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Free in Cool Hargeisa

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JB, keep denyin. But he aint no oromo!!! his your people and he lives peacefully as a shoe shiner in Puntland. He even said waan uu soo shaqo tagay. He is come to work where somaliland cannot provide him that opportunity Puntland did. He pays his taxes to the government of the day and get his receipt. His not a citizen but a resident of the great state of puntland

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Its not an international article. Any clown can put two and two together. The guy was either bribed in Hargeisa when he wrote the article or his wife is from there like mahigas. It's easily refutable article!!! There is clearly a conflict of interest and on that basis its null and void. But even if it can be proven his wife is not from there and he wasn't bribed to write the article. Then the below arguments will still destroy it's credibility.


1. Why does Puntland have the biggest foreign investment project happening in Somalia if it's so unsafe. Why would anyone invest $100 million into oil infrastructure in a chaotic state. If you persist with the puntland is unsafe argument then the only logical answer to this point is people invest into puntland because they want to lose they're money which obviously makes no sense. So on that basis any rational minded person has to admit puntland has peace.


2. Why are so many developmental agencies working in Puntland and even building they're headquarters if it's soooo chaotic? Surely no project would be able to succeed in the state if there is no security.


3. Last nail on the coffin. Just to make sure he is well and truly buried, if hargeisa is good why are they're citizens leaving in droves to go and work in bosaso as shoe shiners?


JB this article is going nowhere and has so many holes it's about to sink

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Somaliland should have a International Media Agency that feesd these journalist and media visiting the country. We know by now its peacefull, democratic, etc. etc. But isnt there anything else the goverment wants them to write about?

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Dr_Osman;851076 wrote:
Jacaylbaro horta ina adeerkaga oo looga yaqan bosaso kaba caseeye, uu sheeg bosaso is bad


7:40 mark

Whoever the guy in the video is deserves our utmost respect Dr Owl. He is earning his living by halaal means and hard work instead of robbing other people's properties in the high seas like most of the so called "Bosaso citizens" do on daily basis. By the way, is the Youtube clip recorded from the reporter's prison cell? That hellhole must have suffocated him.

Also the investment you are going on about is guarded by South African mercenaries hired by the oil firm and is located in an isolated stretch of desert hundreds of kilometres from any civilization. Therefore, there is no need for foreign reporters to venture out there to experience how "safe" Puntland is.

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