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State of events on Jubbaland

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The SFG has won the first major decisive battle on the Jubbaland issue; namely the diplomatic front.


It is important to remember this is not only about Jubbaland but more importantly an indictment on the burgeoning resurgence of the Somali state with respect to its sovereignty over domestic affairs as well as the viability of a national political reconstruction with the central government, a representation of the Somali people, in the middle of order of the day across the land.


Gone are the days of factionalism where multi-dozen entities sat in front of each other at the table. Gone also are the days of the transition where the central government sat in front of regional polities as an equal. For those who favored that status quo, it has been a difficult evolution but one which they will learn to grow with.


On the Jubbaland issue:


The concept of Jubbaland as a future federal a tate comprosing the three trans-Jubba regions (Gedo, Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba) is an inescapable political reality. It is an idea which is now fundamentally agreed to and accepted by the majority of local stake holders, the central government, as well as the neighboring countries who border it.


The Kenyan plan was never the right plan. It was not done in the spirit of reconciliation, with independence and sovereignty accorded to the Somali people in the local vicinity or their representation in the national government.


Originally I had spoken of a three tier strategy devised to halt that unconstitutional move; diplomatic, political, and security.


The diplomacy front has been a huge success. Similarly the political front seems to be becoming a major victory for the national government as well. A committee composed of the legislatice and executive branches have been in Kismaayo for some time now mitigating the idea of Kismaayo as a separate issue to the idea of national resurgence of central rule. Similarly the unconstitutional process is now considered to have resulted in an outcome among many others and not the sole proprietor of Jubbaland state government. The government has also held its ground against the Kenyan supported group and in the political stare down succeeded in getting its way despite KDF impartiality. The ministers and security officials after four days at the Kismaayo airport are now inside Kismaayo.


The security situation will be changing soon as well. The first stage in this development was the dismissal of Iamail Sahardid with Salah Makoma which was executed by the Minister of Defense and the Commander of the Army inside of Kismaayo. Major restructuring will be initiated that follows along the lines of what was successfully undertaken in Mogadishu when clan militias were given proper training and chain of command that takes orders from national military brass.


There is still the possibility that Madoobe might cause a tribal war, but the chances of that continue to diminish. His patron, Kenya, has been politically neutered and a light has been shown on KDF duplicity which has forced their hand to stand down from subversive activities. The era of covert and overt political there is now at a decline. Similarly there are equally powerful clan militias which are allied to Barre Hiiraale which would be a deterrent from seeking an objective from war.


The next steps are advancing security goals which will be followed by the reconciliation conference where all the stakeholders will be invited.

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Similarly there are equally powerful clan militias which are allied to
Barre Hiiraale
which would be a deterrent from seeking an objective from war.

The proper title, my dear friend is, elected President Barre Hiiraale of Jubbaland, how can you forgot or leave that out easily is something I don't understand.

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I forgot to add my good Ugaas Nuunow, the PM is very safe in his position for a long time to come!

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