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A Facebook inspired story, NIN XUN!

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Every time I log into FB, I find endless notifications from friends, cousins and acquaintances with almost all of them full of junk quotations from various authors, celebrities or philosophers. I never used to mind such sayings or stories in the past (Aesop’s fables and all that) but, I’m not sure if it is age that made me cranky or was it the overexposure to this nonsense. Anyway, I have decided to write my own story and share it in FB . Here goes:




It is said in the old folktales (or waxa la yedhi, in our own tongue) that there once lived a man who had a dreadful habit of disparaging everything.


When commenting on the food he just ate he would be heard saying “cunto xun baan cunay”


When talking about his place of work he would often say “meel xun baan ka shaqeeya”


The middle of his winter would always contain “dhaxan xun”, the height of his summer “qurrax xun”


When the people got fed up with his endless carping, they nicknamed him “NIN XUN”!


On the day of his wedding, a passerby asked the family of the bride who they were giving their daughter to, “NIN XUN” they all replied.


As the years passed and he had a troop of children, an old man asked them whose children they were; “NIN XUN” they all screamed.


Finally, came the inevitable day most of us dread and the man passed away! An old lady watching the funeral procession asked them “who died?” they all replied........


Can you guess the profound moral of this story?



I wrote the whole thing in Somali but some 'nin xun' put me off posting it. :D

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Looooooooooolz :D

Wey Jiraan Dadka Noocaas Allaha U Raxmadee Mid Ilmo Adheero Aan Nahay Was An Example

When We Are Talkig Ab't His Father He Will Say " War uff kanna Maxaad Sheekadiisa Ku Faleysaan Maad iska Daysaan,

It's not Because He Hates His father " It's That, Afkiisaa Iska Bartay Inuu Anti Iska Ahaado :D:D

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Maybe That Nin Xun Knew Your Afsomaali Is Perfect So Wuu Kaa Bakhiilay Postigaa Fiican :D

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Yes Juxa and I often see your picture on the right hand side with the question "do you know Juxa?" but I ignore it and say to myself "kolay iyada na waa la waydiiyay 'do you know NGONGE' and she ignored it. Anigo ma jaariyada i dhashay?". :D:P

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Loool alla run badanidaa! Bal istafurullah dheh


Besides I won't want to qarxis my SOL friends that is why I won't add!

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Sayid*Somal;839261 wrote:
NUX ma leh NIN'kaan iyo sheekadisaba

What's a NUX? (and the other stuff while you're at it). :D

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He meant NUXUR maleh


NUX is child play word which mean NO

Like You say HOO and someone replies NUX

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Go to that Somali Game thread and answer question and post Nux! :D


EDIT: Too late - Qar ka tuur crew already threw you off a cliff :D

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