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General Duke

Duke's verdict on the government... Dumb-Jadiid

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The President


This government like all previous ones has a few weaknesses. The President seems to be surrounding himself with friends and relatives. His priority seems to be to consolidate “power” and gain influence.

He is Abdiqasim returned and his admin seems to be a leaner Arta-2.0. He seems to be playing an obvious clan politics, the whole Dam-Jadiid or Dumb-Jadiid movement and organization is a step in the right direction. Even the unification of the clans of South Central is also good for the national interest. So far he has articulated an adequate vision and put together a small cabinet with the help of the PM.


The Prime Minister


The more I hear about the PM, the more I am pleasantly surprised. He has proven to be a maverick of sorts, not rash and bellicose as Farmaajo. He has played the cards well with regards to the cabinet and incorporating the likes of Cawil, CilmiMooge and Dr. Qassim into the team the President wanted. He is not against Puntland nor is a supporter of secession. The problem for Arta2.0 is that the PM is not Ali Khalif Galayr or Xasan Abshir. This man one hopes will be the revelation of this new government and will play a stabilizing force on the Dumb-Jadiid clanist warriors.


The Cabinet


Its absurd that a secessionist would be given the post of Foreign Minister. The question then, is Fowziyo Adan really a secessionist or an opportunist? However all opposition to secession and there are many, will have to get a clear answer from Madaam Minister and the President who appointed her.

The inclusion of Fiqi & Qassim is a good one, I support Dr. Qassim, and she is a wonderful, highly skilled and nationalistic woman, who is a great example to our people regardless of gender.

I am pleased that Cawil & Cilmi-Mooge are included in the cabinet, Cawil has many decades of experience and Cilmi-Mooge should have been given the defense portfolio but never the less should do well in his new capacity.

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