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Welcome Cayn State of Somalia!

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Waryaa Somalia stop being a xaqiir Khatuumo you might disagree with their policies but it has legitimacy on the ground because it was established in Taleex qoladan Maraykan ka so qeylinaya wax ay sheegayan ba iska yar, nin walba qol wa isku so xidhi kara oo wa sheegan kara Mamuul.

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This divide and rule tactic is getting boring.



And at the same time it aint more shocking then one city with three maamuls. I am thinking of establishing a fourth maamul in Galkacyo,

Tree's State of Somalia.:D

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Khaatumo movement is gone, I hated it from the beginning and professed my support for Buhoodle and other areas. Puntland is finished with the south and the dastuur, our attention is on Sool and Sanaag now. The TFG never recognized Khaatumo and never will.


@Carafaat, this is a unite tactic, you don't understand. :cool:

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Carafaat;828110 wrote:
This divide and rule tactic is getting boring.



And at the same time it aint more shocking then one city with three maamuls. I am thinking of establishing a fourth maamul in Galkacyo,

Tree's State of Somalia.

Kalaqeybinta ayaa la sii kala qeybinaya ta la si kala qeybiyey ayaa la siI kala qeybinaya waka caqliga garowe yaala:D

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The thing that amuses me is that Puntland adopted the 'Puntland State of Somalia' tag to appear different. Now every Dick and Tom are using it :D


But this is just getting pathetic. Now every sub-sub-clan will want a "federal" state.

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Haatu that's why clan federalism is a joke a decentralized state is the best option for Somalia a strong central state that runs the domestic affairs foreign policy and Military while it allows regions and the sub regions of the country division of responsibility all over the country, for particular government functions and services between several levels of government which include education. policing, water health, the environment.While the country is still intact and the nation affairs are still controlled from the Capital. People need to move away from this silly clanish territorial claims by clan fiefdoms and so called clan Presidents.

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Haatu, sawirkaas wa buurta carafaat. Fadlan sawirkii Somaliweyn so celi. :D


Ta labaad, Somalia State of Somalia goorma la aas aasaa?

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Carafaat;828110 wrote:
This divide and rule tactic is getting boring.



And at the same time it aint more shocking then one city with three maamuls. I am thinking of establishing a fourth maamul in Galkacyo,

Tree's State of Somalia.

Go ahead,Carafat,you have my 100% support.

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Joojiya calaacalka, Cayn State of Somalia is a reality, it lives and will always live. Waa guul Somaaliyeed.

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Somalia;828118 wrote:
Joojiya calaacalka, Cayn State of Somalia is a reality, it lives and will always live. Waa guul Somaaliyeed.


A cyber reality :D

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NGONGE;828046 wrote:
I shall await Liibaan's fifty posts and four hundred photos before I comment on this topic.

NG, ask me about The Great State of KHaatumo SOmalia. But, Cayn State is reported by Pro-Puntland website, so if you want more information about Cayn State, RasCaseyr State, Bari State, Garowe State, West Puntland State, North Mudug State, ask Ciyaalka Faroole like the thread starter Mr. Puntland.

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Somalia let me ask you a question why would you divide you're kin even further ,whats it in for you i don't get it if they are happy with their Khaatuumo and they have some sort of union, why would you divide them?

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As you can see there are changing forces within the region. One that fights for the people, and another led by Khaliif Galayr which fights for a kursi. Now, which one will the people take, the one that fights the Somalidiids, proven in battle or the one that was founded by a certified thief, who named the state after his grandma, which is led by qurbojoog only, which the Issims have not fully endorsed, which rejects many of the founders and spends its time mostly in Nairobi?


Which one will the people unite behind and which one will be led into Laascaanood when Puntland feels the need to involve itself?

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Somalia;828123 wrote:
As you can see there are changing forces within the region. One that fights for the people, and another led by Khaliif Galayr which fights for a kursi. Now, which one will the people take, the one that fights the Somalidiids, proven in battle or the one that was founded by a certified thief, who named the state after his grandma, which is led by qurbojoog only, which the Issims have not fully endorsed, which rejects many of the founders and spends its time mostly in Nairobi?


Which one will the people unite behind and which one will be led into Laascaanood when Puntland feels the need to involve itself?

Somalia you are not fooling me are you forgetting i am from the north, the garaad clan they had one of the largest tribal conferences held in the Somali peninsula ever begin this year all of their tribal chiefs agreed with the creation of the Khaatumo state.The most diehard Puntland garaads garaad selebaan and geraad Abdisalaan and garaad abshir openly welcomed Khaatuumo state. So don't say their tribal chiefs don't support it , let me ask you again why do you want to divide them?, i know in garowe they don't like the Professor but we are not talking about him he is supported by his people. i yet have to hear a garaad speaking against the G10 Golaha sare eh Khaatumo.

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