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Hassan Sheekh Created a Negative Political Discourse in Mogadishu

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The Somali Parliament Is Preoccupied useless motions that miss the historical fork road Somalia is at, miss the national priority of the country ...

Mooshin cusub:Kenya ha baxdo, Mayee Ugaanda ha baxdo!

Published: May 28, 2013


Xildhibaanada Soomaaliya qaarkood ayaa si xoog ah magaalada Muqdisho uga wada Mooshin ka bilawday aragti kusaleysan in ciiidamada Kenya ay beel gooni ah u xaglinayaan sidaas darteed la bilaabo Mooshin la horgeeyo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed laguna dalbado in mooshinkaas laga doodo. Markii ay arintani soo baxdey xildhibaano kale ayaa iyaguna qaatey goaan bil cagsi ah oo ka dhan ah midkaas hore kaasoo isna ku saleysan aragti ah in ciidamada Uganda ay iyaguna taageeraan Beel oo ay iyaguna rabaan in xildhibaanadu ka doodaan arinkaas.


Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo dhawaan uun ahayd markii ay ku guul dareysteen Mooshin ay rabeen iney ku ridaan xukuumadda ayaa haddana bilaabeen Mooshin kale oo kala duwan kuna saleysan aragtiyo beeleed waana ayaandarida heysta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed.


Dawladda Soomaaliyeed iyo xildhibaanadeeda ayaa shaqadeedii inteeda badan galisey safaro iyo Kismaayo iyadoo arimihii kale ee waddanku u baahnaa ay u muuqdaan kuwa aan wali loo jeedsan.

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Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Puntland: kenya haday Kismaayo ka baxdo Amissomna maxaa muqdisho ka yaal.



Garoowe( RBC RADIO) Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo Dowladaha hoose ee Dowlada Puntland C/laahi Axmed Jaamac ( Ilka- Jiir) ayaa sheegay in hadii Kenya ay ka baxdo Gobolada Jubbooyinka Ciidamada Amissom ee Muqdisho iyo Qaybaha kale ee dalka ku sugannah ay isaga bixi doonaan waayo ayuu yiri Wasiirku waa ciidan isku mid ah hal hadafna u yimid dalka kaasi oo ah in ay la dagaalamaan Arga gixisada aysanna macquul noqon doonin in Qolona la saaro qolana la ceshado ama waa leysla bixi ama waa leysla joogi ayuu yiri Wasiirku Mar uu ka hadlayay Kulan Su’aalo lagu weydiinayay Xukuumada Puntland oo Garoowe ka dhacay.


“ Dowlada Soomaaliyeed ee awood waxay lahayd isugu geesay Jubbaland waxaan leeyahay taa cidina idinka yeeli meyso Dadkaas waa tashadeen Ileyskii Nabada ayaa usoo baxay alle ayaana ku irsaaqay oo cidina ka hor istaagi meyso ee waxaan leeyahay Masuuliyiinta Dowlada dib isugu Noqda oo Dad meel iska soo saaray haku mashquulinee kuwa wax qabsan waayay 22kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay ee aad dhex joogtaan talo wax qabad iyo Caqli celin siiya,Xildhibaanada ku baaqay in Kenya Ciidankeeda Kismaayo Jooga Mowshin laga keeno waxaan leeyahay Kuwa Muqdisho idinku waardiyeeya ee la’aantood aad shabaabka u gacan geli lahaydeen iyagana Muqdisho wey ka tagayaan ee Dib u eega waxa aad ku hadleysaan cidina cid kale kama awood Badnee sidaana waxaa yiri Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Puntland Gen,(Ilka –Jiir).


Hadalkan ayaa imaanaya iyadoo xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaliya ay sheegeen kuna taliyeen in Mawshin ka dhan ah joogitaanka Ciidanka Kenya ee Gobolada Jubbooyinka la horkeeno Golaha Wakiilada Dowlada Federaalka si Goboladaasi looga saaro Ciidanka wallow hadalkaasi uu Muran badan dhaliyay.

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The SFG wants the Kenyans out because its restricting them operating in Kismayo, the Mogadishu govt believes she is responsible for the country and it should be the SFG that should take the lead in forming states in Somalia. Kenya is supporting the Jubbaland admin and is cooperating with the Ahmed madoobe. They might not have directly sided with Ahmed madoobe but they are doing it indirectly. But the thing is the Ugandans have no issue with Jubbaland they stay away from these affairs.But this is zerosum political game that is being played out inside the parliament. But Xiinfaniin keep in mind the Jubbalanders are a minority in the Parliament there is no way they can enforce from a legal point of view. The motion of hassan sheikh will most likely be passed i have said it the first day hassan became the president he wants to create an entity from galkacyo and to the Kenyan border and than later establish federal states.

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xiiin relax your all over the place ?


cidina cid kale kama awood Badnee sidaana waxaa yiri Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Puntland Gen,(Ilka –Jiir).


let me ask you this why so much effort In jubbaland from 1000 km away from puntland , what happen to LA and Makhir stop the chess beating ....... go Free your neighbours id dblock means anything to Puntland

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War Deg Deg: Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole oo maanta Nairobi u duulay


War naga soo gaaray Madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole uu saaka u duulay magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya.


Safarka madaxweynaha ayaa lala xiriira dadaal uu rabo inuu kula kulmo wakiilada beesha caalamka, iyadoo mudadaan ay jireen is maandhaaf siyaasadeed waddanka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan arimaha Federaalka, maamul goboleedyada gaar ahaan maamulka dhowaan ay doorteen shacabka Jubaland, iyo dowlada Federaalka oo lagu eedeeyey inay si aan sharciga waafaqsanayn ay dastuurka wax uga bedeshay.


Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa la sheegay in uu booqashadiisa Kenya uu uga sii gudbi doona magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia.


Warkii oo faahfaahsan dhowaan fisha.

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Warya Xiin, what's with the Duke histrionics these days saaxib? You're a couple of threads away from calling for a total impeachment! :D


(what are you up to?).

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Garowe (PP): Waxaa manta barqanimadii magaalada Garowe ee Xarunta Puntland ka duulay madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole, Wararka ka soo baxaya madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa sheegaya in Dr. Faroole u duulay magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya.


Safarka madaxweynaha ayaa lala xiriiriyey dadaal uu rabo inuu kula kulmo wakiilada beesha caalamka, iyadii mudadaan ay jireen is maandhaaf siyaasadeed wadanka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan arimaha Federaalka, maamul goboleedyada iyo dowlada Federaalka oo lagu eedeeyey inay si aan sharciga waafaqsanayn ay dastuurka wax uga bedeshay.


Warar ay Puntlandpost heshay ayaa sheegaya in madaxweyne Faroole iyo Madaxweynaha DF Xasan Sheekh ay ku kulmayaan garoonka diyaaradeed oo Nairobi ku yaal. haddii uu kulankaasi dhacana waxay noqonaysaa mid ay qabanqaabadiisa ay leedahay dowlada Kenya.


Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa la sheegay in uu booqashadiisa Kenya uu uga sii gudbi doona Dalka Imaraadka Carabta.


Wararka safarka madaxweynaha kala soco wararkayaga dambe.

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lol @ NGONGE commemorating General Duke


Hassan is the reason we are talking and discussing IGAD, Jubbaland, Kenya ha baxdo, Ethiopia ha baxdo, he is the reason Somalia's political discourse resembles that of 1990s .


Reports say Hassan and Faroole are meeting at Jomo Kenyatta Airport ---if it is true it cannot get much lower


Impeachment is a legit way of getting rid of him, if it comes down to it---in other words any one who gets in the way of Kismayo will be dealt with ee la soco dee :D

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^^ All these years of trying to get a rise out of you by kicking you in your..eeen..Puntland were wasted. Ileen you're sensetive area has always been kismayo! :P

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^^Kismayo , waa home ninyahow. Puntland was and still is a heaven for expellees of Mogadishu


But Kismayo is a true home , Hassan wants to destroy that opportunity for many of us ---he already tried but failed. So this is real awoowe :D


His presidency is on the line, but he does not know it , adigu Kismayo markaad aragto anoo ka hadlay iska kay taageer xattaa haddaysan dhab kaa ahayn

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Xiinfaniin hanjabaad weyna hada ma waxad leedahay culusow baanu ka takhlusayna because faroole u dhoofay Kenya.. Culusow still has the majority in the Parliament backing him.

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Johnny B   

xiinfaniin;956461 wrote:
^^Kismayo , waa home ninyahow. Puntland was and still is a heaven for expellees of Mogadishu


But Kismayo is a true home , Hassan wants to destroy that opportunity for many of us ---he already tried but failed. So this is real awoowe


His presidency is on the line, but he does not know it ,
adigu Kismayo markaad aragto anoo ka hadlay iska kay taageer xattaa haddaysan dhab kaa ahayn


Holly molly , my Xiin is back, i almost lost hope on him ever since the jubaland state formation contradicted with our federal governement. :D


NGONGE's home is "Sharjah" , but you can give him Burao any day so i'm sure he tacitly supported your reaction to the IGAD communique.

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Allah@ marfooc canha al qalam


war saa ha dhihin dee, it is a well reasoned positioned ; if one cannot tolerate the political progress of a very important region perhaps for clannish reasons , one does not deserve a support as a leader of a broken nation .


Xaaji Xunjuf,


Daqane & Gabal certainly think they can do with out xiinfaniin , Zack and nuune :D :D


Jonny B, adiga kaa quustay dee :D , speaking of IGAD, every Minister in Hassan's cabinet references IGAD communique ---IGAD is very important in Mogadishu waryaa :D :D

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