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Madaxweyna​ha MaamulGoboleedka KHaatumo oo Ka Hadlay Xaalada KHaatumo State Iyo Somalia, SSCRadio

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Madaxweyna​ha MaamulGoboleedka KHaatumo oo Ka Hadlay Xaalada KHaatumo State Iyo Somalia, SSCRadio






Madaxwaynaha Maamulka khaatumo State Of Somalia Mudane Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa ka hadlay Xaalada guud ee gobolada Sool, Sanaag, iyo Cayn iyo waliba waxa u qorshaysan Maamulka Khaatumo, isagoona Madaxweyne Indha Sheel uu xusay in 3-da Bilood ee ugu horaysa ay ku raja weyn yihiin ka xukuumad ahaan in ay dhisaan Baarlamaanka Maamulka Khaatumo.


Madaxweyne Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa xusay in dastuurka Maamulka Khaatumo uu yahay mid diyaarsan isla mar ahaan taana uu ku xidhan in la dhiso golaha Baarlaamka Maamulka Khaatumo, isagoona sheegay Madaxweyne Indha Sheel in ay samayn doonaan mashaariic aad u badan iyo ganacsi xor ah si ay bulshadu isku dhex gasho.


Madaxweyne Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay hadal kasoo yeesdhay Hogaamiyihii hore ee SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xagla Toosiye) isagoona sheegay in wada hadalada iyo nabaduba ay tahay mid u dhaxaysa labada Maamul ee Somaliland iyo Khaatumo isna uu u maray wado khaldan hadaba halkan ka dhagayso waraysigaas oo dhamaystiran..

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" Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay hadal kasoo yeesdhay Hogaamiyihii hore ee SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xagla Toosiye) isagoona sheegay in wada hadalada iyo nabaduba ay tahay mid u dhaxaysa labada Maamul ee Somaliland iyo Khaatumo isna uu u maray wado khaldan hadaba halkan ka dhagayso waraysigaas oo dhamaystiran.."




in other words we want to talk to somaliland and xaglatoosiyaa got there first and we have been ignored not fair...

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Dhibaatada iyo Dagaalku waxa uu ka dhaxeeya Labada Maamul-Goboleedka, hadii ee dagaalamayaan iyo hadii ee wada hadlayaan ayaga ayee u taala.

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Qudhac;853380 wrote:
" Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay hadal kasoo yeesdhay Hogaamiyihii hore ee SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xagla Toosiye) isagoona sheegay in wada hadalada iyo nabaduba ay tahay mid u dhaxaysa labada Maamul ee Somaliland iyo Khaatumo isna uu u maray wado khaldan hadaba halkan ka dhagayso waraysigaas oo dhamaystiran.."




in other words we want to talk to somaliland and xaglatoosiyaa got there first and we have been ignored not fair...

Yes, if that helps your day.. Xaglo currently is holding no position from Khatumo nor he was deligated to have talks with successionists on behalf of Khatumo therefore his calling for peace is NULL. Khatumo passed the time when anyone had a say about its desnity.

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Qudhac;853380 wrote:
" Mxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Halac (Indha sheel) ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay hadal kasoo yeesdhay Hogaamiyihii hore ee SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed (Xagla Toosiye) isagoona sheegay in wada hadalada iyo nabaduba ay tahay mid u dhaxaysa labada Maamul ee Somaliland iyo Khaatumo isna uu u maray wado khaldan hadaba halkan ka dhagayso waraysigaas oo dhamaystiran.."




in other words we want to talk to somaliland and xaglatoosiyaa got there first and we have been ignored not fair...



Waa intaasba arintu. Unfortuatnly khatumo cant arrest xaglatoosiye. He is the boss in buhoodle, clan wise. :D

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A_Khadar;853495 wrote:
^^^ Awoowe, you just reminded me the famouse reer Bari word "Aa say kula tahay"

Khadar, yarkan carafaat ladhaho si weyn ayuu u taageersanyahay maleeshiyada snm ee ku sugan deegaamada KHaatumo, hadalkiisu wax kasoo qaad malaha. Waxaan kula talin lahaa bal inuu ka nasto dagaalka uu kula jiro Shacabka KHaatumo , inta bisha Ramadaan ee barakeesan lagu jiro.

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'Liibaan';853500 wrote:
Khadar, yarkan carafaat ladhaho si weyn ayuu u taageersanyahay maleeshiyada snm ee ku sugan deegaamada KHaatumo, hadalkiisu wax kasoo qaad malaha. Waxaan kula talin lahaa bal inuu ka nasto dagaalka uu kula jiro Shacabka KHaatumo , inta bisha Ramadaan ee barakeesan lagu jiro.



Wuxuu ka qaadi baa yar.. Ha iskaga jiro iska daa..

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Carafaat;853497 wrote:
Indhosheel is a dwarf and Xaglo the giant in Buhoodle.

Let me tell you who is gaint in Buhodle, Shacabka AKA guuto koowaad, women, youth, and children.. If they are with you and you're doing what they want, you're gaint and if not you will not be even a dwarf.. So Indhsheel and Khatumo is the giant now and Xaglo is hiding in Buhodle.. Xaglo once was a gaint btw..

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Guul Khaatumo State, they are even made meetings regarding their huge population in Jubbaland and their political interests without even finishing the work at home!


That's what I call ambitious.

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Shacabka Jubboyinka ee Kasoo Jeeda KHaatumo Ayaa Maanta Ka Shiray Waxaa Kala Gudboon Shirarka Maamu-Goboleed u Sameynta Jubboyinka Iyo Gedo



Gabagabadi shirarkii Shacabka KHaatumo ee Gobolada Jubboyinka ay lahayeen ayaa waxaa laga soo saray Warsaxafadeed wana sidaan hoose ku qoraan.



Ku: Dhamaan Madaxda Dhaqanka Beelaha Jubbooyinka.


Ku: Dhamaan Jaaliyadaha KHaatumo State of Somalia


Ku: Golayaasha Maamul Goboleedka KHaatumo State


Og: Golaha Sare ee Madaxda Dhaqanka KHaatumo State




Salaam kadib, shirar isdaba joogay oo ay yeelatay Shacabka KHaatumo ee deegaanka Jubbooyinka 26June 2012, 15 July,17July 2012 .


Shirkan oo ay ka qaybgaleen madaxda dhaqanka,siyaasiyiin, xubno ka tirsan barlamaanka DKMG, jaaliyada NBI iyo waxgaradka beesha .


Kulamada waxaa ka soo baxay goaanadan hoos ku qoran:-


1. Beeshu waxay si weyn u taageersantahay talooyinka lagu midaynayo Deegamada Jubbooyinka Gedo,Buale iyo jubbada Hoose , waana fursad qaali ah oo wax ka tari karta geedi socodka nabada .


2. Beeshu waxay kaga qaybgelaysaa wada hadalada iyo talooyinka socda beelahaan iyada oo aan cidkale wakiil ka ahayn


3. In nabad lagula noolaado beelaha deegaanka.


4. In beeshu meel kasta ay joogto ka qaybqaadato nabada iyo dhismaha Maamul Goboleedka Jubbooyinka


5. In dadkii ka qaxay dib ugu soo laabtaan kana qaybqaataan nabada iyo


6. Beeshu waxay magacawday 7 xubnood oo uga qaybgelaya arimaha Maamul Goboleedka Jubbooyinka


maalgashiga Jubbo kana qayqaata nabadaynta,horumarinta,maamul u samaynta


iyo siyaasada jubbooyinka.


Magacyada gudiga waxaa kuwan hoos ku qoran:


1. Maxamed Axmed Jaamac Boodhe


2. Axmed Salaad Baqow


3. Cusman Xaaji Nuur


4. Col. Cabdicasiis aganje ( Garamgaram)

5. Col.Cali Xasan Axmed


6. Faarax Cawad Jaamac


7. Faarax Maxamed Cabdi









KHaatumo Community In Jubbaland of SOmalia





The KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland consisting of traditional leaders, politicians, TFG parliament members, elders and intellectuals has held three consultation meetings on 26 June 2012, July 15, and July 17,2012.


Main issues discussed were how to positively take part in the process of establishing Jubbaland State under the federal constitution of Somalia, finding lasting solution to Jubbaland regions, strategizing best ways to contribute to the realization of Jubbaland State and the whole Somalia as well. In all of these three meetings the community has given more concern about what could work well for all the inhabitants of Gedo, Lower Jubba, and Middle Jubba Regions. The community understands importance of the incoming phases of the Jubbaland Conferences and summarily will take part in steering the conference to right direction for the common good.


Following the deliberation of the last meeting of the KHaatumo Community hailing from Gedo, Middle Jubba and Lower Jubba regions on the 17th July, 2012, several important decisions has been reached. These may improve the dynamics of the Jubbaland conferences. Below are some of the important points:


1. KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland supports hundred per cent the creation of peaceful, equitable and prosperous state of Jabbaland, comprising merger Gedo, Middle Jubba and Lower Jubba regions.


2. In the interest of KHaatumo People of Gedo, Middle Jubba and Lower Jubba and also in the interest of the smooth running of the process of creating a viable state of Jubbaland in the near future, the KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland took a decision to participate in all discussions as KHaatumo team only.


3. The KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland should work to fine tune the language of the political discourse in conference arena and should endeavor to contribute vehemently to the success of the current Jubbaland Conference.


4. The KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland calls on all KHaatumo People who fled from their homes, farms and business must return and contribute to peace and state building efforts and should also endeavor to invest in their areas of interest in the regions at large.


5. The KHaatumo Community in Jubbaland, during their last conference, has appointed a committee of 7- members and has given them as a team mandate to participate, discuss, and contribute to any issues raised in the Jubbaland Conferences, meetings and debates either within the Somalis or with the international community.


Here are the names of the committee members:


1. Maxamed Axmed Jamac (Boodhe)


2. Axmed Salaad Baqow

3. Col. Cabdicasiis Aganje (Garamgaram)


4. Col. Cali Xasan Axmed


5. Cusmaan Xaaji Nuur


6. Faarax Cawad Jaamac


7. Faarax Maxamed Cabdi

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