax, we have defeated those Somalians at their height with modern military and all , and if it comes to again we will defeat them and send them to another 22 years of oblivion.


relaxed bro,was just going easy on thm until warsamale showed up with the usual cantrabaqash.

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warsamaale;961280 wrote:
Xaaji habaar is overcompensating, he know his clan comes a distant third in the affairs of somalidom, keep dreaming adeer

Wonder who are first and second? And who exactly determined those positions?

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