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Critical Changes made to the Garowe Accords

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This & similar revisions will make the unilateral Garowe Accords more representative & acceptable to the Somali People.




Kulankii maanta Magaalada Galkacyo uga socday saxiixayaashii Heshiiskii Road Map-ka ayaa goor dhow la soo gaba gabeeyay, iyadoo la isku raacay in wax laga bedelo qodobadii horay loogu heshiiyay shirka Garowe 2.


Shirkan oo ay ka qeyb galeen Madaxda ugu sareysa dowladda, Ahlusuna, Galmudug, Puntland iyo Qaramada Midoobey, waxaana looga hadlayay waxyaabihii ka qabsoomay heshiisyadii hore


Warar horu dhac ah oo la helayo ayaa sheegaya in dhinacyada ka qeyb galaya shirka ay isku raaceen 11-qodob oo loogu magac daro Galkacyo Principle (Mabaa'diida Galkacyo) oo la mid ah kii Garowe Principle.

Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in heshiiskii Garowe 2 wax laga bedelayo, iyadoo haatan la isku raacay qodobada horu dhaca ah


Qodobadan horu dhaca ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa:-


1-In la dhimo tirada dadkii ka qeybgali lahaa ansixinta dastuurka taasi oo heshiiskii Garoowe uu dhigayey in tiradu noqoto 1,000qofood waxaana hada la isku raacay in laga dhigo 825 xubnood dadka ansixinaya dastuurka uu dalku yeelanayo ayadoo arintaasina ay ku timid qaabka lagusoo xulayo oo ah qaabka 4.5.


2- In 135 oday dhaqameed ay soo xulaan ergada ansixinta iyo xildhibaannada cusub wuxuuna qodobkaasi bedelayaa qodob ka mid ah qodobada heshiisyadii Garoowe oo ahaa in ergadu ay soo xuli doonaan oo qura saxiixayaasha heshiisyadii Garoowe iyo Road-Mapka.


3-In 25 April lagu qabto Muqdisho gaar ahaan xarunta Gaadiidka Booliiska oo ah madasha loo asteeyey in dastuurka loogu qabto shir odayaasha dhaqanka kaasi oo saxiixayaasha heshiisyada garoowe iyo gaalkacyo ay kala tashan doonaan qaabka looso xulayo ergada dastuurka ansixin doonta.


4-In 15-May in la qabto shirkii ugu horeeyey ee ansixinta dastuurka kaasi oo isna lagu qabanayo isla xarunta Gaadiidka Booliiska ee magaalada Muqdisho.


5-Qodobada kale ee heshiiska ku jira ayaa waxaa kamid ah in beel walba ay soo xulato laba qofood oo u metesha xildhibaannimada iyadoo labadaasi qofoodna midkood la qaadanayo amaba uu xildhibaan noqonayo hadii uu sharuudaha buuxiyo ayadoo sharuudahana ay ku xusanyihiin heshiisyadii Garoowe.


Qodobada rasmiga ah ee lagu heshiinayo ayaa la filayaa in goor dhow dhinacyada ay saxiixaan saxaafadana loo soo bandhigo, ha yeeshee waxaa soconaya kulamo gaar gaar ah oo ay leeyihiin ergooyinka ka qeyb galeysa.



Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed

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I actually wrote about the changes that needs to be made about the Garowe II principles in order that we move forward and give this agreement the public legitimacy it deserves.

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Somalia;810049 wrote:
No major changes. We move forward.

I don't know whether you are mentally handicapped or it's in your troll nature to write none sense everywhere but today's agreement reverses previous attempt to have Puntland, Galmudug, TFG & ASWJ to solely hand-pick the constitutional Approval Committee & relegates that power to the clan elders based on 4.5 in order to protect the clan balance in Somalia. It's very significant change & more revisions will follow to make this unilateral process more acceptable to the Somali people*

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Recovering-Romantics;810069 wrote:
I don't know whether you are mentally handicapped or it's in your troll nature to write none sense everywhere but today's agreement reverses previous attempt to have Puntland, Galmudug, TFG & ASWJ to solely hand-pick the constitutional Approval Committee & relegates that power to the clan elders based on 4.5 in order to protect the clan balance in Somalia. It's very significant change & more revisions will follow to make this unilateral process more acceptable to the Somali people*

Agree these are very important change to protect the rights every Somali.

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